Good healthy food

Off-Topic Discussions

Silver Crusade

Enough morbid talk about food that threatens to make Americans all DABBA GOOTA HAN SOLO HO HO HO. Let's hear about some good eats that are good for you.

Or at least BETTER for you.

Just went to Cracker Barrel and picked up a Lemon Pepper Grilled Rainbow Trout dinner with green beans and carrots. Filling, an you get a free fishscale tie out of the deal.

Also, Fruit Pizza. Perfectly healthty? Probably not. But better for you than more Cheetos and fast food.

Get a tube of sugar cookie dough.

Make a bigass, thin pizza crust out of it. Cook it in the oven as you would a bigass, thin cookie.

When it's done, spread cream cheese over it as the "sauce".

Add blueberries, chopped strawberries, kiwis, and peaches.

Then eat it with your mouth.


{food snob mode}what is this "buy cookie dough"

what are they teaching young people these days? - a cookie-dough (or biscuit dough for the non-atlantically challanged) is something you can make in 30 seconds from a really basic recipie

or, for a fruit pizza, why not make a sweet yeast dough - time consuming but hardly complicated to make!{/food snob}

actually, as an asside, i lost close to 75lbs (i think, doing the conversions in my head) about 5 years ago. a big part of the plan I followed was you have to make EVERYTHING from scratch, from ingredients - so, you want ice-cream and chocolate cake, you can, but you need to make it yourself

the principle being, you only go to the effort if you REALLY want something, and you end up not snacking. it is incredible what you learn to make - as i returned to "normal" eating, i've kept up a lot of baking, and when we have some kind of event or party at work or with friends, the cake is usually one of my creations

frequently my mocca-prune-cake. seriously, it's GOOD

Liberty's Edge

Yes food must be made and consumed, yummy yummy

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