A Real Human Being |

Name: Reginald
Race: Half-Orc (Human)
Classes/Levels: Champion 7
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Hargulka's Fortress
Catalyst: Crit Fail Diplomacy, Bad Decisions
Name: Adelaide
Race: Dwarf
Classes/Levels: Kinectist 7
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Hargulka's Fortress
Catalyst: Crit Fail Diplomacy, Bad Decisions
Name: Jovann
Race: Dwarf
Classes/Levels: Barbarian 7
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Hargulka's Fortress
Catalyst: Crit Fail Diplomacy, Bad Decisions
The Gory Details: On their first excursion to Hargulka's Fortress to deal with the troll problem. With Ekundayo and Dog in tow, they entered through the main entrance and fought the two trolls there and the hobgoblins - during the battle, two more trolls from the main room joined. The party waded through them with the fire kinectist being the most effective alongside the psychic.
Knowing they were losing, two trolls fled. The party finished up the rest and closed the door, through which the trolls escaped back into the main room. They decided to explore the southern part of the fortress, where they dealt with the cavern troll and the leucrottas.
MEANWHILE, the two trolls that fled, regenerated and alerted the rest of the fortress. So when the party ended up facing Hargulka, Gojira, the two-headed troll, and two more trolls in the main room. It would have been a slaughter but the psychic was focused on diplomacy and the party's talker. So he tried to negotiate peace.
Natural one.
Hero point!
Natural one.
"No peace, only war!"
Rather than flee, the barbarian charged in - putting himself deliberately into a flanking position with the two-headed troll and a regular troll. He did so to sacrifice himself so the others could run.
The others decided not to run. The kineticist jumped into battle as well. The champion did their best to try and protect them but alas...
The barbarian was the first to fall, followed by the kineticist and the champion, who refused to leave his friends' unconscious bodies behind. The kineticist NEARLY got out - but unfortunately, it was not to be.
Meanwhile, the psychic and Ekundayo had retreated to the main entrance and tried to use ranged attacks to bring the trolls down and hopefully rescue their friends. Two trolls charged.
Natural 20.
The psychic goes down. Ekundayo is up next. Dog flees. Ekundayo grabs the little gnome and just jumps off the cliff, taking the heavy fall damage and then immediately shoving a potion down the gnome's throat.
Near TPK. If the group hadn't taken the time to make friends with Ekundayo, he wouldn't have saved the gnome and would have just run, leading to a TPK.

Banedon_421 |

Name: Markus Rin
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Bard 16th
Adventure: Sound of a Thousand Screams
Location: His own bedroom at the kingdom's capital
Catalyst: Killed by his own father
The Gory Details: The party had just returned from defeating the Shrieking Children bloom in the Greenbelt and hoped for a good night's sleep. Unknown from them, the Nights of Dread bloom was already in force and Markus was its first victim. Waking up from his nightmare, the bard critically failed on his save and transformed, body and mind, into a shrew. Hearing terrifying animal squeals from the room next door, his paladin father Yendeyr Rin went in, crashing the door in the process.
Investigating the apparently empty room with closed windows, Yendeyr finally finds the potential culprit for his son's disappearance : a suspicious little animal hiding beneath a closet. Calling Erastil's help, the paladin manages to speak with the shrew and begins its interrogation. The little beast remembers nothing of his life before this morning and only speaks about the terrifying big Raven that haunted him in the woods. One failed intelligence check and paranoia problems come into play. Yendeyr is now convinced that the shrew is lying to him, maybe sent by his enemies to capture Markus and bring him who-knows-where. Quick check to his spells, he has no dispel magic at hand, nor even detect magic. So the paladin does what any paladin does when being lied to : he draws his sword and intimidates the stupid animal so as to change his mind. The intimidation roll is a success, the shrew is now very afraid of the paladin and acts as any shrew would in such a situation. A few rounds later, Yendeyr holds the tiny animal impaled at the top of his sword... it will flee no more.
My player looks at me, waiting for me to tell him the shrew transforms back into a human being, probably hoping to revivify him (that spell he has). I tell him it doesn't. The party searches for Markus the whole day, flying above the capital and the Greenbelt. After a time, the ranger finally uses locate creature in the castle and finally finds out the shrew was indeed his companion. One dispel magic later, the Council remorsefully burns the body of the bard.