Member of the Black Arrows

Rise of the Runelords

Just a quick question, guys. How would you work in a PC that is a former member of the black arrows? Ideally this would give the weaker Hook Mountain adventures a bit of story-weight and is a perfect fit for a prospective player, but I'm fairly stumped with how to play it out. I've already altered the AP to have Shalelu phased out and had Jakardos instead be an estranged father to one of my PCs (as much as I like her, we're a little overcrowded and the lads could use all the roleplay fuel they can get)

Why would a Black Arrow find himself in sandpoint? Would any alteration be necessary to the later adventures?

Lantern Lodge

In the campaign i'm running at the moment one of the characters is a member of the Black Arrows. He's basically in Sandpoint as he was on leave from his regular patrols and took some work guarding a merchant caravan travelling South to Magnimar. He was then jumped by goblins, and the rest of the party came across him in the Thistletop jail cells. He still has some leave time left, which will conveniently expire just about as its time for me to start HMM ^_^.

Dave Godwin wrote:
In the campaign i'm running at the moment one of the characters is a member of the Black Arrows. He's basically in Sandpoint as he was on leave from his regular patrols and took some work guarding a merchant caravan travelling South to Magnimar. He was then jumped by goblins, and the rest of the party came across him in the Thistletop jail cells. He still has some leave time left, which will conveniently expire just about as its time for me to start HMM ^_^.

I had the same line of thought, brilliant. Thanks. :D

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