Kingmaker - Dark Kingdom PBP


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After Eadric finishes his heartfelt speech, Vanion rises from his seat and cheers, "Well said!" He then turns to Lord Duranos and asks skeptically, "But are things really that bad, Uncle? Both here in Brevoy, and in the Stolen Lands?"

He turns to Vanion softly and seemingly sad, "They are indeed, I know you think your little shows of freedom were all in good fun, but more serious divisions are coming to surface in our country, unless we can find a way around this maze, it could come to blows between countrymen."

He seems to remember that he is talking to you and addresses the rest of the group, “Now when it comes to my nephew here, Vanion, he is not the leader of this group, not unless you all agree that he is. Until then, he is part of this team to prove his worth to you and his family. If he doesn’t prove his worth to you, I give you full permission to leave his ungrateful hide in the middle of the wilderness to the bandits.”

Female Halfling Cleric 1

Bellis has been standing quietly seemingly unnoticed in the centre of the room sipping her wine. The stories of her other would be companions fascinate her, never mind striking out into the Stolen lands and forging a worthy kingdom! She would have undertaken this expedition just to find out more about these people! Especially Durn, who would have thought a man as quiet and solemn as he would have such a fascinating history!

She had been sipping her wine faster and faster as the introductions went on. At the point when Eadric declared his oath her eyes began to swim and glaze. At first she thought it was the emotion and bravery of his statement but then she realised these are big wine glasses! and she can normally only drink a half! Is this another sign eh old deadeye? she mused as she smiled to herself very well, no more wine, I will keep my wits about me!

Bellis slowly sets the glass down on the table and walks up to Eadric reaching almost to her tip-toes to slap him on back.

"and I will aid you in this task Eadric! By Erastil's horns I too swear to carry out the duties presented to us!" she says flourishing the documents "With Cayden's sword and Erastil's bow we will forge a nation Restov and Brevoy will be proud of! One born of the virtues of good. One where the evil virtues of murder and slavery will never ever be tolerated! A fire seems to burn in her eyes at these comments and hands clench into tiny fists of fury.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric's thoughts turn to the charter he holds in his hand. He decides to keep his thoughts, regarding the Sword Lords interest in keeping their "involvement" hands off and secretive, to himself.

"Well, I have been walking, hitching rides and living off of the generosity of others for months now. Why change things up? I have been looking for a purpose to my wandering, and now I seem to have one! I am ready to leave when all of you are!"

Eadric turns to address Durn, "I hope you are indeed a fine huntsman Wolf! I tend to work up a pretty serious appetite when I travel!"

He also turns and whispers to Vanion, "It is a real shame that some of your uncle's fine wine will not be part of our provisions!"

Given the opportunity to speak with Lord Duranos, where the others cannot overhear (possibly catching his as he leaves the room), Eadric asks earnestly, "Lord Duranos, I beg your pardon, but you mentioned that you spoke with my father. So he knows of my involvement in the incident regarding the outpost?"

M Human Ranger 1

Durn will speak up - Oleg's is only about a week by foot, so it's quick jaunt. My father and I have sold furs there before, been a few years since I've been there.

"and I will aid you in this task Eadric! By Erastil's horns I too swear to carry out the duties presented to us!" she says flourishing the documents "With Cayden's sword and Erastil's bow we will forge a nation Restov and Brevoy will be proud of! One born of the virtues of good. One where the evil virtues of murder and slavery will never ever be tolerated! A fire seems to burn in her eyes at these comments and hands clench into tiny fists of fury.

“Bellis, I had the pleasure of meeting your father on several occasions little one, your family is well known. Knowing that we have a Cleric of Erastil of your strength to convey his blessings upon the group and our goals makes me feel better about your chances of success.”

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric puts his hand upon the shoulder of the halfling and responds, "I am honored to have, and readily accept your pledge and assistance in this endeavor and likewise swear to return in kind! It encourages me immensely that we have the watchful eye, steady hand and true heart of a priestess of Erastil to count on in the times ahead!"

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric claps Durn on the back and gives Bellis' shoulder a gentle squeeze, "That makes three of us then!"

