Saving against poisons and other afflictions

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For poisons and other afflictions it is made clear that you make a save immediately upon exposure if it has an onset time (in order to throw the whole thing off).

But what happens if there is no onset time? Do you make a save immediately upon exposure to the curse/disease/poison? Or do you wait until the first increment of time of the frequency has past before making your save?

Ravingdork wrote:

For poisons and other afflictions it is made clear that you make a save immediately upon exposure if it has an onset time (in order to throw the whole thing off).

But what happens if there is no onset time? Do you make a save immediately upon exposure to the curse/disease/poison? Or do you wait until the first increment of time of the frequency has past before making your save?

Same happens.

The Save-paragraph on page 556, refers to afflictions in generel, and states it is the save to "avoid contracting the affliction" as well as "to avoid the affliction's effects once contracted", unless otherwise noted.

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