Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

You sleep like the dead though the night, the house gets a bit cool, but is well insulated and you have plenty of covers. But you awoken early from your sleep the next morning in the predawn hours.
Sara has fixed a breakfast of fried ham and meal gravy which you get with cornbread she provided. "Johns out getting the horses ready, looks like it rained last night" Glenda sits sleepy near Tommy in the cool kitchen and your told the baby slept most of the night, but you should find some formula as what you have wont last to long.
the sky is overcast and gloomy with no sun to be seen and a light cold rain falls around you as you make your way to the barn. It's a bit chill but may be near 50 out you guess as you find john saddling the horses inside the barn.
The place is old, but well taken maintained, the rain tings off the old tin roof and you can make out a chimney on one side. As you step inside, you see the wakelands have a few horse in the stalls and the upper level of the barn is filled with hay.
"Ah there ya are!" John bellows " Had to be up to take care of the live stock, the second coming or not cows gotta be feed. You boys might want to keep an eye out as folks are crazy in the best of times and now..." he lets his words trail off as he shrugs.
Keep low and watch for the crazy's, and son if you have no where else to go you and your lady come back this way.' He says looking at Shane "Besides farming hard work, we can always use more help" He says with a chuckle as he walks back toward the house.
Ok your ready to go, where to?

Tommy Butcher |

"Wow, thank's for your concern for my safety and well being and all". Says Shane. "But Tommy, don't you and Bryan have Kith and Kin nearby that you have your own concerns about? It would be selfish of me to drag you all the way up to Campton, when I don't even know if I'll be coming back this way. Beside I thought riding shodded horses on pavement wasn't the best thing in the world to do. For both the horses or the riders.
A single man on a Mt. Bike, is alot more quiter then the lip clop of horses hooves on pavement. An alot less threatening to anyone they might come across. Perhaps you can accompany me as far as Mr. McCoy's and help him make his way back to his family here".
"Suit yourself". "Kind of a weird attitude for an army guy...most of them try to keep the squad together, and realize that a group is stronger than it's individual components, but if you want to go off on your own...knock yourself out". "The offer stands is you change your mind".
"And we don't ride the horses on the road, we ride on the side of the road". We'll go get Grandpa, and head back". "Also might want to resupply with at least some baby formula".
"John, you still got that old hay-wagon we used to haul the church Sunday school around in on Halloween". "Might be better to hitch up old Saul and use that, than individual horses". "Especially since we've got non-riders here". "We could also bring back more supplies, and even Grandpa and his stuff on board"?

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

John is halfway to the when He stops "EH' the wagon? I thought the town the awful crowed with cars, but sure the wagon would work pretty well. " He says then starts back toward the barn to help Tommy hitch up the wagon
Horses do get ridden on the pavement. It's not ideal but no worse then say cobblestone which was common for a very long time. It's not odd to see folks who ride take the roads from point A to point B. And as for the side of the road, take a look at the map and you'll see in alot of places there is no such thing really. Far more dangerous to ride the horses on the ditched/uneven sides then the pavement

Shane A. MacIntyre |

"I'm in the Coast Guard and not the Army". Said Shane. Continuing he said. "A Unit that has trained together in tactical maneuvers in enviroments and situations that they are likely to come across would be a great asset. But I'm sorry, but you, me and Bryan going down the road, clippity cloppity, is not such a Unit. I think I would do better on my own, moving quietly. I may even just travel at night to better avoid confrontations".
"I don't know if you want my opinion or not. But I think trying to take that haywagon into town right now would be a mistake. To many cars on the road. An the three of us won't be enough to defend it against any organized gang or such. That may see it's as the very valuable asset that it is"!

