Alchemist "Precise Bombs" what's the deal?

Rules Questions

I did a search and found one person trying to use a mathematical equation to determine what happens when the alchemist misses with one of their bombs and they have "precise bombs". Which squares are affected/unaffected?

Has there been an official ruling?

The way I see it is that the bomb is magical, so it should operate the same as a cleric's channel ability. The alchemist excludes the squares by saying, "my magic will not affect here". Not through a spin they put on the bomb or by some angling trick (which seems funny considering the volatile and unpredictable nature of a bomb).

If anyone official could answer this, that would be awesome.
Thanks in advance.

I am not afficial but i give a solution.

Precise bombs: Whenever the alchemist throws a bomb,
he can select a number of squares equal to his Intelligence
modifier that are not affected by the splash damage from
his bombs. (from the book)

He selected the squares, that are the squares that are not affected. Even when he missed. Declared is declared.

I know it feals ought, but if you go for other solutions its gonna be very time comesuming.

I move the pattern along with the bomb if it misses its intended target. Much more fun that way (in the "I'm going to kill you for setting my expensive clothes on fire you ugly b%%%+*" sort of way. Party interaction rocks! :))

*This is a reference to my game, especially to my party's alchemist. She really is ugly, at least one half of her - she had a lab accident and now pulls off the two-face thing.

It hasn't quite got that far that the party rogue called her that for ruining his/her clothes (the alchemist always insists on calling the rogue a big girl, as he cares for his appearance, being a city rogue and all that), but it might happen some day.

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