"Vanion! I'm sure we can count on your participation!"

"That leaves you Ellaria. What say you? Are you ready to stop reading about adventure and go out and experience it?"

Lord Duranos wrote:
“Ellaria, you can blame your family for coming to my attention. They have kept tabs on you since coming to Restov. In fact you eventually came to my attention because of their regular checkups. I contacted them and your father seemed to think that you would be an asset to this group. Imagine, your group will be the first to chart and map out an unknown country. There will be magics to discover, places to find, the stolen lands were once part of another empire. I almost envy the opportunity this presents you. But in the end you must make the choice for yourself, it is your path to make!”

Ellaria nods while Duranos speaks, then answers: "A fine point, my Lord. That is exactly what I am looking for. I'm in".

Sitting back in her chair, she looks around and listens to the conversation.

Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:
"That leaves you Ellaria. What say you? Are you ready to stop reading about adventure and go out and experience it?"

Ellaria smiles. "Of course, my new friend. Lead the way and I shall follow".

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
Ellaria wrote:
Ellaria smiles. "Of course, my new friend. Lead the way and I shall follow".


"Perhaps a toast to our newly formed company of adventurers is in order!"

Eadric looks down at the recently emptied bottle of wine sitting on the table.

"Perhaps I have spoken too soon..."

Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:
Ellaria wrote:
Ellaria smiles. "Of course, my new friend. Lead the way and I shall follow".


"Perhaps a toast to our newly formed company of adventurers is in order!"

Eadric looks down at the recently emptied bottle of wine sitting on the table.

"Perhaps I have spoken too soon..."

"Good...very good, no it is not too late for a toast. Milheim, bring another bottle of the Pitaxian Red! This is a great night, enjoy yourselves, it may be a while before you can relax like this again."

Within a few minutes Milheim brings up two more bottles. Duranos himself pours your glass and salutes each of you as well as the endeavour that you are about to partake.

Not long after the toast is started, there is a knock on the door and what has to be one of the shortest halflings you have ever seen walks in, holding up a token as he keeps his gaze low.

""Um.. sorry I'm late, I wasn't going to come here at first. But then the people I'm staying with said I should... My name is Obi Canicus."

He shuffles his feet, shifts his pack, and tightens his scarf.

"Hello Lord Duranos, sir. Thank you for this chance."

Obi Canicus wrote:

Not long after the toast is started, there is a knock on the door and what has to be one of the shortest halflings you have ever seen walks in, holding up a token as he keeps his gaze low.

""Um.. sorry I'm late, I wasn't going to come here at first. But then the people I'm staying with said I should... My name is Obi Canicus."

He shuffles his feet and tightens his scarf.

"Hello Lord Duranos, sir. Thank you for this chance."

"Obi, I am glad you decided to join us after all, Allandre had told me that you had decided against going. Here, take this glass, everyone, this is Obi. Obi is a natural fire wizard, I am not sure how he is refered to in magical circles, but he is one of the last two members of the team. The other you should meet shortly."

Duranos pulls out another Charter from his pocket and hands it to Obi to read.
"With these last two members, you should have an excellent chance of success in the Green Belt! To Restov and the Green Belt!"
He does another toast...

M Human Ranger 1

The green belt Durn raises his glass and throws back the wine with a deep gulp.

"To.. Restov and the Belt." Obi says, trying to raise his voice a bit before sipping the wine.

Male Human Bard 1

"To the Green Belt, Restov, and all of Brevoy," Vanion adds his voice to the toast.

After the toast, he walks over to the small halfing, slaps him on the back, and says, "It's a pleasure to have you as one of our number, Obi!"

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Hoisting his tankard high,"Hear! Hear! Long live the glory of Restov! May we serve long and prosper to the benefit of Brevoy! To the Green Belt! And of course, to us!"

Eadric acknowledges Obi with a welcoming gesture, "I guess you made it just in time for the best part of the evening. The drinking!"

Ellaria raises her glass along with the others: "For adventure and glory!", then takes a sip and places the glass next to her, not wanting to drink anymore as she has already drank enough for this evening.

