Fred Ohm |
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I always liked this class : a more martial version of the monk, with bardic impressions, what's not to love ?
So, in this boring exam period, I spent an afternoon to write a conversion.
The dances abilities looked somewhat underpowered for their level, so I switched their progression to one every other level instead of every third level, added two new ones and rewrote the last one to make for a more solid capstone. I added a per round mechanic to the battle dancer performance, to follow the model from the Bard and to limit a little this new progression. Then I filled the gaps with abilities from the Dervish PrC (complete warrior), more or less adapted, and two bonus feats. And the Versatile performance for perform (dance), because it seemed better to have a battle dancer putting his ranks in Perform instead of Acrobatics.
In the end, it might be more powerful than intended. But it looks cool, and the ways to break it aren't obvious to me, so I'll let you do the arguing against it and I'll read it. Hopefully.
The original class is in the dragon compendium book.
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Hit Die: d10.
The battle dancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Lvl___BAB___________ForRefWillClassfeatures___________________________Unarm ed damageAC bonus
1st__+1_____________+0 +2 +0 AC bonus, unarmed strike, Acrobatic dancer_____________ld6 +0
2nd _+2_____________+0 +3 +0 Battle dancer's performance, Dance of the charming snake_ ld6 +0
3rd__+3_____________+1 +3 +1 Bonus speed +5 feet, Careful movement________________ld6 +0
4th__+4_____________+1 +4 +1 Dance of the roaming rat____________________________ld8 +0
5th__+5_____________+1 +4 +1 Dancer's strike (magic), Nimble step (Dodge)_____________ld8 +1
6th__+6/+1__________+2 +5 +2 Bonus speed +10 feet, Dance of the floating lizard_________ld8 +1
7th__+7/+2__________+2 +5 +2 Elusive dancer (Mobility)_____________________________ld8 +1
8th__+8/+3__________+2 +6 +2 Dance of the springing tiger __________________________1d10 +1
9th__+9/+4__________+3 +6 +3 Bonus speed +15 feet, Movement mastery (Spring Attack)___1d10 +1
10th_+10/+5_________+3 +7 +3 Dancer's strike (alignment), Dance of the vexing monkey____1d10 +2
11th_+11/+6/+1 ______+3 +7 +3 Improved reactions_________________________________1d10 +2
12th_+12/+7/+2 ______+4 +8 +4 Bonus speed +20 feet, Dance of the crushing python_______2d6 +2
13th_+13/+8/+3 ______+4 +8 +4 Elaborate dodge___________________________________2d6 +2
14th_+14/+9/+4 ______+4 +9 +4 Dance of the soaring eagle___________________________2d6 +2
15th_+15/+10/+5 _____+5 +9 +5 Dancer's strike (any), Bonus speed +25 feet______________2d6 +3
16th_+16/+11/+6/+1___+5 +10 +5Dance of the laughing man__________________________2d8 +3
17th_+17/+12/+7/+2___+5 +10 +5Steady unbalance_________________________________2d8 +3
18th_+18/+13/+8/+3___+6 +11 +6Bonus speed +30 feet, Dance of the stumbling giants______2d8 +3
19th_+19/+14/+9/+4___+6 +11 +6A thousand fists___________________________________2d8 +3
20th_+20/+15/+10/+5__+6 +12 +6Dance of Death___________________________________2d10+4
All of the following are class features of the battle dancer.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A battle dancer is proficient with all simple weapons. She is not proficient with any type of armor or shield.
AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and enencumbered, the battle dancer adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her AC. She uses the captivating and confusing movements of the battle dance to evade her foes' attacks. In addition, a battle dancer gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five battle dancer levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). This bonus reflects the battle dancer's intense training in unarmed and unarmored combat.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the battle dancer is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.
Unarmed Strike: A battle dancer uses unarmed strikes in a manner similar to a monk. She can land a blow with her fist that has the same power as an axe stroke. At 1st level, the battle dancer gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
The battle dancer's unarmed attacks deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage without penalties on her attack rolls. Treat her attacks as both natural and manufactured weapons for purposes of spells and effects that can enhance either type of attack.
The battle dancer's knowledge of martial arts allows her strikes to deal far more damage than an untrained person's blows, and this damage increase as she gains levels.
Note that, unlike a monk, the battle dancer does not gain the ability to use a flurry of blows, but she can make an off hand attack as normal using a weapon or unarmed strike.
