Flails And Two-Weapon Fighting

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

I was watching my kids play a computer game the other day and one of the enemies they were fighting was a gnoll-like creature using two flails. It got me thinking, just how viable a build is a dual flail wielding fighter? Any input on the subject would be great. Thanks.

Sovereign Court

Well without the dire flail which is a kinda silly weapon, you'd have to take a -4 penalty as there isn't a light flail to use as an off hand weapon. On the other hand flails are pretty cool weapons for someone who focuses on disarms and trips.

Sovereign Court

Well the Dire Flail would effectively be what you'd want for a two-weapon fighting flail fighter. Mechanically it's what you'd want, two 1d8 damage rolls with a trip, disarm weapon. You don't even take the larger penalty for wielding 2 one-handed weapons.

Double Weapons are awesome.

I've always loved flails, being the cleric's weapon of choice in 1st edition (and heck, almost better than any fighter weapons as well!). I've been disappointed for 10 years that cleric's aren't proficient :)

That aside, the stats for the light flail now aren't particularly endearing. 1d8 20/x2 you can get as a simple weapon. Certainly balanced with the disarm and trip abilities though.

Dire Flail works to actually do the dual-wielding. Fighter could get away with using independent ones (much better for dropping on a failed trip) with weapon training and greater weapon focus to make up the to-hit loss.

If you went Barbarian or Paladin or Ranger, but were still stacking feats on the weapon itself (focus/crit, etc.), it might be better to use a small light flail in the off hand (basically trading 1 point of damage to keep your attack bonus on the main hand high).

If you subscribe to the school of thought that the weapon damage and crit range don't matter that much in the long run (i.e. you buy plenty of magic on your weapons and have a huge strength bonus or sneak attack), then they work just fine, no question.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Dark Archive

If I player wanted such a concept, I'd be inclined to allow him to use a smaller flail in his off-hand (making it a light weapon for him, and usable in his off-hand, but only doing 1d6 damage like a small-sized flail), and just overlook the attack penalties for using a weapon scaled for a different size.

Aren't heavy flails 2-handed weapons?

So you'd have to use paired light flails in order to do the two-weapon build with flails. Or the dire flail, as some have suggested.

I've got a flail wielding fighter. I'm thinking of taking the Monkey Grip feat and using a large heavy flail. Definitely inspired by the Witch King of Angmar in Return of the King.

Maybe your GM wouldn't be opposed to the use of that feat to allow a heavy flail to be wielded in one hand? Bending the rules a bit, certainly, but it might be worth discussing.

Dark Archive

M. Balmer wrote:
Aren't heavy flails 2-handed weapons?

Heavy Flails are indeed 2H and 'normal' Flails one-handed. There isn't a 'light flail,' but it would be easy enough to just use the stats for a small-sized 'normal' Flail and call it a light weapon.

Sovereign Court

Set wrote:
M. Balmer wrote:
Aren't heavy flails 2-handed weapons?

Heavy Flails are indeed 2H and 'normal' Flails one-handed. There isn't a 'light flail,' but it would be easy enough to just use the stats for a small-sized 'normal' Flail and call it a light weapon.

What is it with needing the offhand weapon to be light? There is no light flail, what's wrong with either using a non-light weapon in the off hand, or using a dire flail. I don't understand why we go so far out of our way to accomodate things that are already doable by the rules but then make them doable at little to no penalty. At the very least require an exotic weapon feat if you're going to create a light flail as you're creating a weapon no one uses thus it's exotic. Especially since the player would have the same penalty for using your small sized flail, as he would for using a normal sized flail (-2 for twf and -2 for innapropriate size is the same as -4 for using a non-light off hand weapon)

lastknightleft wrote:
Especially since the player would have the same penalty for using your small sized flail, as he would for using a normal sized flail (-2 for twf and -2 for innapropriate size is the same as -4 for using a non-light off hand weapon)

Using a small flail in the off hand would have the same penalties for that off hand attack, but all of your main hand attacks would only be at -2, since you DO have a light weapon in the off hand now. It just depends on your flavor desire, and whether that extra -2 means that much to you. It'd be a personal choice, and both are in the Corebook as possible options.

Just my 2cp

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