Tommy Butcher |

"I'm in the Coast Guard and not the Army". Said Shane. Continuing he said. "A Unit that has trained together in tactical maneuvers in enviroments and situations that they are likely to come across would be a great asset. But I'm sorry, but you, me and Bryan going down the road, clippity cloppity, is not such a Unit. I think I would do better on my own, moving quietly. I may even just travel at night to better avoid confrontations".
"I don't know if you want my opinion or not. But I think trying to take that haywagon into town right now would be a mistake. To many cars on the road. An the three of us won't be enough to defend it against any organized gang or such. That may see it's as the very valuable asset that it is"!
"Oh and who's going to watch your back while you sleep"? "Who's going to help you up if you fall down a ravine, or if you get attacked and injured". "You're not from here, and don't know your way around or have any friends you might call on".
"I understand you've got a mighty high opinion of yourself, and think you don't need anybody, but the way things are now you can't pick up your radio and call your superior officer for support". "And while we might not be up to your level of sophistication and training, I reckon we can hold our own".
"You helped us, and I'm trying to help you, but you make it very tough to like you"! Tommy is now getting his temper up, the veins in his neck starting to stand out.
"So just go on off by yourself". "Maybe if you don't make it to your sweetheart, and help her get down here where it's safe she'll still be OK, but I'm thinking you're kind of selfish thinking only about yourself".

Shane A. MacIntyre |

OOC: Is the haywagon something like this? (Cut & Paste to Browser to see).
http://www.pscomputerconsulting.com/northwoodscarriage/pics/Hayride/HayWago n1.JPG
(For some reason I can't edit and remove space between o and n on "HayWago n1.JPG", delete the space when it is in your Browser).
Or something like this? (Cut & Paste to Browser to see).
Either one is not exactly non-conspicuous. An would at the least need two horses to pull it.
IC: "Well I think just the three of us making it to Mr. McCoy's and then you two getting him back safe and sound to his family here, would be a big enough accomplishment". Said Shane.
"Remember the baby needs formula and probably other baby supplies also. I don't think that can wait. An I can't wait to go either. An like I've asked before, but never got any answers to, don't you guys have family and friends in the area, that you want to find out what their situation is. It seems this would be a good place to bring them. Like Mr. Wakeland said. There is alot of good farmland here, that needs people to work it and defend it".
A glow of pride and love comes to the face of the young man as he continues. "As far as my Sweetheart goes. Suzanna can take care of herself. She's a regular rennisance woman. Beside being a nurse practitioner, she's nearly has her black belt in Taekwondo. In the Society of Creative Anachronism, she is a heavy fighter and shoots archery as well. Along with knowing such archaic skills such as spinning and weaving cotton and wool fibers on a shuttle loom. As well as herbal lore for both cooking and healing, to name just a few. She has identical twin younger brothers, Sean and Connor, age 17, which she has basically raised for the last four years, since their parents died in an a auto accident. Both of them are also Fighters and Archers in training. (For legal purposes you have to be 18 to Heavy Fight or shoot Archery in a sanctioned SCA event). But of course with a signed legal waiver, teens 15+ can train at a sanctioned SCA practice, with their Guardian present. Their SCA Household/Clan of 10+ SCAers, are from within 10 miles of Campton. So like I said, I don't know whether or not I'll be coming back this way or not. I'll have to see what the situation is up there.
So I think it would be pretty selfish of me, to bring you two all the way up there to Campton with me. An then ending up telling you, 'Thank's anyway, but I've decided to stay up here. Good luck with getting all the way back to Jackson by yourselves'. Right"?