Female Halfling Cleric 1

"um I really should'nt have any more..." bellis starts to mutter as another glass is thrust into her hand. she smiles. oh well

"To Restov and Brevoy! The land of the free!"

Obi cringes away from Varion's backslap, but still smiles slighty.

"Yeah, it's.. good to be here."

He opens the charter and reads it, frowing as he does so. He could, by law, execute bandits? He could hardly talk to nice people! "This is going to be a long trip.." he thinks.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

After all the back slapping and toasting, Eadric gets down to the serious business of drinking himself into oblivion. This is assuming nobody stops him and the wine continues to flow freely. If the wine supply is cut off, Eadric suggests to everyone that they move the party to the nearest tavern to continue the evenings festivities.

(He is not above going to the tavern alone if no one will join him.)

If Eadric has not yet had the opportunity to speak with Lord Duranos about his conversation with Eadric's father, then Eadric will attempt to ask him at some point during the evening (again, if this means catching Lord Duranos as he leaves the room).

After the 3 bottles of wine are drained, in a rather quick fashion actually.

"Looks like you last companion Lupus is running late and has missed all of the fun. Ladies/gentlement, time is short and I must let you get back to your new business at hand. Leave as quickly as you can for the Green Belt, I look forward to hearing updates from Oleg's over time as to how you are doing. I would suggest meeting at a tavern tomorrow as group and setting off, as long as you are all ready. I will have Lupus meet you at this tavern."

You remember a decent tavern not too far from here that you can meet him at tomorrow along with the rest of the group and let Duranos know.
As Duranos walks into the hall, Eadric rushes to catch him and grabs his arm, Duranos turns to him with a stern look, "what is it Eadric?" Eadric slowly unhands Duranos.

Eadric has not yet had the opportunity to speak with Lord Duranos about his conversation with Eadric's father, then Eadric will attempt to ask him at some point during the evening

Eadrics conversation with Duranos Listen DC 20:
"Yes Eadric, your father knows of your release from the Brevoy Guards. It seems he used his position and influence as a purchaser of military food and supplies to wrangle some arms to find out the truth of what happened to you after he hadn't heard from you in over two years! It wasn't easy to get the real story, it actually cost him his livelyhood with the government of Stetven in the end, but he did learn the truth. It was the simple truth that you tried to do the right thing. You didn't go along with what so many in our contry are doing now, just following orders. You should go to him when you are ready, I think he is proud of you for what you did but I believe he will be even more proud when you claim the Green Belt for justice and good!"

M Human Ranger 1

Durn will wait for Eadric,

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

At the tavern Durn will drink sparingly knowing tomorrow is going to be a long trek with these city-bred folk.

As if on cue a tall human male enters the room. He appears to be in his early twenties with blond hair hazel eyes. he wears simple dark leather armor and would be described as wiry rather then muscular. He seems to move across the room in a fashion that indicates he is confident

He approaches Lord Duranos directly seeming to study each of the people in the room as he passes. You note that his eyes never seem to be in one place for long. However, whatever his eyes cross you get the impression that he is evaluating it for all it's strengths and weaknesses in that momentary glance.

"I apologize for the lateness of my arrival Lord Duranos there were some... matters I had to finish off. I hope that my late arrival has not caused any undue delays in our mission."

Turning to the others in the room..
"You all may call me Lupus Nequam."

Lupus Nequam wrote:

"I apologize for the lateness of my arrival Lord Duranos there were some... matters I had to finish off. I hope that my late arrival has not caused any undue delays in our mission."

Turning to the others in the room..
"You all may call me Lupus Nequam."

"Not to worry Lupus, it appears that some of your new aquaintences are ready to visit another tavern to enjoy their evening before setting off, I am sure the road and this tavern will be a good place for you all to get to know on another. I leave you to your revelries, Wilheim will show you out." Duranos pulls out one last Charter, hands it to Lupus and walks out.

After a few seconds, Wilheim enters the room and asks if you are ready to leave so he can show you out.

