Bogmoll's page
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I banned anything and everything that has to do with psionics as far back as 2ed.
Now why did I do that you might ask, well in my opinion psionics has nothing to contribute to a fantasy world. I read the 3.0 psionics book when wizards realest it, and my opinion did not change.
I read Expanded Psionics Handbook when wizards realest it and still there was nothing in it that got me thinking this is cool, this is something that will contribute to my campaign.
Can Paizo make a good psionics book, of course they can, and it will most likely be full of nothing but awesome and fluffy kittens. But odds are still good I will not use it when I’m a DM (I will still buy it).
Spacelard wrote: Does anyone use them or is it just me?
Odd events like a ton of dead fish washed up for no apparent reason, fish falls, meteorite falls, out of place animals etc. Not all the time but say once a year (game time NOT real time) with no explaination just to watch what players read into it.
Have there been any significant Fortean events in Glorian? Would you class the Sandpoint Devil as such...
Just curious...
Ya on occasion I can use things like that. but most of the time I use it just to mess with my players, I like to keep the nice and paranoid.
UpSbLiViOn wrote: I was looking through a friends copy of Classic Horrors Revisited and under the Dhampir heading it says it can be found in The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary II. Uhh I only am aware of one bestiary at this time for Pathfinder. Could someone enlighten me as to what they mean?
http://paizo.com/store/games/roleplayingGames/p/pathfinder/pathfinderRPG/v5 748btpy8ddb
The book will be released in October.
This whole post needs a massive spoiler tag on it.
This feat is from the Midnight world for D&D 3.5.The book in question is Steel And Shadow.
I am guessing this is kind of what you are looking for.
Drive It Deep [General]
You learn to put all your power behind your attacks, even with small weapons.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: This feat works just like Power Attack, except that it allows you to add the number subtracted from your melee attack rolls to the damage dealt by light or one-handed weapons, including both ends of a double weapon. This feat cannot be used to increase the damage dealt by two-handed weapons. This feat cannot be used in combination with
Power Attack, nor does it allow the character to take feats that have Power Attack as a prerequisite.
Freddy Honeycutt wrote: I hate to say
Does it matter?
For those outsiders when they are destroyed they just reform, so they may not even be "alive"
Who knows?
I would say it matters a great deal, there is a huge difference in portraying for instance a solar with real emotions compared with a solar that does not feel anything. The first one can feel empathy for you, might even help you out of the goodness of its heart, while the second one would not even give you the time of day unless it was for the greater glory of what ever god he is serving.
Look at the angels in the bible, they are the vengeful hand of god, no emotions, no free will, just a instrument of god´s will. I mean would you really like to meet some of the angels in the bible, I sure as hell would not. (This is not an attack on the bible, just a observation)
Now I know this is kind of a moot point in D&D since a Solar is LG and all that. But to be honest with you I kind of think that is a really boring way to portray them.
I personally like the idea of angels and demons having emotions, if you give them a full range of emotions, imo you get far more interesting alias and enemies for your players. A demon that really truly hates the players is a far more dangerous opponent then one just driven by a CE alignment and not concept of emotions.
I have been trying to work something out for the last few days. But I can´t seem to make my mind up about this, so I figured I would ask what you guys think.
Do outsiders feel “human” emotions?
Does a demon understand, love, sadness, regret? (Other than on a purely theoretical level)
Does a devil fell anything, even remotely except maybe anger, and hate.
Can an angel truly fell or are they just mimicking “human” emotions.
Let´s not get hung up on what there alignments say.
ItoSaithWebb wrote: The cool part is that I told my group that the gloves were coming off, they were shocked to find out that they have been on all this time before the ant nest, but they were totally cool with it
I took the gloves of some 15 years ago, shortly after that I donned my brass knuckles, a few years after that I traded in my brass knuckles for a pair of spiked gauntlets. Now days my players are cautious with just about everything that is going on around them, they take nothing at face value, most everything is a potential trap (in there minds) :)........so now days I have to work half as hard setting things up, no matter how smart of a DM I might fancy my self it is nothing compared to 5 scared and paranoid players, they have given me more ides on how to make there life miserable, by just listening to them roleplay then anything my sick and twisted head could come up with on its own.
Clockwork pickle wrote:
@Bogmoll - I was wondering how you dealt with the bladesinger! out of curiosity, what was the character doing to be annoying? I take it it was a 2E bladesinger? I missed out entirely on 2E, but rumours abound. I can´t for the life of me remember what, exactly it was he was doing, this was some 15 years ago. I just know that every time I think of that Bladesinger my blood boils.
Come to think of it I might have let him of a little to easy :)
I am rereading The Divine Comedy right now.
The bladsinger I mentioned in a earlier post, was one of the few times I was evil just for the sake of being evil. The player in question know very well what I thought about the Bladsinger PrC. But he keep nagging at me until in a moment of weakness I gave in and allowed him to roll a Bladsinger. To make a long story short, he spent the next 7 sessions being a di*k and making my life as a Dm hard.......so in a "chance" encounter with a Beholder, he got turned to stone, the smashed to bits with Telekinesis, and as a final insult he got Disintegrated. None of my players, have ever wanted to be a Bladesinger after that.
Killing that bladesinger made me all warm and fuzzy inside :)
Well I can only speak for myself, but I have had more or less the same group of players for the last 15+ years.
My players are used to my NC-17 play style, and that fact that I will not play my villeins, as morons.
I give my players a lot of room to make the characters they want, but if they abuse that trust, I will rain down hell fire on them until they beg for mercy.
To continue on the theme of evil things you have done to your players.
Is there a line in the sand you don´t cross.
Is there things just to horrible to put your players through.
