Seeker's Appalachian Emberverse


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Male Human

After giving the storekeeper, a ten dollar bill for the 3 rolls of grey duct tape. Shane put the machete in it's scabbard and one of the a stainless steel hatchet in it's belt sheath, on his belt. Which already has his sheathed survival knife on it. He puts the two extra bow strings, the 3 rolls of duct tape, the remaining stainless steel hatchet and two bayonets in his backpack. Putting on the shooting glove and bracer, he threw his backpack back on, as well as the full quiver. Making sure he can easily access to retrieving the hunting arrows it carries. Again testing out the 120 lb pull on the compound pulley bow. He threw it diagnolly over his left shoulder.
Retrieving his Mt. Bike he gave a nod to the Storekeeper. Making sure the coast was clear. Shane slipped outside to await the others. Getting on his Mt. Bike he rode it out of the parking lot on to the main road, just circling around, scouting for any possible danger in the area around the Pawnshop. Stopping he took the bow from around his shoulder. An practiced riding with the bow resting on the handle bars. Once he figured out the best way to do that. He practiced riding the bike with no hands, after bring the bow into play and drawing a arrow from the quiver and nocking it and pulling the string and arrow back as if to fire it. He almost crash twice, but after a couple of minutes Shane got the hang of it. He also practice dry firing the bow with out the arrow. How he would do in actual combat situation remained to be seen. He planned on practicing more as soon as they got the show on the road.

OOC: Adam Fletcher's Player hasn't posted anything since 15 June. Have we lost him?


Duct tape? I'm not the dollar store. I do not sell duck tape. With that he takes your cash and allows you to gather your items. He also locks the door back behind you.

The day is still a bit chilly and smoke is still heavy in the air. Shane makes his ways ahead scouting w\on his back but sees no dangers. He does see people leaving town, some carry items , some just are walking toward family or friends or who knows where as some of the town yet burns.

Edit: Did not see Shane post, No duct tape however. Whats the plan guys? Also I will write the new guys in sometime Monday

Male Human (Half Blood American Indian)

The group will stay together on the road, pushing the gurney, and medical cart from the clinic. Shane will scout ahead, and Tommy will take up position at the rear of the group (Mainly so he can watch Glenda walk). Shelia, and the baby will be in the middle.

"Well do we head straight for the farm, or take the long way around". "I'm good either way".

Male Human

As stated before, Shane will defer to Glenda in matters of where she thinks her Mom might be and where we should go.


'The farm" she says after a moment "Mom would have headed toward the farm" Looking down the road, here and there cars set some off the road, some crashed. Once more reminding you and that something was very wrong.

Will update this in more detail tues night guys, got busy and did not get to type up my notes

Bryan shall follow the others.


Kyle O'Brady

The days had started odd, Power still seemed off and his car still did not start. Kyle had spent a very cold nigh in his apartment on Tincher lane. With no heat and little in the house to fix without a working stove, he bundled up. He could see smoke drifting from Jackson, he was not sure what was going on. Deciding he really needed to get elsewhere at lest see what was going on, the few houses around him mostly trailers seemed to be as lifeless as his own. Some folks he could see though windows but of anything going one. Putting on his coat Kyle starts toward Park road. He can make out some folks walking, solo or in small groups and as he starts to turn toward the town with smoke filling the horizon He spots a small group with a dog headed his way. A do he knows and sure enough it seems to be Tommy butcher and Sara wakelands daughter..Brenda, Linda or something like that. They seemed to be following with a few other people and a man on a bike with a bow? Yeah he had a bow all right, Tommy seemed to have one as well. Very odd he thought, He blink as a small person on a pink bike plowed into Tommy s back sending them both flying and a pink bike spinning into the rock.

Michael Torres

Micheal's day started cold and smokey. The Total seemed to be down wind of what ever was burning and something was burning. He garbed his few belonging before looking out the shaded windows. The air was thick with smoke, people milled around the place but none near by. Micheal thinks maybe it is time to go being close to the fire and all and makes his way back toward the main highway. The day is cold, but at lest no as cold as the day before and the rain had stopped, which was just as well his jacket was not meant for this s&*&, he thinks.

His day got worse after a run in with one of the fire brigade. One tall looking fellow just seemed to take a disliking to him "Hey you wet back! What ya standing there for?" Micheal had dealt with this before and his instincts horned, knew maybe he should be elsewhere The large burly man nods his head toward two other guy "Hey Ray, john, check this damned wet back out, I think that boy is up to something" With that the three men took a step forward but Micheal bolted.

His heart pounding as the three men yelled, whooped and chases him, Fast on his heels as he raced across the parking lot the group seemed gain on him as he ran around cars and between building. The place had to many wide open areas and he just could not loose them. His cheat pounded and sweat poured from his body as he ran with all he had, smack into a girl on a bike.

