Eldritch Knight - a GREAT PrC or the GREATEST PrC

Off-Topic Discussions

Just practicing my trolling... :)

Chaos & Kisses,


PS - Feel free to suggest your own best inflammatory troll bait.

Its the bestest.

Kratzee wrote:
Its the bestest.

I like you Kratzee... I'll kill you last.

It's a dessert topping!
No, it's a furniture polish!

i'm an eldritch knight

Pillowpants wrote:
i'm an eldritch knight

So, are you GREAT or are you the GREATEST?

i am the defender of the abstinence program when project onan failed miserably. it's a work in progress.

Pillowpants wrote:
i'm an eldritch knight

"I'm Batman!"

"For the last time, no, you are not."

Pillowpants wrote:
i am the defender of the abstinence program when project onan failed miserably. it's a work in progress.

Project Onan couldn't compete against the mojo of King Priaprism.

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