
PaizoCon General Discussion

Dark Archive

I will be arriving at Sea-Tac on Thursday at noon along with a friend (Kosovo0121 on the boards.) That puts us getting to the hotel way early. Anyone else going to be there early, and what are you planning to do? Are there any Thursday night festivities going on with the local Paizonians? Would love to meet a few folks early and maybe get a game on.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I've not made my travel arrangements yet, but I have finally found teh courage to clear the trip with my wife. I suspect that I too will arrive on Thursday. I would definitely be up for a PFS game or maybe just a beer.


The Exchange

I am driving there and have a room for Wednesday night. Thursday is going to be my big tour drinking day. I am going to Redhook Brewery in the evening, as well as Malt and Vine or something. I was debating an early morning excursion to Olympia Park. Still contemplating. I will be there in full force Thursaday.

Dark Archive

Sweet! I'm looking forward to trying a sip or two of that awesome beer you've been touting!

Edit: Maybe Thursday would be the best day to have that drunken game everyone's been talking about...

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

Being in Redmond, I can certainly meet up with you at Malt and Vine, Red Hook, and/or the Black Raven Brewery (it's like a block from where I work!).

I am planning on taking Hugo around the area for sight-seeing on Wednesday and Thursday, so if anyone would like to join us.....

Thursday night sounds like a great time to have our "Meet and Eat" event, too. I was thinking of eating at the Crab Pot in Bellevue. Of course, if we eat there, it'll be more of a "Beat and Eat"!

Sovereign Court

I'll be flying in something Thursday night. If there's a game on, leave word at the front desk. ;)

The Exchange

Hmm, I have one rule of travel. I really hate to abide by it, but it is a rule that has never steered me wrong. It goes like this.

Make plans when other people are not involved.

Break plans when a native is involved.

Timitius, you can call the shots for me Thursday if you like. I will attend anything you recommend.

Dark Archive

Go ahead and sign me up for the "Meet & Eat." Sounds cool.

Scarab Sages

I get in sometime Thursday afternoon (around 2:30 if I recall correctly), so I'm up for some Thursday evening fun and frivolity!

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

In a demonstration of life's cruel irony, I live half-an-hour's drive from PaizoCon, yet will likely be unable to attend as a result of my onerous work schedule. I am, however, off all day on Thursday.

Would anyone mind a non-convention-goer swinging by for the "Meet and Eat" dinner? I may not be able to attend the Con, but I'd love a chance to meet some of the folks from the boards.

Timitius wrote:
I am planning on taking Hugo around the area for sight-seeing on Wednesday and Thursday, so if anyone would like to join us.....

*DOes the froggie dance!*

The Exchange

Man, I would love to go to a meet and greet...but I've not the time or money for such a joyous occasion. Have fun!

The Exchange

Timitius wrote:
Thursday night sounds like a great time to have our "Meet and Eat" event, too. I was thinking of eating at the Crab Pot in Bellevue. Of course, if we eat there, it'll be more of a "Beat and Eat"!

I would love to meet you there. Sounds real fun. If you want to go somewhere else that is more costly, we can go there too. That Salmon house sure sounded good. As well as that Sushi joint.


Dark Archive

Epic Meepo wrote:

Would anyone mind a non-convention-goer swinging by for the "Meet and Eat" dinner? I may not be able to attend the Con, but I'd love a chance to meet some of the folks from the boards.

I would assume that simply by being on the boards enough to know about the Paizocon "Meet and Eat" is enough to secure your invitation. It would be great to meet you!

The Exchange

Sign me up too, I love food, and drunken gaming. And if Kikai13's going then I'm pretty much going anyway. See you guys there.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

I will probably start taking a hand-count of those interested in doing the Meet and Eat at the Crab Pot very soon.

If I know how many people we will coming, then I can make reservations.

Check for a "Meet and Eat Thursday" thread as we get closer to June.


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32

kikai13 wrote:
I would assume that simply by being on the boards enough to know about the Paizocon "Meet and Eat" is enough to secure your invitation. It would be great to meet you!

Sweet! I look forward to it, so I'll keep my eye out for the upcoming hand count thread.

The Exchange

I hope seafood joints in the pacific northwest are cheaper than they are here in Missouri where they make my wallet cry.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ben and I should be in town some time Thursday. We've got some stuff to take care of in the mid-afternoon/early evening, but barring that, nothing planned on my end. Dunno how awesomely sociable we'll be after the road trip, though.

