A list of alignment tied rules

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Okay, in considering changing or removing alignment, one needs to know what rules this would effect.

What I can think of off the top of my head is:

  • Protection from evil
  • Smite evil
  • Cleric spell use
  • Detect evil
  • holy word, etc.
  • holy aura, etc.

    What other rules affects in the core rulebook and bestiary rely on and use the alignment system?

  • Monks, paladins, and assassins of course.

    -align weapon
    -Holy, etc. weapon qualities
    -A significant percentage of Damage Reduction and some Regeneration
    -Channel Energy
    -summon monster
    -One possible trigger for symbol spells
    -hallow and unhallow
    -dispel evil, etc.
    -holy smite, etc.
    -undetectable alignment technically
    -Robe of the Archmagi
    -Helm of Opposite Alignment

    There's probably a few more.

    Don't forget the various DRs
    Dr 10/good, DR 5/lawful, etc.
    Mainly affects devils, demons, angels and their ilk.

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