Acrobatic dancer (Ex): At 1st level, a battle dancer can use her bonus in the Perform (dance) skill in place of her bonus in the Acrobatics and Fly skills. When substituting in this way, the battle dancer uses her total Perform skill bonus, including class skill bonus, in place of its associated skill's bonus, whether or not she has ranks in that skill or if it is a class skill.
Battle dancer's performance : A battle dancer is trained to use the Perform (dance) skill to attain feats extraordinary or supernatural prowess, called Dances. She can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a battle dancer can use her performance for 2 additional rounds per day. For each round uf use spent, the battle dancer can produce one of the types of performance that she has mastered, as indicated by her level.
Starting a performance is a swift action, and it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a performance from one effect to another requires the battle dancer to stop the previous performance and start a new one as a swift action. A performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the battle dancer is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A battle dancer can use more than one dance at one time, but must spend additional rounds of her performance ability to do so.
Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the battle dancer cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the battle dancer continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect.
Dance of the charming snake is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. It relies on visual components in order to function.
Dance of the roaming rat (Su): A 4th-level battle dancer with 4 ranks in Perform (dance) gains the ability to dodge her opponent's blows with her sudden, unpredictable maneuvers. She can use the Tumble checks to move at her normal speed without penalty, and she can Tumble a distance up to her current speed.
Dance of the floating lizard (Su): The battle dancer moves with such grace and speed that she can dance across water. A 6th-level battle dancer with 6 ranks in Perform (dance) can cross the surface of a liquid, such as water or magma, without taking damage or sinking below the surface. If she ends her movement on such a liquid, she takes damage and sinks as normal. The battle dancer must begin her movement on a stable, firm surface.
Dance of the springing tiger (Su): A 8th-level battle dancer with 8 ranks in Perform (dance) can spring upon an opponent with the ferocity of a tiger. When charging, she can attempt a Tumble check against the CMD of her opponent. If she succeeds, she may make a full attack rather than a standard attack as part of her charge. If she fails, she provokes an attack of opportunity from her opponent.
Dance of the vexing monkey (Su): A 10th-level battle dancer with 10 ranks in Perform (dance) can take a full attack action (for unnarmed melee attacks only) and still move up to her speed. However, she must move a minimum of 5 feet between each attack when using this ability, and she cannot return to a square she just exited (though she may return to that square later during her full attack). The Battle dancer is subject to attacks of opportunity while dancing, but may tumble normally as part of her move. A battle dancer prevented from completing her move is also prevented from finishing her full attack. When the battle dancer end of this dance, she becomes staggered for the duration of the encounter.
Dance of the crushing python (Su): The battle dancer's speed and mighty unarmed strikes combine to make her a fearsome opponent. She can step into an opponent's reach and confuse it with a series of feints and quick blows, distracting it from other threats. A 12th-level battle dancer with 12 ranks in Perform (dance) can rain a series of hammering blows upon a foe. She must make a Tumble check to enter her opponent's space without provoking an attack of opportunity. If she succeeds, she may then attack her opponent while in its space. If the battle dancer's attack hits, her opponent takes a -2 penalty to AC and it cannot make attacks of opportunity until the start of the battle dancer's next action. After the battle dancer completes her attack, she enters a square of her choice adjacent to the target.
Dance of the soaring eagle (Su): A 14th-level battle dancer with 14 ranks in Perform (dance) gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed with average maneuverability. If a flying battle dancer charges an opponent below her, she gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on damage in place of the normal benefits of charging.
Dance of the laughing man (Sp): A 16th-level battle dancer with 16 ranks in Perform (dance) can use her performance ability to force a creature she has already fascinated with her Dance of the charming snake to dance with her, as per the Irresistible Dance spell. Using this ability requires three consecutive full-round actions to activate, at which point all creatures fascinated must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) against the effect.