I'll do my darndest to come by the "Meet & Eat/Beat & Eat" shindig, despite my utter loathing of pretty much all seafood. I suppose I can always order a salad or some fries or something (sadly, the chicken alternative usually offered at most seafood places is breaded, i.e. covered in gluten, as is 90% of the food available at restaurants).

Hey, Timitius, does this crab place serve booze? 'Cuz I can always just have a liquid dinner. :P

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Kosivo0121 wrote:
I hope seafood joints in the pacific northwest are cheaper than they are here in Missouri where they make my wallet cry.

Sadly, no. You'd think being close to the source they'd be a little more reasonable, but not so much.

I might be up for a meetup depending on what my bank account is looking like - the Crab Pot isn't exactly a drive-thru IYKWIM.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kosivo0121 wrote:
I hope seafood joints in the pacific northwest are cheaper than they are here in Missouri where they make my wallet cry.

Website's got the pricing info for you, sir. Check it around here-ish.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

N'wah: They have a happy hour, so I am assuming they have booze. They do have alternatives to seafood, as well.....weirdo. ;-)

Regarding seafood, and cost, seafood in Seattle IS cheaper than in the Midwest...if you buy it and cook it yourself. Simply put, you can't go to the store and buy a fresh whole coho for $5/lb. in the Midwest. You couldn't even do that for $10/lb. Nor could you get all giddy when the Copper River sockeye hits the market soon. I usually buy a whole salmon, have it filleted, and then I smoke it with alderwood in my smoker grill. Delish!

Now, regarding the Meet and Eat choice: The Crab Pot is not an everyday seafood outing. I go there ONCE a year. Still, it is a unique dining experience that I highly recommend to anyone visiting Seattle who wants to eat seafood, and do it in a way they've never had seafood before. Heck, I STILL vividly remember my first visit over 12 years ago! So, I figured that this would be a good choice for our 2nd PaizoCon Meet and Eat, especially with so many people visiting Seattle for their first time. (Last year, it was Todai! sushi buffet).

Likewise, I plan to close out PaizoCon with another new tradition:

The Sunday Dim Sum Run.

10 AM. Top Gun in Factoria.

A unique experience for everyone who has never tried dim sum, has no way to get good dim sum (lack of good Chinese restaurants in their area), or just likes a good dim sum joint.

Sovereign Court

Timitius wrote:

Likewise, I plan to close out PaizoCon with another new tradition:

The Sunday Dim Sum Run.

10 AM. Top Gun in Factoria.

A unique experience for everyone who has never tried dim sum, has no way to get good dim sum (lack of good Chinese restaurants in their area), or just likes a good dim sum joint.

*looks around*

Did someone say dim sum?!?!

There really is no good dim sum place in Asheville, so I only get to experience real dim sum once in a blue moon.

Count me in for helping you start this new tradition.

As for the Thursday Meet and Eat, do y'all have a time estimate? I land around 900pm, figure to be checked in and able to move about by around 1000pm ... probably too late for dinner. <sigh>

Sovereign Court

N'wah wrote:

Website's got the pricing info for you, sir. Check it around here-ish.

And that, good sir, is an example of how flash should NOT be used. ;)

Seriously, not a well done site ... but I have to admit the seafeast sounds freakin' awesome!

The Exchange

Bah! Where is the beers on tap! Must have beers on tap! Only bottle?

Scarab Sages

I'm hot to trot for the Crab Pot and down with the Dim Sum run!


Hey, here on the west coast we do crab, not lobster! Fresh dungeoness crab, hand cracked and smothered in melted butter... Unbeatable. Plus, DUNGEONess crab... eh? I'm witty, see

The Exchange

Ho' Man!

That restaurant needs fair warning. I believe we are 20 people.

Dark Archive

I've got at least 12 different people running around in my head at all times--do we have to make a reservation for each of them?

RPG Superstar 2012

My flight arrives at 8PM on Thursday. Would I be getting there too late to meet up with y'all? Plus I'll be getting chicken, so I may want to avoid the shunning.

taig wrote:
My flight arrives at 8PM on Thursday. Would I be getting there too late to meet up with y'all? Plus I'll be getting chicken, so I may want to avoid the shunning.

Shuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn....SHUN THE UNBELIEVER! :D

Dark Archive

Does anyone know when the open gaming room will be, uhh... open? Kosovo0815 and I are gonna be there early, and wouldn't mind getting a game going earlier in the day, before the meet & eat. Anybody interested?

Open Gaming will open at noon on Friday and close at 5pm on Sunday. It will probably also close at night from 11pm to 8am but I need to ask the hotel rep about that when I'm over there this afternoon.

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