Cleanthes |

I'm wondering what people have done with the entrance to the Underdark that leads out of the Malachite Fortress. The party I'm DM'ing just beat Kazmojen, and there's a good chance that after they finish up the fortress they're going to want to see where that passage leads. I have some ideas of my own about what is waiting for them, but I'll bet some of you have done inventive things too. How did you handle that area?

Sheharan |

In my campaign the Stormblades rushed into the Malachite Fortress after the PCs won the final fight. While the PCs rescued the children and the other prisoners and got them back to the city the Stormblades cleared the area and payed a highranking wizard (Vortimax Weer) for sealing the entrance to the Underdark. (The tunnel collapsed.) So the Stormblades got the fame for securing the city against the "underdark threat", which was pushed in the local newspapers.
The PCs got a sidenote for rescueing the children and the Stormblades were the "true" heroes. So the Stormblades growed up to a great anger for the PCs.

MrVergee |

In my campaign the Stormblades rushed into the Malachite Fortress after the PCs won the final fight. While the PCs rescued the children and the other prisoners and got them back to the city the Stormblades cleared the area and payed a highranking wizard (Vortimax Weer) for sealing the entrance to the Underdark. (The tunnel collapsed.) So the Stormblades got the fame for securing the city against the "underdark threat", which was pushed in the local newspapers.
The PCs got a sidenote for rescueing the children and the Stormblades were the "true" heroes. So the Stormblades growed up to a great anger for the PCs.
That is actually a very nice way to play up the competition with the Stormblades. Wish I had done that.