Dance of the stumbling giants (Sp): A 18th-level battle dancer with 18 ranks in Perform (dance) can use her performance ability to cause the ground around her to shake and crumble, as per the Earthquake spell. Using this ability require three consecutive full-rounds actions to start the effect.
Dance of Death (Su): A 20th-level battle dancer with 20 ranks in Perform (dance) can lead a terrible round dance with her ennemies. She takes on the appearance of a skeletton draped in a white shroud, and can make touch attacks to force the creatures she has fascinated to succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) or join the dance in a row, adding one after another between herself and the previous victim, and to follow her, moving at her speed without penalties. The victims must take a move action on her turn to stay in the dance. If one cannot move, or if the battle dancer uses a type of movement he does not possess, he leaves the chain of dancing creature along with those behind him. A creature can break the chain with a successful Bull rush or attack with a melee weapon against one of victims normal defenses. An unarmed attack or a Grapple maneuver force the attacker to make a Will save or join the dance himself. After three consecutive rounds of a maintained performance, all creatures still in the chain die.
Those who succeed the initial Willl save, or leave before the end of the three rounds, are frightened as long as the battle dancer maintains her Dance of death, or until they are more than 90 feet away from her, and the battle dancer cannot use her Dance of Death on those creatures again for 24 hour. They are no longer fascinated if they were before, but any other fascinated creature that did not suffer a touch attack from the battle dancer do not identify the dance as a threat.
Bonus speed (Ex): The battle dancer moves with speed and agility earned through countless hours of practice, physical training, and study of the precise, fluid movements of her battle dances. She gains a +5-foot bonus to speed at 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter.
Careful movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a battle dancer is so certain of her movements that she is unaffected by adverse conditions. When making an Acrobatics or Perform (dance) check, she may take 10 even if stress and distraction would normally prevent her from doing so.
Dancer's strike (Su): The magic of the battle dancer's arcane maneuvers allows her to manifest auras of energy around her feet and hands. These auras can defeat an opponent's damage reduction. The battle dancer can generate this aura as a standard action at will. It persists for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the battle dancer's Charisma modifier before it fades. At 5th level, the battle dancer's aura makes her unarmed strikes count as magic damage. At 10th level, the battle dancer chooses one aspect of her alignment, such as good or chaotic. Her aura allows her strikes to count as that alignment (as well as magic). She must choose one aspect of her alignment, and once she has made a choice she cannot alter it. At 15th level, the battle dancer can choose any one special material or alignment that overcomes damage reduction (such as adamantine, cold iron, holy, or even lawful). Her aura now includes that material or alignment. Once she has made this choice, she cannot change it.
Nimble step: At 5th level, a battle dancer gains the Dodge feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Elusive dancer: At 7h level, a battle dancer gains the Mobility feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Movement mastery: At 9th level, a battle dancer gains the Spring attack feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Improved reactions (Ex): When she attains 11th level, a battle dancer gains a +2 bonus on initiative rolls.
Elaborate dodge (Ex): When she attains 13th level, a battle dancer gains an extra +4 bonus to Armor Class when she chooses to fight defensively or use the total defense action in melee combat.
Steady unbalance (Ex): At 17th level, a battle dancer have learned to fight constantly off balance. She can ignore the staggered condition, and stand up from prone as a free action (though doing so still provokes attacks of opportunities).
A thousand fists (Ex): When a battle dancer reaches 19th level, once per day she may double the number of melee attacks she makes while performing a full attack action. If a dervish uses this ability in conjunction with her Dance of the vexing monkey, she can make up to two attacks between moves.
A battle dancer can receive an extra attack from the haste spell, but the bonuses provided by the spell do not stack with the bonuses granted by this ability.

