Maugan22 |

Bah boards just ate my post...
starting again...
I live in Canada, subscribe to adventure paths. Plan to attend paizocon. and would like to subscribe to PFRPG rules but find it more economical to buy the books from FLGS and buy the PDFS online than pay shipping.
I also got a gift card recently and tried to purchase a bunch of stuff with it on various Paizo sales but it's refusing to let me use the gift card for stuff shipped with a subscription order.
A) Can I somehow use my gift card for the purchases in my sidecart
B) I realize it may be to complicated to handle logistically but could my sidecart items be delivered to the con with the subscription.
C) I was planning to get the gamemaster's guide at the con. I now notice I could save the cost of the PDF by subscribing and picking it up at the con, however I may just be cancelling the subscription before the Advanced Player's guide comes out if the PDFS are still cheaper than shipping.
C1) is there a way to tell how much PDFs for upcomming releases will be?
C2) Is it much trouble for you guys if I subscribe for only one volume or would you advise against doing this.
Thanks in advance.

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Bah boards just ate my post...
starting again...
I live in Canada, subscribe to adventure paths. Plan to attend paizocon. and would like to subscribe to PFRPG rules but find it more economical to buy the books from FLGS and buy the PDFS online than pay shipping.
I also got a gift card recently and tried to purchase a bunch of stuff with it on various Paizo sales but it's refusing to let me use the gift card for stuff shipped with a subscription order.
A) Can I somehow use my gift card for the purchases in my sidecart
B) I realize it may be to complicated to handle logistically but could my sidecart items be delivered to the con with the subscription.
C) I was planning to get the gamemaster's guide at the con. I now notice I could save the cost of the PDF by subscribing and picking it up at the con, however I may just be cancelling the subscription before the Advanced Player's guide comes out if the PDFS are still cheaper than shipping.
C1) is there a way to tell how much PDFs for upcomming releases will be?
C2) Is it much trouble for you guys if I subscribe for only one volume or would you advise against doing this.Thanks in advance.
LOL... I think your thread is cursed! This is my second attempt at answering you. And I even use Lazarus! This is the first time it's ever failed.
A) Unfortunately, no. The Gift Certificate Terms of Service states that store credit cannot be used to purchase subscriptions. When you add items to your sidecart to ship out with your next subscription shipment, then these items become ineligible for store credit payment. I will be reviewing this language to see if we can make this more clear in the future. The reason that these payments are ineligible is due to the fundamental design of our subscription fulfillment system, which currently precludes the possibility of store credit payment.
B) Once again... unfortunately, no. This is also due to the architecture of our subscription fulfillment system. The method for subscription fulfillment we are using to make convention pickup possible at all, unfortunately makes fulfilling sidecarts at the same time impossible.
C1) We have not (that I could find) announced the price point for the PDFs of the GameMastery Guide, nor the APG. I would say that it is probable that we will follow the pricing of the PDFs of previous releases in this line (i.e. cheaper than usual), but this is by no means a guarantee. The standard price point for our PDFs is about 30% off of cover price.
C2) We offer many options to our customers, and try to ensure that making these choices is as easy as possible, so that you can continue getting as much Pathfinder material as possible and for as long as possible. Whatever ensures that you are best able to continue picking up stuff for as long as possible is exactly what we want you to do. Of course, we prefer to have everyone become a Paizo Superscriber and continue these subscriptions until the heat death of the universe. However, this just doesn't work for everyone. Therefore, please feel free to subscribe for one book. We're always happy to have you for however long you can stay. :)
Remember, though, that there is no "Cancel Button". To cancel your subscription, you will need to let me or Sara Marie (i.e. Paizo Customer Service) know your intentions. You can send your cancellation notice here on the messageboards, via email or by phone call. Keep in mind that cancellations are always effective immediately. If you want the GMG, but not the APG, you will need to send your notice after the GMG has been shipped and before the APG ships.
As far as your sidecart stuff is concerned, I would suggest that you go to your My Account page and hit the "Ship As Soon As Possible" button. This way, you will get those items heading towards you right away, and you can use your store credit to pay for them.