Ellaria turns to the group, looking a bit light-headed from the wine she drank. "Well, I guess that means we are now an official group of adventurers. As such, we should choose a name for ourselves. That should make it easier for others to hear about us and contact us and..." Her voice trails off as she looks for signs of agreement.

After Wilheim enters, Ellaria looks at the books for one last time and sighs, turning to Wilheim and answering "Unfortunately, I am ready to leave".

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

At Lord Duranos (use results from same 20 DC listen check I would suppose)

"My apologies for my impertinence! I must say that I am some what comforted by my father's understanding, but at what price to himself! How is he earning a living? What about my mother and sister? Do you have any word..."

Again Eadric catches himself...

"I'm sorry! I have wasted enough of your time..."

Eadric rushes back to the room before Lord Duranos can respond.

Eadric re-enters the room looking more than a little flustered.

He babbles a welcome to Lupus, agrees with Elaria's suggestion to name the group (although he is no mind to suggest anything repeatable) and invites everyone to the tavern as he heads for the door...

(If any indicate that they aren't coming, then he remarks that he will most likely be at the same tavern in the morning at that everyone should meet there. Assuming everyone agrees, he makes off for the tavern.)

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I will leave it up to DM DK to determine how Eadric night goes...

The only thing I would suggest might happen is

if it is possible Eadric will attempt to return to his families home at some point before dawn. He will sleep in the shed behind the house and attempt to make contact with his mother (only) as she heads out to her usual morning prayer. If able to speak with her, he will tell her where he is headed while promising to send her money if possible, before heading back to the tavern. If this isn't possible he attempts to sleep in the taverns common area and await the others arrival there.

Female Halfling Cleric 1

Bellis starts to feel the effects of the wine straight after the toast. Feeling kind of woozy she puts her half full glass back on the table and surveys the room.

She watches Eadric and Vanion devour the wine heartily and smiles to herself Seems like I may have to look after those two. She notices Eadric run off to Lord Duranos and strains to listen over the revelrys for any more information about this mysterious man's past.

Perception1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15. Hearing nothing but mumbling she focuses her attention elsewhere.

As Lupus enters the room she greets him heartily, slightly slurring her words, "Greetingsss Lupush! Glad to have you boaard. as she says this her eyes settle on Obi who she barely even noticed enter.

"Greetingsh!..Obi was it?" she says with a grin that spreads from ear to ear, walking past Lupus and right up to Obi "...and here I thought I knew ALL the halflings in Restov! Tell me who are you? where are you from?"

She focuses all her attention on Obi, as the group leaves to go the tavern she will put an arm around him as they talk and walk towrads the tavern.

M Human Ranger 1

Durn will leave the tavern early and bunk down for the night where he left his horse earlier. In the morning he will gather the needed supplies for the journey, and meet up with the rest of the group.

Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:

I will leave it up to DM DK to determine how Eadric night goes...

The only thing I would suggest might happen is ** spoiler omitted **

Depends upon how much you drink. You can easily spend the rest of your coin at the tavern or decide for once to leave and go to your house to sleep it off. if you stay action 1 happens if you go to your house Action 2 is set off, please decide before opening.

Eadric Action 1:
You stay at the tavern and drink yourself into a stupor late into the night. At some point you remember buying the tavern a round of drinks or so...when you awaken you are lying in a corner, still drunk, with your possesions, but your pockets appear to be empty. It is morning and the tavern is quiet except for two merchants eating an early breakfast eyeing you warily.

Eadric Action 2:
You leave the tavern after a short time and make your way home. You sleep in the shed and awaken to your mothers soft singing as she hangs some laundry in the back yard. When you show yourself she runs to you and greets you, happy you are home. When you tell her you can't come in and where you are going, she looks worried but appears to know something about this already. "Do the right thing out there Eadric, you can make a life and name for yourself out there. I have heard how dangerous the Green Belt is, hopefully you can bring some peace to that land but be careful." She tries again to convince you to come in but in the end you leave without saying goodbye to your father, not able to face him yet.

Durn the Wolf wrote:

Durn will leave the tavern early and bunk down for the night where he left his horse earlier. In the morning he will gather the needed supplies for the journey, and meet up with the rest of the group.