Fred Ohm |

In the original dragon article (AD&D or 2ed, don't remember), there's the ability to do additional dices of damage, called Surprise attacks. I didn't know how to fit it back in, so I didn't try, but that could make an alternative to some abilities I added.
The capstone dance is inspired by a monster from Curse of the Crimson Throne, the Danse macabre... I was disappointed with the monster, that didn't look or act like the traditional representation of the Danse Macabre, and the original name of that dance made me think of that, so I tried to copy the original thing in game terms.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, see the wikipedia article for danse macabre or dance of death.

Fred Ohm |

Though some abilities are should be changed to fit a dervish flavor-wise. Dance of the stumbling giants could be replaced by Dance of the howling winds, replicating the Whirlwind spell, and the rest of the names could be changed to fit that theme. The dervish dance could get back to giving a fatigue penalty, and steady unbalance an immunity to that.

Fred Ohm |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

A slightly cleaned version.
Alignment: Any Chaotic.
Hit Die: d10.
Class Skills
The battle dancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Full BAB progression
Good save : reflex
Poor saves : fortitude, will
Lvl Class features
01 AC bonus, Unarmed strike, Acrobatic dancer
02 Battle dancer's performance, Dance of the charming snake
03 Bonus speed +5 feet, Careful movement
04 Dance of the rummaging rat
05 Dancer's strike (magic), Nimble step (Dodge)
06 Bonus speed +10 feet, Dance of the dashing lizard
07 Elusive dancer (Mobility)
08 Dance of the springing tiger
09 Bonus speed +15 feet, Movement mastery (Spring Attack)
10 Dancer's strike (alignment), Dance of the taunting monkey
11 Improved reactions
12 Bonus speed +20 feet, Dance of the crushing python
13 Elaborate dodge
14 Dance of the soaring eagle
15 Dancer's strike (any), Bonus speed +25 feet
16 Dance of the laughing man
17 Steady unbalance
18 Bonus speed +30 feet, Dance of the stumbling giants
19 A thousand fists
20 Dance of Death
All of the following are class features of the battle dancer.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A battle dancer is proficient with all simple weapons. She is not proficient with any type of armor or shield.
AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and enencumbered, the battle dancer adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her AC. She uses the captivating and confusing movements of the battle dance to evade her foes' attacks. In addition, a battle dancer gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five battle dancer levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). This bonus reflects the battle dancer's intense training in unarmed and unarmored combat.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the battle dancer is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.
Unarmed Strike: A battle dancer uses unarmed strikes in a manner similar to a monk. At 1st level, the battle dancer gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
The battle dancer's unarmed attacks deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage without penalties on her attack rolls. Treat her attacks as both natural and manufactured weapons for purposes of spells and effects that can enhance either type of attack.
The battle dancer's knowledge of martial arts allows her strikes to deal far more damage than an untrained person's blows. At first level, her unarmed strikes deal 1d6, and this damage increase every 4 levels thereafter (1d8 at 4th, 1d10 at 8th, 2d6 at 12th, 2d8 at 16th, 2d10 at 20th).
Note that, unlike a monk, the battle dancer does not gain the ability to use a flurry of blows, but she can make an off hand attack as normal using a weapon or unarmed strike.
Acrobatic dancer (Ex): At 1st level, a battle dancer can use her bonus in the Perform (dance) skill in place of her bonus in the Acrobatics and Fly skills. When substituting in this way, the battle dancer uses her total Perform skill bonus, including class skill bonus, in place of its associated skill's bonus, whether or not she has ranks in that skill or if it is a class skill.
Battle dancer's performance: A battle dancer is trained to use the Perform (dance) skill to attain feats extraordinary or supernatural prowess, called Dances. She can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Charisma modifier. At each level after the first a battle dancer can use her performance for 2 additional rounds per day. For each round of use spent, the battle dancer can produce one of the types of performance that she has mastered, as indicated by her level.
Starting a performance is a swift action, and it can be maintained each round as a free action. A performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the battle dancer is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A battle dancer can use more than one dance at one time, up to a number equal to her charisma modifier. To do so she must spend a number of additional uses of her performance ability equal to the number of different dances she uses in the round. She can use a number of different performances
Battle dancer performances:
Dance of the charming snake (Sp): A 2nd-level battle dancer with 2 ranks in Perform (dance) gains the ability to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see the battle dancer, and capable of paying attention to him. The battle dancer must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents this ability from working. For every three levels the battle dancer has attained beyond 2nd, she can target one additional creature with this ability.
Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the battle dancer cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the battle dancer continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect.
Dance of the charming snake is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. It relies on visual components in order to function.
Dance of the rummaging rat (Su): A 4th-level battle dancer with 4 ranks in Perform (dance) gains the ability to dodge her opponent's blows with her sudden, unpredictable maneuvers. She can use the Tumble checks to move at her normal speed without penalty, and she can Tumble a distance up to her current speed.
Dance of the dashing lizard (Su): The battle dancer moves with such grace and speed that she can dance across water. A 6th-level battle dancer with 6 ranks in Perform (dance) can cross the surface of a liquid, such as water or magma, without taking damage or sinking below the surface. If she ends her movement on such a liquid, she takes damage and sinks as normal. The battle dancer must begin her movement on a stable, firm surface.
Dance of the springing tiger (Su): A 8th-level battle dancer with 8 ranks in Perform (dance) can spring upon an opponent with the ferocity of a tiger. When charging, she can attempt a Tumble check against the CMD of her opponent. If she succeeds, she may make a full attack rather than a standard attack as part of her charge. If she fails, she provokes an attack of opportunity from her opponent.
