Golarion Origins of New Weapons

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The Adventurer's Armory has a nice load of new weapons. Sadly, due to space restrictions, information as to where these weapons come from was cut. I've complained about that in the product thread, but now let's try to do something constructive about it. I'll list the weapons - if there's a documented Golarion origin, let's note it, and if it's a cultural analogue, let's figure out where it might be found!


Because for those of us that enjoy the "realistic world" aspect of Golarion, we want weird weapons to be a distinct part of in-world cultures and not just all on the rack at the Weaponry Wal-Mart in Sandpoint or whatever.

Aklys - derro (classic horrors revisited)
Arrows, Whistling
Battle Poi - Katapesh (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)
Bayonet - Alkenstar, I assume
Bec de Corbin
Blade Boot
Boomerang - Mwangi (Zenj, I would think)
Brass Knuckles
Bullets, Groaning
Butterfly Knife - With the butterfly/desna link I would propose Varisian/Sczarni
Chain Spear
Combat Scabbard, Sharpened
Dueling Sword, Aldori - Andoren.
Dwarven Maulaxe - dwarves, natch
Earth Breaker - Shoanti (campaign setting)
Falcata - Taldor (campaign setting)
Garrote - common, probably
Hunga Munga - just saw this on Deadliest Warrior where they called it a Kpinga and it was used by the Zande.
Klar - Shoanti (campaign setting)
Launching Crossbow
Lucerne Hammer
Madu - Katapesh (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)
Mere Club - Maori, also featured on Deadliest Warrior. Are Bonuwat Mwangi the closest analogue?
Meteor Hammer - Katapesh (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)
Rhoka - the urdefhan in the Darklands.
Rope gauntlet - Katapesh (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)
Scarf, Bladed - Varisian (RotR player's guide)
Scizore - Taldor
Scorpion whip - Katapesh (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)
Sling glove - Katapesh (Legacy of Fire Player's Guide)
Stingchuck - Katapeshi gnolls (House of the beast)
Switchblade knife
Swordbreaker dagger
Syringe spear
Temple Sword - Vudrani (PF9)
Terbutje - Polynesian. Bonuwat Mwangi again?
Terbutje, steel
Throwing shield
Urumi - Vudrani (PF9)
War razor
Wooden stake - Ustalav (PFCS)

Kinda like that! Chime in, note if it actually appeared somewhere or you're just making a logical proposal. Maybe we can get the PFwiki updated with the results.

Keep in mind I don't have AA yet (but it's on the way soon, I hope!) but a fairly reasonable knowledge of weaponry. Many of these weapons aren't really strange or unusual at all- they're commonplace weapons taken from history and statted up for DND.


Bec de Corbin
Lucerne Hammer

These weapons are pretty much all polearms, which have a truly dizzying number of design variants and names. They could be found anywhere on Golarion that's got large, organized armies. This would leave places like the Mwangi Expanse and the Realm of the Mammoth Lords out, as they don't have the sort of regimentation in their military that would lead to the evolution of polearm variants.

Other weapons, like the blade boot, brass knuckles, and cestus are more culturally sensitive... what I'd suggest is to try grouping the weapons by the real world culture that developed them, then find what you feel the best Golarion analogue would be. I can help out more later on when I get more time, but for a quick and dirty start, try this:


they were all used by the Greeks. If the Falcata already has a place (Taldor) then it makes sense the pilum and cestus would be found there, too. Then expand to include neighboring regions Taldor has settled/interacted with/influenced, and you'll have a gradually thinning area of ready availability.

Terbutje - Polynesian.

Could be around that storm that doesn't end specifically.

Abraham spalding wrote:

Terbutje - Polynesian.

Could be around that storm that doesn't end specifically.

Right, and that area is all Bonuwat Mwangi dominated IIRC... Could go for a smaller sub-group like the Koboto of the Sodden Lands/previous Yamasa. But with boating and names that are very reminiscient of South Pacific islands (Teruawa, Karibati) I'd say that the Bonuwat Mwangi are probably the best Polynesian analogue.

Radu the Wanderer wrote:


Bec de Corbin
Lucerne Hammer

These weapons are pretty much all polearms, which have a truly dizzying number of design variants and names. They could be found anywhere on Golarion that's got large, organized armies.

Sure, you could say "any civilized", but it might be interesting to have them more popular one place or another - like the bardiche was used instead of the halberd in Eastern Europe/Russia. It adds interesting distinction to troops - "Hey, they have bills, they must be Taldan" is interesting. Not rare/hard to get in other places necessarily, just typical in certain places.

Throwing Shield- Andoran (Just keeping with the Captain America feel)

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