My character's events were not reported

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge

I just registered my new character and when I got done I looked at my old one.

He is a level 7 ranger (who some may remember from my ranger animal companions thread). But only 3 of his scenarios have been reported. I have ALL of his chronicle sheets, including proper DM signatures and dates.

Does it matter if everything has been reported or not. Can I report these things myself withour waiting on the DM? Can I report the ones that were missed since I have all the chronicle sheets?

I DMed quite a few of these events, but the event coordinator, who happens to be my usual DM when I do get to play, said he would report these scenarios.

Do I need to do anything? If so, what?

Your physical Chronicles are the official record of your character's advancement. While it's always nice when events are reported (as detailed in the current GtPFSOP) it's most important that you keep those sheets. Those are what you show to future GMs, not the character's page online. It sucks that some of your GMed scenarios aren't reported, as that affects the number of stars you've earned, but not everyone cares about that. I'd suggest you nicely ask the event coordinator if he still plans to report the scenarios. You might mention that some scenarios are being retired, and that timely reporting is necessary to ensure that something you played while legal can't be reported down the road.

Liberty's Edge

Can I just go ahead and report the one's I have DMed?

The Exchange 5/5

Ditto what Yoda said. Check with your coordinator first about doing the reporting yourself. You don't want to double-report either.

Getting scenarios reported is crucial to the campaign. You can help your coordinator out by doing the recordkeeping for him, such as completing a session tracking sheet for your table, but he/she needs to be the one doing the electronic reporting. Gently nudge your coordinator and see if he/she could use some help catching up on their backlog. Sometimes the sessions mount up and a coordinator can lose track of things. If your group doesn't maintain an online databade of players, PFS#s and characters I suggest you start one. Half the trouble (when tracking sheets are done) is some players don't write their numbers legibly. A database can take out the guesswork.

Liberty's Edge

Actually Doug, we do keep session tracking sheets at our tables (at least for games at stores and cons)and we do have a list of what character's have played.

All that needs to be done is the actual online reporting.

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