Dance of the taunting monkey (Su): A 10th-level battle dancer with 10 ranks in Perform (dance) can take a full attack action (for unnarmed melee attacks only) and still move up to her speed. However, she must move a minimum of 5 feet between each attack when using this ability, and she cannot return to a square she just exited (though she may return to that square later during her full attack). The Battle dancer is subject to attacks of opportunity while dancing, but may tumble normally as part of her move. A battle dancer prevented from completing her move is also prevented from finishing her full attack. When the battle dancer end of this dance, she becomes staggered for the duration of the encounter.
Dance of the crushing python (Su): The battle dancer's speed and mighty unarmed strikes combine to make her a fearsome opponent. She can step into an opponent's reach and confuse it with a series of feints and quick blows, distracting it from other threats. A 12th-level battle dancer with 12 ranks in Perform (dance) can rain a series of hammering blows upon a foe. She must make a Tumble check to enter her opponent's space without provoking an attack of opportunity. If she succeeds, she may then attack her opponent while in its space. If the battle dancer's attack hits, her opponent takes a -2 penalty to AC and it cannot make attacks of opportunity until the start of the battle dancer's next action. After the battle dancer completes her attack, she enters a square of her choice adjacent to the target.
Dance of the soaring eagle (Su): A 14th-level battle dancer with 14 ranks in Perform (dance) gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed with average maneuverability. If a flying battle dancer charges an opponent below her, she gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on damage in place of the normal benefits of charging.
Dance of the laughing man (Sp): A 16th-level battle dancer with 16 ranks in Perform (dance) can use her performance ability to force a creature she has already fascinated with her Dance of the charming snake to dance with her, as per the Irresistible Dance spell. Using this ability requires three consecutive full-round actions to activate, at which point all creatures fascinated must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) against the effect.
Dance of the stumbling giants (Sp): A 18th-level battle dancer with 18 ranks in Perform (dance) can use her performance ability to cause the ground around her to shake and crumble, as per the Earthquake spell. This ability requires three consecutive full-rounds actions to start the effect.
Dance of Death (Su): A 20th-level battle dancer with 20 ranks in Perform (dance) can lead a terrible round dance with her ennemies. She takes on the appearance of a skeletton draped in a white shroud, and can make touch attacks to force the creatures she has fascinated to succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) or join the dance in a row, adding one after another between herself and the previous victim, and to follow her, moving at her speed without penalties. The victims must take a move action on her turn to stay in the dance. If one cannot move, or if the battle dancer uses a type of movement he does not possess, he leaves the chain of dancing creature along with those behind him. A creature can break the chain with a successful Bull rush or attack with a melee weapon against one of victims normal defenses. An unarmed attack or a Grapple maneuver force the attacker to make a Will save or join the dance himself. After three consecutive rounds of a maintained performance, all creatures still in the round, except the battle dancer, die.
Those who succeed the initial Willl save, or leave before the end of the three rounds, are frightened as long as the battle dancer maintains her Dance of death, or until they are more than 90 feet away from her, and the battle dancer cannot use her Dance of Death on those creatures again for 24 hour. They are no longer fascinated if they were before, but any other fascinated creature that did not suffer a touch attack from the battle dancer do not identify the dance as a threat.
Bonus speed (Ex): The battle dancer moves with speed and agility earned through countless hours of practice, physical training, and study of the precise, fluid movements of her battle dances. She gains a +5-foot bonus to speed at 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter.
Careful movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a battle dancer is so certain of her movements that she is unaffected by adverse conditions. When making an Acrobatics or Perform (dance) check, she may take 10 even if stress and distraction would normally prevent her from doing so.
Dancer's strike (Su): The magic of the battle dancer's arcane maneuvers allows her to manifest auras of energy around her feet and hands. These auras can defeat an opponent's damage reduction. The battle dancer can generate this aura as a standard action at will. It persists for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the battle dancer's Charisma modifier before it fades. At 5th level, the battle dancer's aura makes her unarmed strikes count as magic damage. At 10th level, the battle dancer chooses one aspect of her alignment, such as good or chaotic. Her aura allows her strikes to count as that alignment (as well as magic). She must choose one aspect of her alignment, and once she has made a choice she cannot alter it. At 15th level, the battle dancer can choose any one special material or alignment that overcomes damage reduction (such as adamantine, cold iron, holy, or even lawful). Her aura now includes that material or alignment. Once she has made this choice, she cannot change it.
Nimble step: At 5th level, a battle dancer gains the Dodge feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Elusive dancer: At 7h level, a battle dancer gains the Mobility feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Movement mastery: At 9th level, a battle dancer gains the Spring attack feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Improved reactions (Ex): When she attains 11th level, a battle dancer gains a +2 bonus on initiative rolls.
Elaborate dodge (Ex): When she attains 13th level, a battle dancer gains an extra +4 bonus to Armor Class when she chooses to fight defensively or use the total defense action in melee combat.
Steady unbalance (Ex): At 17th level, a battle dancer have learned to fight constantly off balance. She can ignore the staggered condition, and stand up from prone as a free action (though doing so still provokes attacks of opportunities).
A thousand fists (Ex): When a battle dancer reaches 19th level, once per day she may double the number of melee attacks she makes while performing a full attack action. If a battle dancer uses this ability in conjunction with her Dance of the taunting monkey, she can make up to two attacks between moves.
A battle dancer can receive an extra attack from the haste spell, but the bonuses provided by the spell do not stack with the bonuses granted by this ability.