Durn, you arrive back at the "Stern Dwarf" tavern mid-morning. When you see the motley crew assembled you are not sure whether to laugh or cry. They are woefully equipped for heading out into the wilderness. When you ask group members about tents, most of them have never slept in one. They seem to have some clothes, but no cold weather gear.

You shake you head and take them out to several equipment shops you know and pick up 2 tents, 6 flasks of oil, enough rations for 70 days. You make sure everyone has basic gear (backpack, explorer outfit) and you divide up some of the rations between the group. Between the tents, other equipment, and remaining rations (so that no one goes from light to medium or medium to heavy load) your horse has basically become a pack animal.
Unhappy but at least semi-ready for what is to come you ready yourselves to set out.
Feel free to interact during this time and we can also pick up on the road.

After leaving the group in the tavern quite early, Ellaria goes to her own tavern, where she rent a room alone. Passing most of the night sleeping, she rises with excitement early in the next day's morning, and starts studying her spellbook, reviewing some of the ways she has learnt to cast spells lately. Concentrating on studying seems to distract her, as she realizes it's later than she expected. She quickly packs her stuff and hurries to the "Stern Dwarf", seeing everyone else waiting for her. Her discomfort grows when she realizes that she is absolutely unready for more than a week on the road in the wilderness. Meekly, she follows Durn around as they buy supplies, clearly humbled.

M Human Ranger 1

This should suffice until we reach Oleg's, I'll also be scouting our front trail... on foot, looking at his loaded down horse.Checking to see if there is any game between here and there to supplement our stores. Because I don't know about you, but fresh meat roasted over open flame is far superior to dried trail rations.

Female Halfling Cleric 1

Leaving the tavern early in the night Bellis decided to head on home where she finds her brother, head in a pile of papers pouring over maps and documents, no doubt planning the next big mission for the liberation movement. She grabs and hugs him from behind, squeezing him with all the strength she can muster. He pushes her away for a moment then looks deep into her eyes and returns the hug in a silent embrace. A solitary tear rolls down Bellis' cheek as they say their goodbye in private and without a word.

Bellis wakes in the morning and gathers her belongings including her trusty bow and staff but cant seem to find her cloak anywhere. Thinking she must have left it at Lord Duranos' she steps outside to find her mother holding the cloak along with about a dozen other halfling waiting behind her. Bewildered and confused Bellis steps out into the sun as her mother hands her the cloak, the new large embroidered symbol of a bow and arrow sewn onto the back. "A present" her mother says with a smile and embraces her, "Remember...wherever you are, your family will always be with you, that is Erastil's true strength" Bellis holds her mother out at arms length and blinks through the tears, mouthing the word "Thank you." She says her goodbyes to the rest of her extended family and friends and walks off at a fast pace towards the "Stern Dwarf".

Getting there she finds Durn surveying the groups supplys, shaking his head. As her explains that they are woefully un-equipped to be travelling the wilderness she feels ashamed. "A cleric of erastil caught out by nature" she mumbles to herself "a fine start". She follows Durn around in silence buying anything she is told.

Durn wrote:
I'll also be scouting our front trail... on foot, looking at his loaded down horse.Checking to see if there is any game between here and there to supplement our stores. Because I don't know about you, but fresh meat roasted over open flame is far superior to dried trail rations.

"I think we are all in your debt Durn" says Bellis looking round at the others for confirmation "I have a favour to ask...might I accompany you when you hunt sometime. Although Old Deadeye is my patron I know little of the hunt, I'm afraid I focussed all my time on healing and the family. Who would have thought, a cleric of Erastil who cant hunt." she says with a sheepish grin.

I knew I forgot something, your reward for volunteering to journal the hex's

OK Durn, just before you all left Duranos' study he walked back in to study and throws a very nice chain shirt on the table, "Durn, this was your fathers many years ago. When he fled, this was left behind at my hunting lodge. I kept it and made sure it was taken care of in the event that I would be able to give it back to him one day. I want you to have it. It may help protect you against the things to come." Without another word he walks out.

