Recruiting for Play-by-Wave, a Pathfinder Society Scenario: The Third Riddle

Gamer Connection

Scarab Sages

So in an effort to build up my digital gaming skills, I want to run a PFS game by google wave. The scenario will be The Third Riddle.

When Pathfinder Colm Safan entered the Nethys-linked heart of the fabled dungeon known as the Ravenous Sphinx, the Pathfinder Society expected to solve one of Osirion's greatest riddles. Months passed with no word from Safan, and you and your fellow Pathfinders find yourselves dispatched into the desolate wastes of Osirion's notorious Parched Dunes to find the sphinx, find Safan, and uncover the mystery he sought. With a band of cloaked riders on your trail and a trap-filled dungeon ahead, will you solve the third riddle before time runs out?

I'll open the game to the first five PFS legal characters to follow this post. Remember, you can't use this character for any other PFS games until this scenario is completed (or, I guess, until you bail, which would kind of be not cool, but is the reason I'm running five players). Create or update your PFS character's profile and use it to reserve your spot - if there are changes (such as displayed faction) that you can't update yourself, note those changes in your post; likewise with completed but as-of-yet unreported scenarios.

I'm still setting up the wave(s), I expect to be done with that this evening sometime (tomorrow at the latest). I'll then make sure the characters are legal (if they're new) and send the wave link and/or invite to the players. This is my first attempt at PFS online, my first use of google wave, and it's been a few years since I did any roleplaying online. However, I expect to visit the wave several times per day in an effort to keep the game moving. I ask that the players commit to a similar level of waving once the ball gets rolling. My goal is to finish this scenario by the end of the month.

It's worth saying that even though I'm recruiting for excited, motivated players (who probably have an above average amount of free time, like me) allowances will be made for real life. If you're going to be gone one weekend or if you wind up without internet for a few days, just communicate with the group and it'll be a-ok.

Also worth saying is that I'll show whomever asks how to use google wave. Once I figure it all out myself. Contact links are in my profile, I prefer chat options (send the message anyway, I'm usually invisible).

Grand Lodge

I am so in on this!

I too have been itching to integrate to the digital!
I am happy to add my angst to the mix!

As am I. You can count on my fists!

I am currently running a PbW, but playing in one would be refreshing.

Scarab Sages

Me'mori wrote:

As am I. You can count on my fists!

I am currently running a PbW, but playing in one would be refreshing.

OOoooo, a resource!

Can I maybe sneak a peak at your wave to glean some pointers on running the game? (email: baumbach.thomas@)

Scarab Sages

So go ahead and post with your character so maybe we'll get an idea of what Tier will form. I'll be sure to let everyone have the chance to change characters if they have one they'd rather play for the chosen Tier.

The tiers for this scenario are 1-2 or 4-5, so if you've got a 6+ don't bother. Remember you can use the character for naught else until this game is finished or abandoned.

(Thanks, Me'mori, for the invite to your game. You've set yourself up the same way I was planning!)

Dark Archive

I would be interested in this :-)

Scarab Sages

Lumbashi Kybwa'ka wrote:
I would be interested in this :-)

Awesome. Contact me (see my profile) with a gmail address for you and I'll add you to the planning wave.

I too would be interested. I'll send you my google info.

Scarab Sages

ZombiePaladin wrote:
I too would be interested. I'll send you my google info.

You've been invited to the planning wave. Go ahead an make a PFS character and get yourself a PFS number - if you need help doing that just ask.

As soon as everyone is up to speed with a waveified character and whatnot, we can start. I'll accept up to two more players while we're still in setup mode.

I would love to join with my character Sielan if possible.

Scarab Sages

Blazej wrote:
I would love to join with my character Sielan if possible.

Please do! Contact me with your google info and I'll add you to the wave.

The first character has been waveified (thanks Me'Mori) and it's a level 1 monk. It looks like we've got a rogue 1 in the works, and now your wizard 1, so I'll just go ahead and guess that we're playing at sub-tier 1-2.

I'm currently building a Dwarf cleric of Torag, should have him up and running by tommorrow.

Scarab Sages

Vanulf Wulfson wrote:
I'm currently building a Dwarf cleric of Torag, should have him up and running by tommorrow.

That makes six! Contact me with your google info Vanulf, and I'll add you to the wave.

So far we have two character waves up and running; lets see if we can get all six by the end of Wednesday.

I'm Interested if there is still room. Bit a newbie, but quick to adapt.

Info sent. One caveat though, I will be on vacation next week from the 10th-14th. while I will have my laptop with me I probably wont be able to check in more than once a day, probably late, after my daughter goes to sleep. If this is going to be a problem, feel free to skip me and pick someone else.

Scarab Sages

Vanulf Wulfson wrote:
Info sent. One caveat though, I will be on vacation next week from the 10th-14th. while I will have my laptop with me I probably wont be able to check in more than once a day, probably late, after my daughter goes to sleep. If this is going to be a problem, feel free to skip me and pick someone else.

With any luck we'll be through the first encounter before you take off and it won't be an issue.

Innoblis, sorry, I'm capping the game at six. I plan to do this on a regular basis though, so stay tuned.

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