The pavement tore at his cloths and his knees, blood ran from his hands, were his knuckles hand scraped the road. Sitting on he could see the preteen sprawling not far away and the men ever so close scream and whoop. In a moment of desperation he moved and garbed up the pink bike and even though he had no ridden a bike in years the fear of god propelled him down parkway road out of town. He didn't even look behind him as the hills surrounded him , the road cut though them . If felt like he was riding down a maze, a few people stared at him but he didn't even slow until he almost was on top of another group .

A group of two men and two weapon and a large dog, the dog growled, but he was moving so fast and so tired his plowed right into a large man with a bow, knowing them both to the ground and sending the pink bike flying.

Everyone else.

Your not far from the town down Parkway, the day is cold but upper 40's you guess, the tunnel like highway does make the wind stronger here. Shane keep a bit ahead scouting and you see few people mostly cars slammed into the rock or other cars more then anything. Tommy is walking beside Glenda as he hears a swoosh and something hits him, and hits him hard. He is ripped away from Glenda's side and something pink topples over him and with an umph someone lands on him as he sprawls painfully on the blacktop.

Kyle immediately reacts and runs over to Tommy to see what the heck just happened! He checks him for obvious injuries first, doing all of the first responder protocols.

Male Human

Hearing the commotion behind him, Shane circles his Mt. Bike around and heads for the group around the gurney, with arrow nocked. As he closes the distance, he tries to disern what exactly is going on. Ever alert for danger!

Male Human (Half Blood American Indian)

Before anyone can react, Tommy turns and begins grappling whoever has attacked him from behind (If he's not stunned that is).

"Hey get off me"! Tommy screams reaching for his knife.

Tommy would have given Glenda, and Shelia each one of the hatchets he bought, and also coats, and boots if they would fit. The sleeping bags are for them as well

Male Human

OOC: Is Officer Kyle O'Brady in Uniform? What is he a Officer of?


He is not, He is a former officer of a k-9 unit if I recall.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore wrote:
He is not, He is a former officer of a k-9 unit if I recall.

He is an active duty K-9 police officer - former Army grunt. He serves as a Deputy of the Jackson Police Force.


Ah forgot that, feel free to have the uniform on if ya like. This is pretty much a role playing part :) so i'll let i t run a while and allow your pc's to talk among themselves here

Unchained Barbarian (Mounted Fury) | HP: 75/75 | AC: 23, T: 13, FF: 21 | Fort: 8, Reflex: 5, Will: 4 | CMB: +11, CMD: 24 | Init: +2 | Perception: +11

Mike wasn't sure what got into him. Ninety nine times out of a hundred he'd have just smooth talked his way out of problems with the two men, even if they were racist pricks, but there was something about the glint in the tall man's eye that bugged him.

Had he swindled that guy before? Gotten too friendly with his wife? Who knows... he sure never spent any time out in Kentucky, and if it weren't for that bus crashing and all the chaos going on, he'd have been in New York by now where his sister was expecting. Oh well, maybe the tall man had been around his part of the country once and he'd gotten him on the capital gains investment trick.

At least they were long behind him, and no way they were headed this way, but he sure had a situation to talk his way out of now. He looks up at the guy pinning him to the ground with a knife at him.

Oh, well, put on the charm, he thought. A sheepish smile came to his face naturally. "Oh, hey, sorry there buddy, I'm not used to foot motorcycle back home has hand brakes. Got this thing for my niece, Amy as a present last week, but, hey...figured with the cars not working, good way to get around, eh?" He grins his winning smile. "No harm, no foul, eh buddy?"

You can see he's completely unarmed, and the obviously smaller man isn't really trying to fight. He looks up at Shane with an arrow knocked at him and blinks. "You guys need to ease up on the coffee, eh buddy? It's not like I'm some bear or something." Turning back to Tommy. "Wanna let me up, friend?" A winning smile, although, frankly, he's sweating. You would be too if one guy had a knife at you and another an arrow pointed at your head.

"You, uh...guys going hunting or something?"

Do I need to roll manipulate, or subterfuge, or anything, or is it no-rolls with other players? Kinda new to WoD

"Whoa, everyone. Let's just calm down now. No need to do anything you'll regret. Just separate and let's talk." offers Kyle in his best authoritative police voice.

He moves over and places a reassuring hand on Tommy's shoulder in an effort to calm the young man and reinforce his request.

Sensing hesitation, he whistles and a large, furry form darts from the alley and bounds up to Tommy, licking him in the face.

"Better do what he wants Tommy or he may lick you some more."chides the young officer, obviously joyed in the dog's presence.

Shane A. MacIntyre wrote:

OOC: Is Officer Kyle O'Brady in Uniform? What is he a Officer of?

Yes, he is in uniform with a department issued winter coat on and a rain cap over his cover/hat.