Ellipsis |

Is the haywagon something like this?
Or something like this?
Either one is not exactly non-conspicuous. An would at the least need two horses to pull it.
"Well I think just the three of us making it to Mr. McCoy's and then you two getting him back safe and sound to his family here, would be a big enough accomplishment". Said Shane.
"Remember the baby needs formula and probably other baby supplies also. I don't think that can wait. An I can't wait to go either. An like I've asked before, but never got any answers to, don't you guys have family and friends in the area, that you want to find out what their situation is. It seems this would be a good place to bring them. Like Mr. Wakeland said. There is alot of good farmland here, that needs people to work it and defend it".
A glow of pride and love comes to the face of the young man as he continues. "As far as my Sweetheart goes. Suzanna can take care of herself. She's a regular rennisance woman. Beside being a nurse practitioner, she's nearly has her black belt in Taekwondo. In the Society of Creative Anachronism, she is a heavy fighter and shoots archery as well. Along with knowing such archaic skills such as spinning and weaving cotton and wool fibers on a shuttle loom. As well as herbal lore for both cooking and healing, to name just a few. She has identical twin younger brothers, Sean and Connor, age 17, which she has basically raised for the last four years, since their parents died in an a auto accident. Both of them are also Fighters and Archers in training. (For legal purposes you have to be 18 to Heavy Fight or shoot Archery in a sanctioned SCA event). But of course with...

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

The group hitches the wagon and with a cold rain beating down on them from an over cast sky they start the eleven mile trip toward Jackson. The road is empty as the rain beats down upon the blacktop sending cold chills down your backs. The mist rolls off the mountains in great banks of fog as the trodding of the horses seem to echo in the dim morning light. Somewhere near dogs bark.
Most of the way you have no trouble with the wagon and only once have to push cars out of the road as you make your way toward the Town. As you approach you notice the fires most have been put out or the rains quenched them as only a little smoke can be seen. You notice no lights from the pawn shop as you pass and many of the cars have been pushed out of the main road as you enter the city, you see not a soul in the gloomy rain streaked light.
You have just entered the city, its still early maybe 9 am or so. You near the pawn shop marked on the map. PLans?

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

The pawn shop is there, but most likely guarded. Do you have money or are we on the looting stage? Keep in mind at this point it has been 3 days with no power , no new food coming in or water, as most city system use pumps. The lack of water could be a real issue. There are some grocery stores as well as gas station, general{dollar} stores and the like, what would be the first place you would like to hit? And is Shane leaving at this point?

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

I may or may not merge this map with the other, but that does give you a nice over view of what Tommy and Bryan would know about. If you move the map, notice how it changes , so zoom out and move it and it adds new stores. Most of theses besides walmart would be there in this year. So take a look see at the map and just tell me where to. You can list a few place in order if ya like and what ya hope to find if anything from them

Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
I may or may not merge this map with the other, but that does give you a nice over view of what Tommy and Bryan would know about. If you move the map, notice how it changes , so zoom out and move it and it adds new stores. Most of theses besides walmart would be there in this year. So take a look see at the map and just tell me where to. You can list a few place in order if ya like and what ya hope to find if anything from them
Looks like Jiffy Mart is the closest, though after 3 days without refrigeration, their meat selection has probably gone downhill. After that I think it would be a good idea to go to one of the pharmacies (Rite Aid & Family Pharmacy) and see if there are any medical supplies that might be useful. Also, there seems to be a farm just south of town that probably will stock food even if the stores are out.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

The town seems oddly deserted in the morning rain, as you carefully work the wagon around the dead cars. The parking lot to Jiffy mart is full of cars. Some with doors standing open. The stores windows are smashed and you see several people inside picking though what seems to be near empty shelves or at lest badly cleared shelves.
A few look up, grasping bats or pipes as the wagon loudly comes to a halt in the parking lot.

Tommy Butcher |

I'm a little confused. I thought we were going to get Grandpa first, but I guess we can get him on the way back
"It looks like the looting has began". "We'd better get our share". "Lets head for the pharmacy, then family dollar, then rite aid". "We'll also the florist, and auto parts store on the way out".

