Pathfinder Society Scenario Retirements

Pathfinder Society

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Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Like I said in a different thread where the comment got lost, and while it is probably too late for this, I think it would have been better to have waited til all of Season 2 was out and then retire all of Season 0 at one time. Then go through all of them and convert the ones worth converting and un-retire the converted ones or re-introduce them as part of Season 3.

That ship has sailed, unfortunately. We should have the first wave of converted scenarios available within the coming month, though getting them laid out and edited takes a backseat to new material with real deadlines.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Mark Moreland wrote:
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
Like I said in a different thread where the comment got lost, and while it is probably too late for this, I think it would have been better to have waited til all of Season 2 was out and then retire all of Season 0 at one time. Then go through all of them and convert the ones worth converting and un-retire the converted ones or re-introduce them as part of Season 3.
That ship has sailed, unfortunately. We should have the first wave of converted scenarios available within the coming month, though getting them laid out and edited takes a backseat to new material with real deadlines.

Kudos for all you Paizo employees for announcing retirements well in advance so those that want to play the scenarios for credit can.

I know this might have been brought up before, but I will ask anyway -- is there a plan to retire Pathfinder scenarios (the ones written to Pathfinder RPG rules or converted to them later) after a certain amount of time? I ask because another living campaign from the past had 'retirement conventions' near the end of each year so that people who hadn't played the expiring scenarios could play them. I believe I attended 3 of these events and they were invariably a lot of fun. I understand why you want to keep scenarios you've developed and paid the 'overhead cost' for 'on the shelf' for as long as you have a reasonable amount of paying customers. I guess as devil's advocate against never retiring them, I could say that Paizo might get a nice sales bump for retiring scenarios if you did have a regular retirement time each year.

The Exchange 4/5

Michael Griffin-Wade wrote:

Its a double edged sword. I have to like some scenarios just because the introduce NPCs.

I'm a big Grandmater Touch fan and I like that he keep reappearing. It's a nice touchstone for players that haven't played together.

I think Grandmaster Touch would cause a few legal issues for the Paizo squad. Grandmaster Torch, however, just had a bad accident.

The Exchange 4/5

talbanus wrote:

Kudos for all you Paizo employees for announcing retirements well in advance so those that want to play the scenarios for credit can.

This was true when they announced two at a time. Five at a time was a bit much.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Demoyn wrote:
Michael Griffin-Wade wrote:

Its a double edged sword. I have to like some scenarios just because the introduce NPCs.

I'm a big Grandmater Touch fan and I like that he keep reappearing. It's a nice touchstone for players that haven't played together.

I think Grandmaster Touch would cause a few legal issues for the Paizo squad. Grandmaster Torch, however, just had a bad accident.

Ugn, relied on spell check, and not actually reading my message.

The Exchange 4/5

Michael Griffin-Wade wrote:
Demoyn wrote:
Michael Griffin-Wade wrote:

Its a double edged sword. I have to like some scenarios just because the introduce NPCs.

I'm a big Grandmater Touch fan and I like that he keep reappearing. It's a nice touchstone for players that haven't played together.

I think Grandmaster Touch would cause a few legal issues for the Paizo squad. Grandmaster Torch, however, just had a bad accident.
Ugn, relied on spell check, and not actually reading my message.

This is one of those times where you just sit back and enjoy the unintentional humor.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Mark Moreland wrote:

This thread exists to keep a running update of past and planned retirements of Pathfinder Society scenarios from season 0, the playtest season.

#10: Blood at Dralkard Manor
#15: Asmodeus Mirage

Retired from play on March 29, 2010.

#9: Eye of the Crocodile King
#18: The Trouble with Secrets
#21: The Eternal Obelisk

Retired from play on May 24, 2010.

#6: Black Waters
#11: The Third Riddle
#12: Stay of Execution
#19: Skeleton Moon
#25: Hands of the Muted God

Retiring from play on November 15, 2010.

When are the next ones up?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Black Waters is being un-retired, you might want to adjust the listing :)

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

It was never retired, as the governor called just as it was being strapped into the chair. I'm editing the OP now.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

Thanks for the save, Gov'ner!

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Is there any place where I can find the reasons for retirement? It doesn't have to be detailed and I don't "need" it, I'm just very curious.

Something like "#99 Fuzzy Bunnies of Time Lords (too confusing for a D&D game)"

Shadow Lodge 5/5

James Risner wrote:

Is there any place where I can find the reasons for retirement? It doesn't have to be detailed and I don't "need" it, I'm just very curious.

Something like "#99 Fuzzy Bunnies of Time Lords (too confusing for a D&D game)"

We've asked for this before and have received a resounding "no" from the powers that be.

James Risner wrote:
Is there any place where I can find the reasons for retirement? It doesn't have to be detailed and I don't "need" it, I'm just very curious.

I think the problem is that as soon as you give a reason, it looks like you're opening the subject up for debate.

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