Elemental Body and Natural Spell!

Rules Questions

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The polymorph description states that if that if you are capable of making somatic and verbal components, like a dragon, you can cast spells in your new form...

Elementals can speak, and I have eschew materials as an elemental bloodline sorcerer, however it's rather vague on the shape you take I am already part elemental from my bloodline and wish to keep the same form - only made up of wind and smoke (as an air elemental).

Is this reasonable and can I cast spells without natural spell?

Scarab Sages

I would allow it.

I would allow it too, especially since elementals are rather morph-able in appearance.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Elementals can be more or less any shape—including many that can use somatic components. The only way you'd not be able to use somatic components is if you specifically decided to assume an elemental form that didn't have arms or whatever, like a snake made out of fire or a sea urchin made out of earth. The actual shape you assume with elemental form spells is more or less up to you, and is really no more than a cosmetic effect anyway. You could even assume a form of a sea urchin with long arms and hands if you wanted.

So yah; Natural Spell isn't required to cast spells while in an elemental form unless the caster specifically chooses a form that won't let him cast spells like that.

All of which is really good, since sorcerers can't take natural spell.

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