Shane A. MacIntyre |

It's been less then 2 days since the Event that caused everything to go to heck in a handbasket. So Shane, being who he is, feels quite conflicted about the looting. An doesn't do any himself. Though he well stay outside and keep an vigulant eye on the horses and haywagon, as well as any possible dangers, while Bryan and Tommy do so. Some how justifing in his mind that being a look out and watching the escape vehicile isn't the same thing as actually stealing. Thinking that somehow he can still manage to take the high road, even in these circumstances. He wonders where Officer O'Brady and the rest of the local law enforcement are.
When they pass the Pawn Shop, that they had gone to the day before, a twinge of guilt caused Shane to peddle quickly by it, trying not to glance in its direction. He'll be glad when they finally get to Mr. McCoys, where he remembers seeing some stuff in the shed when he Bryan made the Stretcher/Litter in, that he wants to use to modify his Mt. Bike with.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

You make your way into the store and the others seem to avoid you being three mean with bows and all. Tommy leads you toward the Phamacy aisles, most of it looks intact, very little seems to be gone from this aisle.
Alot of the pop and water is gone from the place as is alot of portable food and such. You are able to pack out almost a full shelf of baby items, food, formula and diapers. Rading the back of the store you find whole pallets of can goods and paper products, cereals and the like. Seems not to many have been back here just yet. And the three of you take to loading the Wagon down with cases of can goods.
As your packing out your items however a group of six men approach your wagon. "Nice wagon you got there, you seem to be taking an awful lot of stuff." says a man with a mullet, ball cap and flannel jacket. The others are dressed close to the same, jackets caps and all seem to be holder thick tree limbs or pipes
"Yeah duck, they sure do have alot of stuff" Another with a pipe says. The first man" duck" grins at you "I think you boys need to go, we'll be sure to put this stuff to good use" The horses start to nah a bit as the men start to spread out toward you
Over look my crappy wagon and line horses and that the twon only has cars in red and black :)

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Shane has no intention of going into and looting any store, as mentioned in his last post. He well be standing watch outside. When seeing the orginized mob of thugs coming into sight. Shane will stick his head in the door and yelled.
"Bryan and Tommy we got trouble incoming, get your asses outside ASAP".
At the same time thinking to himself, I told them that damn haywagon would draw in trouble, like horse manure draws flies!
(Shane would of shouted a warning to them when they were at least three times as far away as they are on the combat map.
"It appears you've set your sites on aquiring something that doesn't belong to you. So approach no further or I'll be justified in starting to send some arrows your way. To warn you, I've been shooting one of these thing since I was six! So whose going to be the first to taste some of my feathered death"?.
OOC:With his Draw and Loose and Rapid Nock Skills, how many shoots would Shane get off before they got to where they are in the combat map? I would say atleast 3 or 4. Let me know what dice mechanics I need to use to figure out if Shane hits and how much damage is done.
So has Shane gained any extra experience points or special benefits for having his(Virtue: Justice and Vice: Pride) played as well as they have?
Good Gaming,

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Well if ya threaten em, they start going behind cars as soon as they can, meaning they would have plenty of cover to close. Also 44' is close range with that weapon, Reloading a bow is a standard action, but Darw and loose gives ya a +1 to min Strength, Damage and Range. Rapid Nock allows you to reload once per turn as a reflex action. Combat turn in wod is 3 secs. Meaning you can nock and fire once per round and you hit harder.. As for the Xp not yet, You would have refilled some will if you had used any
Thug 1=8
Thug 4=7
Thug 2=6
Thug 3=6
Thug 4=5
Thug 5=5
Switch shane and tommy's spots on the map. Shane you picked them out as a threat at 100 feet still in short rang for you for you your ranges are 44/88/132+ yards so 0/-2/-4 on attacks. You get 3 turns of actions{3 shots before the others come out. Your attack is dex+ firearms+ draw= 6 but takes a -2 from the cars in the way so 4d10 per shot. Pik your targets. OH what kind of arrows yall using?

