Alchemist mutagen and Transformation Spell

Rules Questions

Can an alchemist drink a grand mutagen and then cast Transformation on himself.

The bonus from a mutagen for str dex and con is alchemical, and the bonus form Transformation is enhancement. The armor bonus is natural in bonus and i would think not stack.

I see no lines under mutagen that restrict you from using an extract, probably still need a high enough intelligence score.

Transformation restricts spell casting, does it also restrict an alchemist from throwing a bomb or using an extract? If so, could an infused extract be used?

thanks for your thoughts.

Liberty's Edge interpretation was much more liberal. I thought, if you made the extract in the morning, it doesn't *matter* what your int is now-you can use it. I figured that was half the point of the ridiculous, wonky "extract" system, instead of just making them normal spellcasters, that you could drop a strength mutagen and still drink your other buffs afterward.

Same with transformation. Neither drinking nor preparing an extract is actually casting a spell. Nor is preparing and throwing a bomb. RAW, there's nothing stopping you. RAI, I couldn't say.

kroarty wrote: interpretation was much more liberal. I thought, if you made the extract in the morning, it doesn't *matter* what your int is now-you can use it. I figured that was half the point of the ridiculous, wonky "extract" system, instead of just making them normal spellcasters, that you could drop a strength mutagen and still drink your other buffs afterward.

Same with transformation. Neither drinking nor preparing an extract is actually casting a spell. Nor is preparing and throwing a bomb. RAW, there's nothing stopping you. RAI, I couldn't say.

I guess as long as it's prepared ahead of time, your adjusted intelligence score doesn't matter. Since the bombs and extracts are already infused with the alchemists magic, and remain available all day.

The next question would be does Giant Form and Transformation stack or does Transformation cancel Giant Form?

Sovereign Court

Things like that should stack, so long as the bonuses aren't of the same type. Natural armor bonuses normally don't stack with themselves, though I think there miiight be exceptions to that somewhere either in spells or the like.

A size bonus will certainly stack with an alchemical bonus and an enhancement bonus of course. :)

Liberty's Edge

Yes. Only exception is that Polymorph subschool spells will always supercede, not stack. So you can stack giant form on top of transformation, but not on top of alter self.

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kroarty wrote:
Yes. Only exception is that Polymorph subschool spells will always supercede, not stack. So you can stack giant form on top of transformation, but not on top of alter self.

SO theoretically, Grand mutagen, giant form, transformation, with permamnent haste potion = Gnomish alchemist whose kicks but for a decent number of rounds.

Liberty's Edge

Absolutely agree. I assume I don't need to add "with the reservation that I would've gone for a race without a str penalty", but yes. Sounds perfectly devastating.

Dark Archive

MundinIronHand wrote:
kroarty wrote:
Yes. Only exception is that Polymorph subschool spells will always supercede, not stack. So you can stack giant form on top of transformation, but not on top of alter self.
SO theoretically, Grand mutagen, giant form, transformation, with permamnent haste potion = Gnomish alchemist whose kicks but for a decent number of rounds.

He'd be even stronger if he were a human, half-elf or half-orc alchemist with a high strength instead of a race with a strength penalty. If you are going to specialize that much in increasing strength, you might as well chose a race that supports that build.

The thought of either an elf (great to have the dex and int bonus) or a 1/2 orc or human alchemist did enter my mind. While i'm not 100% settled on gnome, it's a flavor thing. Gnome's are natural alchemist and tinkerers. Being a small guy that suddenly goes crazy is kinda fun. I'll probably create a human and an elf version and bring them all to the 1st session. I'd like to tie him into another PC, so still waiting on the rest of the group to get all set up. it looks like we'll have an Alchemist, witch, wizard, cleric, fighter/rogue, and paladin/rogue.

All the size changing spells, polymorphs, enlarge persons, giant forms, all grant size bonuses to your stats and a straight up natural armor bonus.

Transformation grants an enhancement bonus to stats, so it wont stack with stat boosting items. It also grants a straight up natural armor bonus which does not stack with the size changing spells.

Mutagens grant alchemical bonuses to stats (grand mutagen has an errata). It also grants a straight up natural armor bonus which does not stack with the size changing spells or transformation.

None of these woud stack natural armor if your race had it. So if you were a Troglodyte alchemist, these would not overide his existing +6 or grant him any extra bonus, but if you were a race with only +2 natural armor, the greatest bonus would override.

Amulets of Natural Armor grant enhancement bonuses to your natural armor, so they would stack.

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