I am not just talking about the obvious things most people do not touch, like violence against children, rape, torture, most of us I am sure stay away from the truly depraved and X-Rated stuff.
My players have a high threshold for DM abuse, I have put my players though things, I would most likely get arrested for if I wrote about them here, I would most certainly get a life time ban from these boards :)
But still there are things I have never done, not once in the over, 20 years I have been a DM.
I have never outright just killed a character. I play fair if at times brutally. (With one exception, I brutally murdered a Bladsinger once, god I hate that PrC)
I have never gone after a characters family, sure the odd kidnapping to start of a plot, but never just murdered them all.
I have never intentionally made a character unplayable.
There are more things I am sure, but this is not about me. I want to hear where you draw your line.
I remembered a few more gems.
At one time my players had unearthed a brutally powerful spell book of some sort, cant really remember the specifics. Anyway off they go to find the richest mage they can find. Long story short, eventually they find a rich mage, not only rich but powerful, they make a deal, he gets the book and they get gear they can use, and this guy has a lot of stuf,f magic swords with pluses coming out of there a**.... so to speak, and the mage is being generous giving them a great deal :)
The next night the mage and his associates use empowered mass sleep and stuff like that on the players camp, and when they are all sleeping nicely, go in and steal back all there new toys..... I was not a popular GM that week.
I had all my players huddling on the ground like scared children when a massive thunderstorm roll in over them.......and to there great sorrow they where the highest point for miles around, that is until they got on the ground, then there horses got the worst of it.
I have drowned players that insisted on crossing rivers in full plate armour, grappling Scrags are your friend in that instance.
That is it for now......but looking back on the evil I have created in the past, makes me thing that I have gone a bit soft lately, high time to change that :)
LilithsThrall wrote: Bogmoll wrote: One of my players got eaten by zombies. You truly are an evil GM. To actually make things worse, he was fully conscious when he got eaten, a few rounds before the feast started he failed a save against a Hold Person.
Where to start......There has been so many moments of evil on my part in the years I have been a DM.
I turned a paladin player into a statue of gold, and later had it stolen from the other players by a Lich that wanted an "Oscar".
I turned an annoying sexist male bard into a female to give him a taste of his own medicine.
One of my players got eaten by zombies.
I had my players awaken a demon that was way above there level, just to see if they would be stupid enough to attack him, the paladin did and got ripped a shreds, the other players ran screaming.
I had a female character kidnapped by drow slavers, during the 3 days she was held until the other players could save her, the drow amused them self s by carving the drow word for slave on her chest, rubbing ash in the wound and then healing it. That left a nice big scare, and a pissed of player.
I had a monk type character named Griff turned inside out with a nasty artifact, he was renamed Griff stroganoff after that.
One of my poor players got knocked out in a fight against a nasty Orcus cleric, the round after the cleric kicked his unconscious body into a blade barrier.
There are many many more I just cant think of them right now.
But I make no excuse for being a evil DM, the world is a dangerous place, and the things you are trying to kill for what ever reason, really don't want to die, and that is where I come in.
But to be honest I rarely if ever arbitrarily just kill characters, more often then not my players dig there own graves without any assistances from me.
Carl Renault wrote: Thank you for the imput. Does it state this anywhere in the actual book though? I assumed what you have stated but want to know if I missed it.
You can find it on page 12 in the core book, at the bottom of the page.
I might be blind, I might even be stupid, but I can´t for the life of me figure out where in Nirmathas, the village of Kassen is located. It should be on the Tourondel River, but I can´t find that one either, so am I just blind or have I just missed them.
Captain of the Guard
Lord Chamberlain
Head cook
Master of the Hunt
Royal Falconer
Tax Master
Gong Farmer: a latrine pit emptier (this was a real job), not sure if its a dream job.
Last night when we were playing, a discussion ensued.
If you were to get swallowed by let´s say a Tarrasque.
Would the Tarasque get to count it´s considerable DR when you where trying to cut your way out.
Zurai wrote: Bogmoll wrote: the only big complain I have gotten so far is the change to exp, my players are not happy about the slower progression. Assuming you're using the "medium" column on the chart, there should be no noticeable change in progression speed. The numbers are very carefully balanced to be identical to the 3.5 numbers (13.3333... encounters of a level equal to yours per level). Your correct I think the problem lies in that the numbers have changed and none of my players have bothered to do the math, witch is not a surprise really.
I converted my Midnight game from 3.5 to pathfinder as soon as I got the core rule book. There where are a few hurdles to get over, and a few things that would clearly not work within the Midnight setting. But on a whole I think it’s working well, and my players are for the most part happy with the changes, the only big complain I have gotten so far is the change to exp, my players are not happy about the slower progression.
Ughbash wrote: Bogmoll wrote: So last gamin session my players managed to down a lich. Now that in it self was a big deal for my players even if he was not that hard. But it but me in a bit of a problem, when I made the Lich in question, I did not put his phylactery in the same tower he was in. The phylactery is being kept, by his master who is about 200 or so miles away. That being said, after the Liches death how long would it take him to get back to the phylactery, would it be a instant thing or would he be a ghost like thing having to travel to it. The beastiary says that the phylactery starts to rebuild the body.
The process takes 1d10 days.
So no travel time needed but it would be 1d10 days before he "got better". I see have not gotten my copy yet so I was thinking of the 3.x version.
But that will most likely make my players happy, now they at least get a few days head start.
So last gamin session my players managed to down a lich. Now that in it self was a big deal for my players even if he was not that hard. But it but me in a bit of a problem, when I made the Lich in question, I did not put his phylactery in the same tower he was in. The phylactery is being kept, by his master who is about 200 or so miles away. That being said, after the Liches death how long would it take him to get back to the phylactery, would it be a instant thing or would he be a ghost like thing having to travel to it.