Improvised weapons feats...

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Okay bear with me here people... This is for role-playing flavor and a bit of fun at the table.

I am very good friends with my DM and we work together. He is regularly subjected to my plethora of different character concepts that I think up while at work.

My latest idea is for the Savage Tide path. I don't know much about it but my DM says it's a cross between Pirates of the Carribean and Hostel. Now, that sounds pretty durned sweet to me. Right now we're doing the Age of Worms and I'm playing a Radiant Servant... I'm having a blast with railroading undead and being a healing machine but I need a change of pace for the next campaign.

I thought about making a "cook" rogue or fighter with the improvised weapons feats. I'm wondering how weapon focus or even weapon spec. would work with something like this. Or if it would be ridiculous to make an improvised weapons "group" for a fighter.

Spaetrice wrote:

I'm having a blast with railroading undead

You're railroading undead? You mean you run adventures for them where nothing they do can change the story? O_O

Spaetrice wrote:

I thought about making a "cook" rogue or fighter with the improvised weapons feats. I'm wondering how weapon focus or even weapon spec. would work with something like this. Or if it would be ridiculous to make an improvised weapons "group" for a fighter.

I'd say it should be no problem to have an "improvised weapon" group - or put it into the "close" category. And having improvised weapon" as a viable choice for weapon focus and runners-up feats doesn't sound like trouble, either.

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