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Switch shane and tommy's spots on the map. Shane you picked them out as a threat at 100 feet still in short rang for you for you your ranges are 44/88/132+ yards so 0/-2/-4 on attacks. You get 3 turns of actions{3 shots before the others come out. Your attack is dex+ firearms+ draw= 6 but takes a -2 from the cars in the way so 4d10 per shot. Pik your targets. OH what kind of arrows yall using?
Shane will shoot at the Duck guy and the two thugs closest to the horses, using 3 of his hunting arrows.
Duck 4d10 ⇒ (9, 9, 4, 4) = 26
Thug1 4d10 ⇒ (10, 7, 6, 10) = 33
Thug2 4d10 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 8) = 17

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Shane if ya roll a 10 you get to roll it again kinda an exploding dice rule. And I goofed you should also have added the bows damage to that roll, It is dex+ firearms+ draw+ bow damage: as you bow is a composite bow and you picked it out it is made to your str+1 also broadhead tips add another +1. So that would be 3+2+1+4+1 that would be 11 -2 not 6 -2. Huge goof on my part. So will roll your extra 5 dice per attack
As the men make their way across the lot Shane draws and looses at the lead man then one at each other man nearest to "Duck"
Duck 5d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 8, 2, 7) = 21
Thug 1 7d10 ⇒ (5, 6, 8, 2, 6, 4, 2) = 33
Thug 2 5d10 ⇒ (2, 7, 1, 7, 8) = 25
The first Arrow grazes duck 3 hits so -3 health and the first and second thug 3 hits so -3 health on 1 and 2 hits so -2 health on thug 2
Added Shane's 10's to thug 2 rolls
Now it is round 1 :)
Thug 1=8
Thug 4=7
Thug 2=6
Thug 3=6
Thug 4=5
Thug 5=5

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Now it is round 1 :)
When it is his turn, Shane will shoot point blank into the wounded Thug that comes at him.
11d10 ⇒ (10, 10, 8, 9, 10, 9, 6, 4, 7, 7, 8) = 88
Additional 3 dice for the 10's rolled.
3d10 ⇒ (1, 10, 10) = 21
Additional 2 dice for the 10's rolled.
2d10 ⇒ (3, 9) = 12
Then Shane will set his Composite bow down and draws his Machete and Survival knife from their scabbard and sheathes on his belt.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Ok heads up on how I do combat, I'll give ya guys 24 hours from when I post the round to post actions then I change them if I need to. As I do not recall if I said this before I'll give Tommy and Bryan till tonight {like 12-15 hours from now} to post, you d not have to post in order...And Shane, hella good roll 10 hits, which would have dropped a bear of a man so the guy you shot is down for sure

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Shane, hella good roll 10 hits, which would have dropped a bear of a man so the guy you shot is down for sure
If Shane is not engage in hand to hand next round, he will keep firing the bow until thus engaged. An then go to the Machete and Survival knife man to man combat skill set.

Tommy Butcher |

Tommy rounds the corner in time to see Shane send his arrow through the eye of one of the charging men. He then looses a arrow, before laying down his bow, and taking up his fire axe. He likes close combat better.
"Hi-Li-Li-Li-Li-Li-Lo" Tommy screams ha he looses an arrow, and begins to descend upon the ruffians.
Bow shot (7d10.open(10)=72)http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2647769/
[ooc]I'll work on the posting of that. It's five successes.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Thug 1=8
Thug 4=7
Thug 2=6
Thug 3=6
Thug 4=5
Thug 5=5
[occ] Ok went for Bryan[/ooc]
Bryan grabs the top off the broom and runs outside. "Duck runs behind a car getting out of Shane's bow arc as one of the thugs runs forward swinging a pipe at Shane
7-3=4 DICE 4d10 ⇒ (2, 10, 10, 1) = 23
Tens 2d10 ⇒ (8, 10) = 18
Ten 1d10 ⇒ 7
And the pip hits Shane good in the ribs 3 damage Shane staggers back and puts an arrow though his attackers throat. Tommy with a yell put an arrow in another, hurting hium but not dropping the man
Two of the wounded men charge Shane and Bryan
Shans 7-3=4 4d10 ⇒ (7, 10, 7, 4) = 28
ten 1d10 ⇒ 9
Bryan 7-3=4 4d10 ⇒ (7, 1, 4, 10) = 22
Shane and bryan both take hits with pips 2 and one
The man Tommy hit crawls off while the last unhurt man charges him with a bat
7-2=5 5d10 ⇒ (3, 6, 1, 6, 9) = 25
Hitting Tommy a bit with the bat 1 health
New round

