I grant you three Gishes! A tale of three Arcane Fighters

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Not sure if this is in the right place or even if people would be interested in this but what the hey!

In the games I run/play in there are now three seperate takes of the Arcane Fighter in two different campaigns. We are using PF core only and Pathfinder scenarios only.

Arcane Warrior #1:
A half-orc Paladin going Bard going Dragon Disciple

Arcane Warrior #2:
An Elven Conjuration Wizard going Fighter going EK

Arcane Warrior #3:
An Elven Fighter going Bard going Arcane Archer

Actual level progression may be tweaked as game plays out but these are the base lines the players have decided upon.
I would post player perceived playability and "Fun Factor", in game usefulness and from a GM's perception what the build brings to the table.

Would this be of interest to people or am I wasting my time?

Liberty's Edge

I've been experimenting a lot with a particular gish build lately, but it always comes off feeling way too wonky, and I worry if it would end up being not worth playing. So by all means, I'd love to hear how other arcane combat builds are working out.

The issue I have seen is people saying blah is weak or blah doesn't work and I'm wondering how much of this is actually true in a real game. Just an experiment really.

Spacelard wrote:
The issue I have seen is people saying blah is weak or blah doesn't work and I'm wondering how much of this is actually true in a real game. Just an experiment really.

I would be interested to see your results. I for one have tried, and observed alot of failed fighter/mage mixes in the past. Often the player either abandons or rebuilds the character before mid to higher levels are reached.

Kolokotroni wrote:
Spacelard wrote:
The issue I have seen is people saying blah is weak or blah doesn't work and I'm wondering how much of this is actually true in a real game. Just an experiment really.
I would be interested to see your results. I for one have tried, and observed alot of failed fighter/mage mixes in the past. Often the player either abandons or rebuilds the character before mid to higher levels are reached.

Rebuilds etc will not happen. The players concerned want to do it. My gut feeling at the moment is that the half-orc will be the most fun. It will be interesting (for me anyway) to test the FIGHTER/caster against the fighter/CASTER if you know what I mean.

If there are any particular points people want looking at then I'll focus on those too otherwise it will be a brief summery of events. We play weekly so updates will be regular and we are using fast progression.

Spacelard wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Spacelard wrote:
The issue I have seen is people saying blah is weak or blah doesn't work and I'm wondering how much of this is actually true in a real game. Just an experiment really.
I would be interested to see your results. I for one have tried, and observed alot of failed fighter/mage mixes in the past. Often the player either abandons or rebuilds the character before mid to higher levels are reached.

Rebuilds etc will not happen. The players concerned want to do it. My gut feeling at the moment is that the half-orc will be the most fun. It will be interesting (for me anyway) to test the FIGHTER/caster against the fighter/CASTER if you know what I mean.

If there are any particular points people want looking at then I'll focus on those too otherwise it will be a brief summery of events. We play weekly so updates will be regular and we are using fast progression.

Are all 3 in one group? Are there others? Will there be a way to compare to normal non-multiclasses characters? What I would like to see is how much if at all do the characters contribute to defeating challenges (both in combat and out) of appropriate difficulty for their level. I assume they are all going combat heavy? Are they able to hit and do a reasonable amount of damage? Do encounters last longer or shorter, does the party have more or less difficulty with typical encounters. How often do they go down (unconcious or dying)? Do they have to be buffed? What happens if they arent buffed? What happens if they are buffed to hell.

I also this its most important to look at these from lower levels. After around level 12ish most people agree these multiclass prc's work just fine. Its the early levels that concern me at least.

Fighter/Bard/Arcane Archer may work in Neverwinter Nights/NWN 2 but I don't see how it would work in an actual game. The improvement of the "Enhance Arrows" class ability may help tremendously, but the other class abilities are limited in use and situation and Imbue Arrow is nigh useless.

Scarab Sages

I am a huge fan of the Transmutation school, and as such, made an Elven Transmuter, who with decent stats, got to be very....surprisingly Gish-ish without having to take a fighter level. Would be very easy to turn him into one.

Elves of course are proficient in Long Bow, Short Bow, and Longsword right off the bat...the Elven racial stats are great (except for the -2 to con), however ever few levels a Transmuter gets the ability to add +1 to his physical stats. At lvl 5, you have another +2 to any physical stat that you want. Also, that can be moved daily when you prepare spells....needing an extra sword arm in the morning? Great, add the +2 to STR for damage and for bonus to hit....know you are facing ranged opponents? Great, add the +2 to dex for added ranged to hit modifiers (Dont forget as Elf, you already added +2 to this stat at build)...

As you can see, it can get surprisingly ugly surprisingly fast. I was trying to relive the "Bladesinger" kit from the red Complete________ books back in the day.

I wouldn't take much to give this guy some Elven chain, low low arcane spell failure rate, plus the feat and pretty much be able to hack/slash/spellcast/awesome armor save all at once.

my 2cp.

Kolokotroni wrote:

Are all 3 in one group? Are there others? Will there be a way to compare to normal non-multiclasses characters? What I would like to see is how much if at all do the characters contribute to defeating challenges (both in combat and out) of appropriate difficulty for their level. I assume they are all going combat heavy? Are they able to hit and do a reasonable amount of damage? Do encounters last longer or shorter, does the party have more or less difficulty with typical encounters. How often do they go down (unconcious or dying)? Do they have to be buffed? What happens if they arent buffed? What happens if they are buffed to hell.

I also this its most important to look at these from lower levels. After around level 12ish most people agree these multiclass prc's work just fine. Its the early levels that concern me at least.

The traditional MU/FTR/EK is in one group with a Cleric, Rogue, two Fighters and a Warmage.

The Half-orc P/B/DD is in another with a Sorcerer, Bard, Rogue, Monk and the FTR/B or W/AA.

They are real campaigns so in and out of combat comparison will be there with appropriate difficulty. I'll note questions that you have and post. They are all first level at the moment.

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