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A fun read on the subject of the ancient Indian military.
Tiger Claws and Kukri as two weapons to replace the Kama, Nunchaku, Siangham, etc. are some ideas from there.

Spacelard |

A fun read on the subject of the ancient Indian military.
Tiger Claws and Kukri as two weapons to replace the Kama, Nunchaku, Siangham, etc. are some ideas from there.
Yea, I was thinking about dropping the obvious oriental influenced weapons and replacing with punch daggers and chakram (?). Missed the kukri! Good read. Thanks.

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I suppose, if you wanted to go with the current monk lineup;
One B weapon
One S weapon
One P weapon
One ranged weapon
You could use the Katar / Punch-Dagger as P, the Kukri as S and the Ankus (elephant goad) as B, with the Chakram as the ranged weapon.
The Katar could use dagger stats, but be able to disarm (if it's a three-bladed version), the Kukri use it's normal stats, and the Ankus use Nunchaku stats (1d6 B, trip, due to the hook).
The Chakram would do damage like a throwing axe, but with a 20 ft. ranged increment or something.
Since the Monk has a bonus weapon with the Siangham, you could toss in the Bagh Nakh / Tiger's Claws as a form of usable-with-unarmed-strike Slashing option. (Adds +1 damage and turns nonlethal Bludgeoning into lethal Slashing, for normal users, for Monks, turns their unarmed Bludgeoning damage into Slashing and retains the +1 damage, but they can't use nonlethal damage with the hands while the Tiger's Claws are equipped, which is hardly a bother, sicne they can do UA damage with knees, feet, head-butts, shoulder slams, elbow strikes, etc.) As an added bonus, perhaps the Bagh Nakh give a +2 equipment / circumstance bonus to Climb checks (and / or a similar penalty to melee weapons held in those hands)...
That might be 'too good,' however. Perhaps the Bagh Nakh only counts as a Spiked Gauntlet that adds a Climb bonus or something.

Spacelard |

I'm the GM and doing this for flavor for the player's monk. The list I came up with was
Punching Dagger
Tiger Claw's
and since you pointed it out Set, Kukri.
The urumi is from Pathfider Campaign setting (exotic reach weapon) which is an Indian specialised martial weapon.
Too much?
About right?

LoreKeeper |

Not all exotic weapons are automatically monk weapons (like the Urumi listed in campaign setting) - furthermore a lot of the campaign setting weapons have been re-done in the Adventurer's Armory. This includes the urumi, which loses its reach, but has a threat-range for 18-20 now.
In Pathfinder there are no more "free" reach+adjacent weapons like the old urumi, spiked chain, etc.

Spacelard |

Not all exotic weapons are automatically monk weapons (like the Urumi listed in campaign setting) - furthermore a lot of the campaign setting weapons have been re-done in the Adventurer's Armory. This includes the urumi, which loses its reach, but has a threat-range for 18-20 now.
In Pathfinder there are no more "free" reach+adjacent weapons like the old urumi, spiked chain, etc.
Haven't got the Adventurer's Armory so thanks for the heads up on that.
However the Urumi is a Indian fancy-pants weapon in the real world and fits in with a Vudrani Monk better than nunchuks or sai. That is why I'm including it not because its an exotic weapon but because I'm taking away the "oriental" influenced monk weapons and replacing with "Indian" influenced weapons.