The chain shirt is VERY well made (Masterwork) and it appears that the leather lining has recently been replaced.

Lupus trails after the party to the inn. He purchases himself a drink and proceeds to mingle through the crowds trying to find any rumors of what may currently being happening in the greenbelt.

Diplomacy/Gather Information Check 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
DM Dark Kingdom wrote:

Depends upon how much you drink. You can easily spend the rest of your coin at the tavern or decide for once to leave and go to your house to sleep it off. if you stay action 1 happens if you go to your house Action 2 is set off, please decide before opening.

Surprisingly, Eadric chose Action 2. It might have had something to do with the statement "or decide for once"! How much should I deduct from my coin to account for the tavern bill? :)

Eadric arrives at the tavern looking sullen and a little ragged around the edges. It is quite obvious that he slept somewhere uncomfortable last night and is suffering from lack of sleep and more than a little from the copious amounts of wine he drank.

With his cloak wrapped tightly around his body, and hanging back at every step, he follows the group as they make their supply run.

He spends most of the time wordlessly following whatever directions he is given. He seems distracted and lost in his own thoughts most of the morning.

The first time he speaks it is to ask Ellaria, "Have you come up with a proper name for our little band of adventurers yet? I would hate to start our trip without a fitting name."

Lupus Nequam wrote:

Lupus trails after the party to the inn. He purchases himself a drink and proceeds to mingle through the crowds trying to find any rumors of what may currently being happening in the greenbelt.

Diplomacy/Gather Information Check 1d20+5

There are several rumors about your group already, so far all appear to be false. You do hear a rumor about the Green Belt from some fat Merchant boasting about how he made it rich down there only to be robbed by bandits.

"I've eard that a group of evil monks and priests of a Gyonna on the shore of the Tuskwater to the south. I bet there are still cultists out there, and that they’re behind the sudden rise in

Lupus notes the sorry shape that Eadric arrives in a nearly unnoticable frown crosses his face for a moment. Beyond that he readies his pack and gear for the trip ahead.
Noticing the pile of gear that Durn has accumulated.
"Durn will we really need all of that?"

The Barkeep walks by, a rather portly Dwarven fellow, overhearing some of your talk
"yes, the Green Belt Wolves does seem like a fitting name..."he laughs sarcastically.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Taking note of Lupus' disapproving look, Eadric seems to snap out of his melancholy mood. He straightens his back, standing tall and looks Lupus squarely in the eye before addressing him.

"Is there something on your mind ~friend~? Do you suppose to question my ability to shop for provisions? Or maybe my commitment to the expedition? I can assure you that my current condition in no way reflects upon my ability to carry out my sworn oath to bring justice to the Stolen Lands!"

Eadric nods in the direction of the other party members before continuing in an ever increasingly harsh tone,

"I understand the reasons that I and many of these others are travelling to the Stolen Lands. By what reason do you partake in this venture?

Eadric continues without allowing Lupus a chance to respond,

"The fact that I took this last opportunity to indulge in, what is literally a religious sacrament for me, should be of no concern of yours! This may be the last time that I see the city I grew up in! I am leaving a family I hold dear, and may never see again! I am walking into what is very likely certain death! And I do so freely and with great anticipation of the opportunities that lie ahead! Given the scarcity of fine wine in our near future, and as I haven't yet seen a barrel of wine added to our provisions, it should be some time before I again fail to live up to your esteemable measure! But I should warn you! Future questions about my worthiness, reliability or character are as likely to be answered by the sound of steel being drawn, as they are by words!"

Eadric punctuates his last statement by resting his hand upon the pommel of his sword.

Ellaria keeps following Durn quietly, buying whatever he points at and filling her and the group's supplies. She doesn't pay much attention to most of the others, until Eadric asks her about the name she has chosen for the group. She looks quite surprised by the question, and it seems like she doesn't recall saying such a thing.

"Ahm... Yeah... Actually I've thought about it for some time now, and the best name I've come up is The Green Adventurers. I have come up with some others such as Belts of Fire or The Stolen Seven..."