xorial |

Much cleaner looking. My earlier comments as this being a possible dervish build, I take back. I could still make a sword dancer, but not a dervish. Turns out the word dervish actually means a type of Muslim beggar. It refers to a chosen lifestyle,, not being impoverished. A whirling dervish is doing a traditional dance of religious ecstasy that has NOTHING to do with battle.

Fred Ohm |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks, I'm glad it's useful to others.
For some reason, I thought the use of the acrobatic skill to move trough threatened squares was still called a tumbling check in pathfinder. Oh well.
Third attempt.
I added some precisions to the functionment of the abilities.
I also changed the A thousand fists ability to be useable more than once per day. Since the dance of death ability is highly situationnal, it seemed to me that the class needed it.
Plus, I dislike once-per-day abilities in general.
Is it too much ?
Alignment: Any Chaotic.
Hit Die: d10.
Class Skills
The battle dancer's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Full BAB progression
Good save : reflex
Poor saves : fortitude, will
Lvl Class features
01 AC bonus, Unarmed strike, Acrobatic dancer
02 Battle dancer's performance, Dance of the charming snake
03 Bonus speed +5 feet, Careful movement
04 Dance of the rummaging rat
05 Dancer's strike (magic), Nimble step (Dodge)
06 Bonus speed +10 feet, Dance of the dashing lizard
07 Elusive dancer (Mobility)
08 Dance of the springing tiger
09 Bonus speed +15 feet, Movement mastery (Spring Attack)
10 Dancer's strike (alignment), Dance of the taunting monkey
11 Improved reactions
12 Bonus speed +20 feet, Dance of the crushing python
13 Elaborate dodge
14 Dance of the soaring eagle
15 Dancer's strike (any), Bonus speed +25 feet
16 Dance of the laughing man
17 Steady unbalance
18 Bonus speed +30 feet, Dance of the stumbling giants
19 A thousand fists
20 Dance of Death
All of the following are class features of the battle dancer.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A battle dancer is proficient with all simple weapons. She is not proficient with any type of armor or shield.
AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and enencumbered, the battle dancer adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her AC. She uses the captivating and confusing movements of the battle dance to evade her foes' attacks. In addition, a battle dancer gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five battle dancer levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). This bonus reflects the battle dancer's intense training in unarmed and unarmored combat.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the battle dancer is flat-footed. She loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.
Unarmed Strike: A battle dancer uses unarmed strikes in a manner similar to a monk. At 1st level, the battle dancer gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
The battle dancer's unarmed attacks deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage without penalties on her attack rolls. Treat her attacks as both natural and manufactured weapons for purposes of spells and effects that can enhance either type of attack.
The battle dancer's knowledge of martial arts allows her strikes to deal far more damage than an untrained person's blows. At first level, her unarmed strikes deal 1d6, and this damage increases every 4 levels thereafter (1d8 at 4th, 1d10 at 8th, 2d6 at 12th, 2d8 at 16th, 2d10 at 20th).
Note that, unlike a monk, the battle dancer does not gain the ability to use a flurry of blows, but she can make an off hand attack as normal using a weapon or unarmed strike.
Acrobatic dancer (Ex): At 1st level, a battle dancer can use her bonus in the Perform (dance) skill in place of her bonus in the Acrobatics and Fly skills. When substituting in this way, the battle dancer uses her total Perform skill bonus, including class skill bonus, in place of its associated skill's bonus, whether or not she has ranks in that skill or if it is a class skill.
Battle dancer's performance: A battle dancer is trained to use the Perform (dance) skill to attain feats extraordinary or supernatural prowess, called Dances. She can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Charisma modifier. At each level after the first a battle dancer can use her performance for 2 additional rounds per day. For each round of use spent, the battle dancer can produce one of the types of performance that she has mastered, as indicated by her level.
Starting a performance is a swift action, and it can be maintained each round as a free action. A performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the battle dancer is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A battle dancer can use more than one dance at one time, up to a number equal to her charisma modifier. To do so she must spend a number of additional uses of her performance ability equal to the number of different dances she uses in the round.
The battle dancer's performance relies on visual components to affect other creatures. The targets must have line of sight to the battle dancer for the performance to have any effect. A blind battle dancer has a 50% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with a visual component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts as a normal use of his performance. Blind creatures are immune to bardic performances with visual components.
Battle dancer performances:
Dance of the charming snake (Sp): A 2nd-level battle dancer with 2 ranks in Perform (dance) gains the ability to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see the battle dancer, and capable of paying attention to him. The battle dancer must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents this ability from working. For every three levels the battle dancer has attained beyond 2nd, she can target one additional creature with this ability.
Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the battle dancer cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the battle dancer continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a -4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect.
Dance of the charming snake is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. It relies on visual components in order to function.
Dance of the rummaging rat (Su): A 4th-level battle dancer with 4 ranks in Perform (dance) gains the ability to dodge her opponent's blows with her sudden, unpredictable maneuvers. She can use the Acrobatics skill without penalties to move at her full speed on narrow and uneven surfaces, and through squares threatened or occupied by her ennemies.
Dance of the dashing lizard (Su): The battle dancer moves with such grace and speed that she can dance across water. A 6th-level battle dancer with 6 ranks in Perform (dance) can cross the surface of a liquid, such as water or magma, without taking damage or sinking below the surface. If she ends her movement on such a liquid, she takes damage and sinks as normal. The battle dancer must begin her movement on a stable, firm surface.
Dance of the springing tiger (Su): A 8th-level battle dancer with 8 ranks in Perform (dance) can spring upon an opponent with the ferocity of a tiger. When charging, she can attempt an Acrobatics check against the CMD of her opponent. If she succeeds, she may make a full attack rather than a standard attack as part of her charge. If she fails, she provokes an attack of opportunity from her opponent.
