Women in Gaming

PaizoCon General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Anybody else currently planning on attending? I'm eager to participate in this.

I believe the session organizer roped me in for this one. :)

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I would like to hope that the Paizo folks were inspired by the "Women in Gaming" panel we had at Norwescon. This is a very popular panel that we have had for several years now, and the room is always packed. ALWAYS.

I expect the same here, too.

Liberty's Edge

I've wanted to go to the one at GenCon, but they've had it at terribly inconvenient times.

Shadow Lodge

I'll be there, you can bet. I look forward to this one.

Scarab Sages

I'm definately going, as is my SO.

Wow, 'tis awesome to see such interest in this one! So cool! ^_^

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

+1 for me. I've got three potential lady gamers to raise. It'll be some time before they're ready, but might as well pick up what information I can in ensuring it's a good experience for them.

Paizo Employee CEO

Looking forward to participating. Always a fun discussion.


Lantern Lodge

Yay! I am glad to see people interested in this. If anyone has specific things they would like to discuss, let me know as details are still being nailed down.


Liberty's Edge

Sara Marie wrote:
Yay! I am glad to see people interested in this. If anyone has specific things they would like to discuss, let me know as details are still being nailed down.

I don't know where to start. What were the discussion plans from last year?

Sovereign Court

I'm signed up for this one as well. I am hoping this will be a video friendly seminar as I would love to get this one out on the interwebs.

I have a suggestion for a topic:

"How can I get the wife interested in gaming again"

That's an honest one! :)

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