Looking for the Dhampir entry...

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I was looking through a friends copy of Classic Horrors Revisited and under the Dhampir heading it says it can be found in The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary II. Uhh I only am aware of one bestiary at this time for Pathfinder. Could someone enlighten me as to what they mean?


UpSbLiViOn wrote:

I was looking through a friends copy of Classic Horrors Revisited and under the Dhampir heading it says it can be found in The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary II. Uhh I only am aware of one bestiary at this time for Pathfinder. Could someone enlighten me as to what they mean?


http://paizo.com/store/games/roleplayingGames/p/pathfinder/pathfinderRPG/v5 748btpy8ddb

The book will be released in October.

Thanks for the prompt response!

Confusion cleared up!

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