Tommy Butcher |

Tommy swings viciously at the man with his fireaxe. "You'd better get out while you have the chance". "You're going to end up like your friend there".
Fire Axe Attack (1d10=9, 1d10=3, 1d10=8, 1d10=10, 1d10=4, 1d10=3, 1d10=7, 1d10=6)
(3) successes
Did I mention your horse representations are very life like and detailed ;-)

Shane A. MacIntyre |

2nd Combat Round
Shane will set his Composite bow down and draws his Machete and Survival knife from their scabbard and sheathes on his belt. Trying to distract the Thugs he says, "Hold on for one more minute you guys, I see the Cops coming"!!! An then attacks the hopefully somewhat distracted Thug in front of him.
Str 3+ Weaponry3+ Cloak & Daggar2, using D hilted Survival Knife as Shield/Parry
8d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 3, 9, 2, 8, 7) = 37

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Ok was waiting on Bryan to post but gods the message boards have been made this weekend, couldn't even log in yesterday. Anyhow am gonna post and I'll just move Bryans actions to last is all, Fell free to still make em
Thug 1=8
Thug 2=6
Thug 3=6
"Duck charges from behind the car bringing his bat down upon Shane, getting in a solid hit with the bat 8-3=5 with 3 successes, Shane remains up and yells about the police as Shane attacks the first attacker with his knife ya took *2 for being hurt and -2 for that ones def cutting the attacker, the man is bleeding but still up
Tommy swings his ax at his attacker -2 for def slicing him with the ax,in return he swings his bat at Tommy slamming into his side 3 hits Meanwhile bryan's attacker swings his pipe toward him only to have Bryan duck out of it's path
Shane had to make a stamina roll to not pass out and most make one every round now, I used a will point, ya can choose not to have used it if ya like
Shanes stamina with will point 5d10 ⇒ (5, 7, 1, 9, 8) = 30
Ok new round, the thugs all have a def of 2, "duck" has a def of 3, Shane you have to take a -3 to all rolls. Bryan, you can go for this and next round. And Tommy needs to feed them horses

Tommy Butcher |

Seeing Shane taking a beating, and knowing things are getting desperate Tommy screams his war cry, and uses all his strength and concentration hoping to take down the foe in front of him, and maybe demoralize the rest of the thugs.
(8-dice, +2 for All-out-attack, +3 for will power point, -2 for defense = 11 dice)
Exploding dice (1d10=9, 1d10=4, 1d10=1, 1d10=10, 1d10=9)
For a total of 9-wounds (Lethal)

Tommy Butcher |

"Shane you have to take a -3 to all rolls".
OOC: -3 dice, or -3 to each 1D10 roll????
Shane. In New WoD, almost all mods are to the number of dice rolled, not the resulting pips on the die. Don't forget you can spend a willpower point to add three dice to any roll, so you can offset this.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Wow no hit, ya also need to make a stamina roll not go go, sleepy sleep. And yes in wod mods are always to the pool. As Bryan has still not posted I am gonna go for him as well
Bryan hits his attacker twice, hard and fast with the broom handle, and the man collapses, seemly knocked out. Duck once again hits Shane with his bat3 hits as the other man hits his ribs with the pipe3 more hits
Shane hurting bad makes a wide swing with the knife but hits only air as darkness claims him. Meanwhile Tommy brings the axe down into his attackers side, and the man goes down bleeding .
Leaving just Shanes two attackers standing over him
Thug 1=8
Shane=6[ out]
Thug 2=6
Thug 3=6
New round, Shane is down, 6 points of lethal damage and failed his stam roll./ Map is the same as three, but only with Bryan, tommy and the two men attacking Shane up