Dance of the taunting monkey (Su): A 10th-level battle dancer with 10 ranks in Perform (dance) can take a full attack action (for unnarmed melee attacks only) and still move up to her speed. However, she must move a minimum of 5 feet between each attack when using this ability, and she cannot return to a square she just exited (though she may return to that square later during her full attack). The Battle dancer is subject to attacks of opportunity while dancing, but may use the Acrobatics skill normally as part of her move to avoid such attacks. A battle dancer prevented from completing her move is also prevented from finishing her full attack. When the battle dancer end of this dance, she becomes staggered for the duration of the encounter.
Dance of the crushing python (Su): The battle dancer's speed and mighty unarmed strikes combine to make her a fearsome opponent. She can step into an opponent's reach and confuse it with a series of feints and quick blows, distracting it from other threats. A 12th-level battle dancer with 12 ranks in Perform (dance) can rain a series of hammering blows upon a foe. She must make an Acrobatics check to enter her opponent's space without provoking an attack of opportunity. If she succeeds, she may then attack her opponent while in its space. If the battle dancer's attack hits, her opponent takes a -2 penalty to AC and it cannot make attacks of opportunity until the start of the battle dancer's next action. After the battle dancer completes her attack, she enters a square of her choice adjacent to the target.
Dance of the soaring eagle (Su): A 14th-level battle dancer with 14 ranks in Perform (dance) gains a fly speed equal to her base land speed with average maneuverability. If a flying battle dancer charges an opponent below her, she gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on damage in place of the normal benefits of charging.
Dance of the laughing man (Sp): A 16th-level battle dancer with 16 ranks in Perform (dance) can use her performance ability to force a creature she has already fascinated with her Dance of the charming snake to dance with her, as per the Irresistible Dance spell, except as. Using this ability requires three consecutive full-round actions to activate, at which point all creatures fascinated must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) against the effect.
Dance of the stumbling giants (Sp): A 18th-level battle dancer with 18 ranks in Perform (dance) can use her performance ability to cause the ground around her to shake and crumble, as per the Earthquake spell. This ability requires three consecutive full-rounds actions to start the effect.
Dance of Death (Su): A 20th-level battle dancer with 20 ranks in Perform (dance) can lead a terrible round dance with her ennemies. She takes on the appearance of a skeletton draped in a white shroud, and can make touch attacks to force the creatures she has fascinated to succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the battle dancer's level + her Cha modifier) or join the dance in a row, adding one after another between herself and the previous victim, and to follow her, moving at her speed without penalties. The victims must take a move action on her turn to stay in the dance. If one cannot move, or if the battle dancer uses a type of movement he does not possess, he leaves the chain of dancing creature along with those behind him. A creature can break the chain with a successful Bull rush or attack with a melee weapon against one of victims normal defenses. An unarmed attack or a Grapple maneuver force the attacker to make a Will save or join the dance himself, even if he would normally be immune to the dance's effect. After three consecutive rounds of a maintained performance, all creatures still in the round, except the battle dancer, die.
Those who succeed the initial Willl save, or leave before the end of the three rounds, are frightened as long as the battle dancer maintains her Dance of death, or until they are more than 90 feet away from her, and the battle dancer cannot use her Dance of Death on those creatures again for 24 hour. They are no longer fascinated if they were before, but any other fascinated creature that did not suffer a touch attack from the battle dancer do not identify the dance as a threat.
Dance of Death is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting death effect that relies on visual components.
Bonus speed (Ex): The battle dancer moves with speed and agility earned through countless hours of practice, physical training, and study of the precise, fluid movements of her battle dances. She gains a +5-foot bonus to speed at 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter.
Careful movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a battle dancer is so certain of her movements that she is unaffected by adverse conditions. When making an Acrobatics or Perform (dance) check, she may take 10 even if stress and distraction would normally prevent her from doing so.
Dancer's strike (Su): The magic of the battle dancer's arcane maneuvers allows her to manifest auras of energy around her feet and hands. These auras can defeat an opponent's damage reduction. The battle dancer can generate this aura as a standard action at will. It persists for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the battle dancer's Charisma modifier before it fades. At 5th level, the battle dancer's aura makes her unarmed strikes count as magic damage. At 10th level, the battle dancer chooses one aspect of her alignment, such as good or chaotic. Her aura allows her strikes to count as that alignment (as well as magic). She must choose one aspect of her alignment, and once she has made a choice she cannot alter it. At 15th level, the battle dancer can choose any one special material or alignment that overcomes damage reduction (such as adamantine, cold iron, holy, or even lawful). Her aura now includes that material or alignment. Once she has made this choice, she cannot change it.
Nimble step: At 5th level, a battle dancer gains the Dodge feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Elusive dancer: At 7h level, a battle dancer gains the Mobility feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Movement mastery: At 9th level, a battle dancer gains the Spring attack feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.
Improved reactions (Ex): When she attains 11th level, a battle dancer gains a +2 bonus on initiative rolls.
Elaborate dodge (Ex): When she attains 13th level, a battle dancer gains an extra +4 bonus to Armor Class when she chooses to fight defensively or use the total defense action in melee combat.
Steady unbalance (Ex): At 17th level, a battle dancer have learned to fight constantly off balance. She can ignore the staggered condition, and stand up from prone as a free action (though doing so still provokes attacks of opportunities).
A thousand fists (Ex): When a battle dancer reaches 19th level, she may double the number of melee attacks she makes while performing a full attack action. If a battle dancer uses this ability in conjunction with her Dance of the taunting monkey, she can make up to two attacks between moves. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her charisma modifier.
A battle dancer can recieve an extra attack from the haste spell, but it does not stack with the bonus attacks granted by this ability.

