Question on Robe of Bones CR

Rules Questions

With the Robe of Bones, what HD are the undead it summons? As well as what constitutes a “Tough Human Zombie”?

Scarab Sages

Go with the default for each type.

Human skeleton would be the 1hit die shown on pg 250

For each other type, I'd use the basic hd used in the entry for that creature.

So a wolf would be 2hd
horse would be 2hd
goblin 1hd
tough human I vaguely remember reading somewhere that tough was maximum hitpoints instead of the average... but I can't find the reference for it at the moment :/
ogre would be 4 hd

ntin wrote:
With the Robe of Bones, what HD are the undead it summons? As well as what constitutes a “Tough Human Zombie”?

A tough zombie is the basic zombie:


Variant Zombies

The typical zombie is a slow-moving abomination that is tough to destroy. Yet this tough zombie is not the only type of zombie to plague crypts or stalk graveyards. Each of the following two variant zombies modifies the base zombie in a few simple ways.

As for the HD, skeletons use the base HD for the creature (not counting class levels, minimum 1 HD). Zombies use that base HD and then add bonus HD based on size (1 for small or medium, 2 for large). So,

1 HD * Human skeleton
2 HD * Wolf skeleton
2 HD * Heavy horse skeleton
2 HD * Fast goblin zombie
2 HD * Tough human zombie
6 HD * Plague ogre zombie

Are there any pre-built monsters for this? I want to use it tonight, but probably don't have time to get the numbers together actually.

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