Crafting Magic Items with Feats

Rules Questions


Okay, you can create Metamagic Rods, which allow you to use a metamagic feat a certain number of times per day. I can't find any rules on how those were built.

I'm trying to create a Rod of Fire Channeling that allows a cleric to harm or heal fire elementals as per the Elemental Channel feat.

Any suggestions on cost or creation DC's?

Note that the Magic Item Creation section specifically says that not all items use the generic formulas, and that we should try to find comparable items.

So, taking a stab at this, Fire Channeling doesn't seem as powerful as Empower Spell, but feels roughly equivalent to Enlarge/Extend/Silent Spell in terms of both powerful and usefulness. So we might use those rods as a price comparison.

Those rods have three prices for Lesser, Normal, and Greater. That price structure, and those categories, don't seem to apply to Fire Channeling. So, maybe we ignore Lesser and Greater and stick to Normal for the price comparison.

This leaves us with something like the following:

Rod of Fire Channeling

Aura strong (no school); CL 17th

Slot none; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

The wielder can use Channel Energy up to three times per day that is enhanced as though using the Fire Channeling feat.

Requirements Craft Rod, Fire Channeling; 5,500 gp

Scarab Sages

That seems about right.

Note that it should cost more in a fire-themed world, and less in a world with almost no fire-themed creatures at all.

I'd just move between lesser normal and greater extend prices depending on the prevalence of the creatures.

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