Fred Ohm |

I tried to make it balanced with the Deadly performance of the bard (full round, save against death in 30ft, staggered 1d4 round if successful), but it's true that the additional requirement of a touch is not balancing for a character with the movement abilities of this class.
Initiallly I wanted to have any mortal opponent frightened by what appeared like an incarnation of death, but that seemed unecessarily complicated.
I still like to have everyone fleeing. I'd reduce the frightening effect to last one round or until 30 feet away instead (which should be easy since the battle dancer is supposed to move herself to get the most out of the ability).

Cilveran |
I admit I just skimmed over this, so I might have missed something, but am I right in surmising there's nothing stopping a Battle Dancer from taking 1 level fighter and dance away in full plate?
Is there a "can only dance while unarmored/wearing light/medium armor" etc, or is she supposed to be able to dance in full plate? 'Cause a magical full plate+2 usually trumps ie "+2AC +Cha"

Fred Ohm |

You're right, there's nothing.
The original class description lacks an entry for the battle dancer's performance (and the errata too), so there's no restriction. The dervish class does restrict the dervish dance to light armor, but I did not think of including it.
But there's no reason not to, and it makes sense, so it would go like this:
Battle dancer's performance: (...)
These dances cannot be performed in any kind of armor, if the battle dancer is wielding a shield, or if she carries a medium or heavy load. While dancing, she cannot use skills, combat maneuvers or abilities that involve concentration or require her to remain still, such as Move Silently, Hide, or Search. A battle dancer with the bardic performance ability can, however, sing while she dances, and use combat feats while in a dance. A battle dancer cannot perform a dance while under the effect of a rage or frenzy ability.
The idea of a big fighter dancing in full plate is amusing, though, so maybe making perform checks necessary to complete a dance would be better than prohibiting armor directly.

Fred Ohm |
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A small change.
Dance of the soaring eagle (Su): A 14th-level battle dancer with 14 ranks in Perform (dance) can use her performance to gain a fly speed equal to her base land speed with average maneuverability. If a flying battle dancer charges an opponent below her, she gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus on damage in place of the normal benefits of charging. Making fly checks require the battle dancer to spend additional uses of her performance, but simply maintaining this dance does not.