Harrower Prestige Class


Hmm, my search-fu is weak these days.

Has anyone done a conversion of the Harrower Prestige Class from pg. 224 of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting?

As I understand it, the whole book was still 3.5?

Any thoughts on the matter would be most appreciated.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Berwick wrote:

Hmm, my search-fu is weak these days.

Has anyone done a conversion of the Harrower Prestige Class from pg. 224 of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting?

As I understand it, the whole book was still 3.5?

Any thoughts on the matter would be most appreciated.


The whole book is still 3.5. We're updating it later this year, though, and an updated Harrower to PFRPG will be part of that book.


Can't get much better than that...an answer from the "MAN" TM as it were.

Well then, I wait with baited breath.

Thank you.

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