At this point the barkeep laughs at her suggesting the names and she blushes, clearly embarrassed. The tension between Lupus and Eadric makes her forget about that for a moment, and stand between two men, trying to defuse the situation while speaking to Eadric, "It's ok, you can choose the name if you don't like the ones I've proposed..."

Male Human Bard 1

Up until this time, Vanion had been mostly silent, and calmly following in the background. A slight hangover had been diverting his attention for most of the afternoon. But when Eadric let out a roar of anger directed towards Lupus, Vanion is snapped firmly back into reality.

Not really sure what exactly is going on, Vanion walks up to Eadric's flank, prepared to add weight to his companion's assertions of honor and integrity. But when he sees Ellaria trying to defuse the situation, he is even more confused. "What is going on here, Eadric?" Vanion asks soberly. "What grave insult was given to make you call out this way?"

Sorry for the delay, school got in the way. And I think my connection may be bad for a while.

Obi spends most of the night dodging around most of Bellis' questions. She was drunk, and anything he said might not be.. remembered right. He didn't like being in the tavern anyway, and leaves soon to hide away again. He sneaks back into his place of residence, not wanting to wake Allendre up. His sleep is restless that night...

He awakens as rested as ever to find a small bottle on his pack with a note.
"You are a nice person Obi, and a good friend, so if I hadn't done something to help you.. Well, I'd regret it." -Allendre

He frowns again, wishing she hadn't done this, but he wasn't going to complain about it. He'd be able to pay her back one day, and he was going to do that as quickly as possible. He pockets the bottle and goes to meet the others, wondering what this day holds. He shies away when Eadric becomes loud, but soon shuffles over.

"Do not fight on the first day.. it does no good, and I do not like it at all."

His face goes hard, and the shyness he should last night seems to disapear momentarily.

"Especially when a knight of any kind is involved. If you're going to draw that sword, I'll stop it."

He flinches when he realizes what he has said, and moves away quickly, head down and eyes watching.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

As Ellaria, Vanion and Obi confront Eadric, Eadric's expression shifts quickly to that of embarrassment. He lifts both hands, holding them palms up and backs away from Lupus.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I have lost my temper. I'm sure you meant no such offense. I am...stress..."

Eadric seems at a loss for words to explain his behaviour. Struggling noticeably, he continues,

"I am not feeling well. I would prefer that we left for the Stolen Lands as soon as possible. The sooner I can be gone from this place... Again, please except my apologies. Everyone. I will wait outside until we are ready to leave..."

Eadric gathers up his pack and cloak and retreats out of the tavern where he plunks himself on the ground and leans against the wall to wait.

Durn, you ponder the name and something doesn't quite fit right but you think the group is on to something. If you spend your time in the woodlands known as the Narlmarches you will probably end up as the undead wardens! Hmmm, you actually realize that most of your time will be spent in the strange plains known as the Kamelands.
"What about the Wardens of Kameland?" you blurt out.

The Barkeep walks by and harrupmhs, "I think either of those sounds great, now get out of my tavern or start buying some ales!"

Lupus stands straight his face an unreadable mask during Eadric's tirade. As Eadric rests his hand on the pommel of his sword Lupus responds.

"Let us be clear on some things good sir. My reasons for going on this adventure are my own and we do not know each other well enough for me to feel obligated to share those with yourself.
Second my opinion of your current state has nothing to do with your religious beliefs. It does have to do with your abilities to perform in battle as my experience is that those who tend to end up in such a state are easy targets. Which is not only bad for your health but for those here who count on you to protect them. Frankly, I do not know you well enough yet to trust your word that this is not a common state for you to end up in.
Finally, I find it interesting that someone who has presumably sworn an oath to protect the innocent and all that other righteous and noble junk is so willing to spill blood over an unvoiced opinion of a total stranger."

At the end of Lupus comments he resumes preparing his own gear for the road ahead unconcerned with Eadric's reaction to his words.

Female Halfling Cleric 1

Bellis was in the bathroom whilst all this was going on and emerges, slightly re-adjusgting her pants, to see Eadric leave the Inn and everyone else looking at each worryingly. "What in the nine hells was that about?"

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