Strovan |

"Good to meet you gentlemen, Strovan, its just Strovan now."
It appears I might have put the cart in front of the horse. Having never played in a Paizo adventure path I didn't realize there was a free Players Guide. I am reading over that now and making a few tweaks but I should have everything fleshed out and available for you to look over before morning.

Greehr |

Death-lok, the forgotten realms campaign setting has a potion belt, which holds six potions and lets me draw a potion as a free action once per round.
I'm wondering if you can allow that, since apparently extracts are treated as potions. Saves the trouble of having to draw one from the pack every time I need to use one. If not, well I'm sure Greehr can get into the habit of having a potion in hand at all times.

Silstaren |

I'm super-psyched abouth this game. I'll finish a draft of my profile tonight or tomorrow morning.
Quick view -- Silstaren starts as an elven ranger. He will dip into rogue to get a very broad skill base and then jump into a long career as a fighter. He's young as elves go, and has been wandering the world absorbing as much as he can. His main hook into the adventure is that the caravan he was guarding was wiped out by local bandits. He's looking for revenge.

Death-Lok |

Glad everybody's checked in, I think it will be a cool group. We have 2 rangers, a fighter, a cleric, and an alchemist. I know you're lacking wizard/sorceror support, but I think this AP may be the one where that's ok. However, if you wish to change your characters, this is the time to do it (except for the ranger and the fighter).
Once you're done with characters, we'll start. I will post a prologue, as I was not satisfied with beginning of the AP as published. You will notice that about me, I like to change stuff a lot, so even if you're familiar with the story, there will be some surprises.

Greehr |

Yes, I know that potion belt well, many a character of mine has used it. That is fine. What is the cost?
Well, the book says 1gp for a potion belt, 60gp for a masterwork one (holds 10). I'll add the normal one in a bit. Yays!
Hmm, and given the prevalence of martial prowess in our party, and the lack of a primary arcane, I think Greehr will be taking the infusion discovery first.

Death-Lok |

Some corrections that need to be noted:
Garyn: Add +2 initiative, correct battleaxe crit modifier to 20/x3, correct melee unarmed strike to +2 hit, add CMD to character sheet, correct ride and stealth to +7 (-1 ACP), pick +1hp or extra skill due to favored class, pick skill that gets +1 bonus due to pioneer trait (choose from climb, handle animal, knowledge(nature), perception, ride, survival, or swim).
Greehr: Add rapier and longbow to combat section, add 4 splash damage to bomb entry, correct AC to 15 (studded leather only gives +3), correct Linguistics skill to +7 (+1 rank, +3 class, +3 int), erase 1 language (+3 int + 1 for rank in linguistics + common), choose mutagen stat that will be enhanced that day, delete Rich Parents trait under equipment tab, and choose class feat.

Garyn Avery |

Some corrections that need to be noted:
Garyn: Add +2 initiative, correct battleaxe crit modifier to 20/x3, correct melee unarmed strike to +2 hit, add CMD to character sheet, correct ride and stealth to +7 (-1 ACP), pick +1hp or extra skill due to favored class, pick skill that gets +1 bonus due to pioneer trait (choose from climb, handle animal, knowledge(nature), perception, ride, survival, or swim).
Greehr: Add rapier and longbow to combat section, add 4 splash damage to bomb entry, correct AC to 15 (studded leather only gives +3), correct Linguistics skill to +7 (+1 rank, +3 class, +3 int), erase 1 language (+3 int + 1 for rank in linguistics + common), choose mutagen stat that will be enhanced that day, delete Rich Parents trait under equipment tab, and choose class feat.
Thanks! I threw him back to level 1 pretty quick, and without any books in front of me. Will fix today, and change background!

Greehr |

Some corrections that need to be noted:
Greehr: Add rapier and longbow to combat section, add 4 splash damage to bomb entry, correct AC to 15 (studded leather only gives +3), correct Linguistics skill to +7 (+1 rank, +3 class, +3 int), erase 1 language (+3 int + 1 for rank in linguistics + common), choose mutagen stat that will be enhanced that day, delete Rich Parents trait under equipment tab, and choose class feat.
Yeah..it was a work in progress at the time, and I was sleeepy. It's largely fixed now, but Linguistics isn't a class skill for Alchemists, and the Noble Born: House Lebeda trait grants a bonus language. I'm still in three minds about my feat. There's not that many feats for Alchemists to choose from anyway.
There's a very buried post somewhere that the Alchemist iconic uses the Bard starting gold, so I went for that. Too sleepy to dig it up.

Silstaren |

Made the corrections you requested, Death-lok, and filled out his equipment. Replaced his lost background though without the literate grace of the first edition. I'll add some of that back in later. I still have to pick 2 traits.
I think the skills may work out without a dip into rogue. I am toying with the idea of grabbing a level of sorcerer sometime and eventually going into a modified Bladesinger prestige class if that is alright with you.
If not I can fake it well enough with a couple levels of sorcerer mixed in with the ranger and fighter. Silstaren will probably tell me what he wants to do anyway as we play.

Silstaren |

Wow! Death-lok. That will get this going with a bang! But it does raise some questions for me.
Also,went through stats again. Picked favored enemy, Fey. Picked 2 traits. The first trait is made up, but based on a firm model. Still not completely sure about skill choices. Starting to think I will want a level of rogue to get them all in place.

Death-Lok |

Garyn Avery |

No problem Garyn, the looking at the cards was a nice touch btw!
Ha, thanks! You'll see a lot more of that with him. He believes in chance and fate more than people sometimes. I originally wanted to make him chaotic neutral, but didn't want it to be game-breaking. I've played this exact character in a campaign IRL before...he's one of my favorites.

therealthom |

Nice intros all around. Good description and details. I am digging the game so far.
Death-lok and Cale :
If Surtova has no local house, he would probably have gone straight to the mayor and would try to stay with him.
Greehr may need to know this too.

Death-Lok |

Picture the Brevic nobility as a corporation: main office and branches all over. House Surtova has its roots in New Stetven with the King, but has noble estates in all major cities, including Restov. Same with the other families. Silstaren stays there with Cale. Greehr stays at the Lebeda estate with his family, if he desires. As for the funeral, only the local family attended (he was only a 3rd cousin after all, but the King sent his condolences).

Strovan |

Meh sorry I haven't responded quickly, I checked it early yesterday and nothing was updated, then my day hit the fan, at work now but will update with a big message as soon as I am off. Maybe I should have been more subtle, but I never really envisioned Strovan as subtle.

Greehr |

Would anyone object to fast-forwarding the game to 2 days later, as the party leaves Restov? If you have things to do in town, let me know.
I'm fine with that. I sort of wrote myself away because it was a busy few days, and I'm not really sure how to get back. Haha. Maybe another background pose while I'm at it.

Cale nil Surtova |

I was going to play Cale as more of a stoic, militaristic type, but I think I like the petulant disconnected noble more. If he comes off as a jerk, I want to tell you all out of character I mean no offense, and feel free to let me know if I lay it on a little thick and it gets annoying.

Garyn Avery |

I'm actually looking forward to it! Eventually Garn and Cale will become friends, but Garyn doesn't enjoy nobles much and it's a matter of time before he gets snarky. I'm looking forward to the fireworks, but I'll say it, too. Out of character I mean no offense! Garyn will put up with it for a bit, then...we'll see...