Male Human

As Shane see's Officer O'Brady's uniform, including his his K-9 Patch on his shoulder. He unnocks the arrow and quickly places it back in the quiver. Setting the compound bow across the handlebars. He slowly reaches into his inside jacket pocket and takes out his I.D. and Badge an opens it and holding it in his left hand.
"Hello Officer, the name is Shane MacIntyre, I'm a Marine Law Enforcement Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. I have worked with K-9 Drug dogs and their handlers as part of the Vessel Boarding Teams I have been appart of in the past. That's a handsome looking dog you have there".
"Yeah I know, I'm way out of my jurisduction. I was just passing through vacinity of your lovely town yesterday afternoon on the way to my next duty station. When everything sorta went to hell in a hand basket".
"Hate to tell you this, but that pistol your packing there, is only useful for pistol whipping someone. Along with everything else that doesn't seem to work anymore. It seems that gunpowder, no longer has the explosive punch it use to have. Don't take my word, check it out yourself".
"That's why I'm toting around this here compound bow. It's now the state of the art in long range weaponry. Lucky for me I've been shooting bows since I got a BEAR 15lb fiberglass bow for Christmas when I was 6 years old".

"Yeah, things have been strange since I got back from my camping trip. Being remote, I didn't notice the effects of electricity until last night when my car wouldn't start and then making my way back to my apartment and noticed something affected more than just my car." begins Kyle.

"I was going to the Police Station to check on Chief Hale and Sam, the other Deputy. With no phones or anything, who knows what's going on. You guys mind swinging by that way?" questions Kyle, appreciative of the company in this strange, surreal situation.

Male Human

OOC:Is Kyle O'Brady an Officer from the City of Jackson, Or a Deputy from the County of Breathitt?

Shane A. MacIntyre wrote:
OOC:Is Kyle O'Brady an Officer from the City of Jackson, Or a Deputy from the County of Breathitt?

Officer from the City of Jackson. You are correct in that the Sheriff's Department uses the term Deputy.

Male Human (Half Blood American Indian)
Officer Kyle O'Brady wrote:

"Yeah, things have been strange since I got back from my camping trip. Being remote, I didn't notice the effects of electricity until last night when my car wouldn't start and then making my way back to my apartment and noticed something affected more than just my car." begins Kyle.

"I was going to the Police Station to check on Chief Hale and Sam, the other Deputy. With no phones or anything, who knows what's going on. You guys mind swinging by that way?" questions Kyle, appreciative of the company in this strange, surreal situation.

Tommy stands up from the tangle of limbs, and bicycle parts, and points his finger at the offending cyclist. "You should be more careful". "What if you'd hit her by mistake, he says pointing to Shelia with the newborn held close".

He then turns to the new arrival. "I don't know if you've been into town, but things are in chaos, and I doubt you'll find your chief or anyone else for that matter at the jail". "They're probably out trying to restore order".

Are we already out of town heading towards the farm when all this happens, or do we still have to go by the jail. Tommy is determined to get the group to the farm before darkness falls. Also I'm assuming that the dog Officer Kyle commanded was his own. If so how does Greybeard react...or was this greybeard he commanded. Greybeard was not a police dog, just a farm watchdog that Tommy had kind of half adopted since the owners hadn't shown up to pick him up yet.

Male Human

OOC: Since we have that Appalachian Emberverse Goggle Map. It would be nice if we used it to keep track of where we are. Also I take it that Adam Fletcher and his Player are not with us, too.

"Why do you feel compelled to tell everyone your life story Shane? Name's Bryan by the way."

The tall, well-built man wears an olive-drap raincoat still wet from last night's rain. He looks over the newcomers with a practiced eye before turning back to the others.

"Lets get going, I'd like to get to the farm sooner rather than later."


A few things, I did indeed update the map with Kyles house, which as your like 3 or 400 feet from it was close enough. Both town and country use the term deputy around here and in Jackson, although the title Sheriff is used just by the country. Also most city Jails are small around here 3 or 4 cells not long term, if someone is staying over a week they ship em out . Jackson has a small city jail , not long term, hold folk over for court and drunk driver and the like, short term stuff. The country does not have a large jail they ship folks out This map shows where they are and just how small the Jackson city sheriff office really is And I updated the map, Ok I think that is it for now, carry one

Male Human
Bryan Woods, Survivalist wrote:
"Why do you feel compelled to tell everyone your life story Shane"?

"Well Bryan, I can tell you have never served in the Armed Forces. See when you join anyone of the 5 Armed Forces and usually any law enforcement and firefighters unit with in the United States also. You swear an Oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies Foriegn and Domestic. Those who truely take that Oath to heart, no matter what uniform they are wearing, are a member of a long lived and honorable brotherhood that goes back to Valley Forge and before. Thus when I identify myself to fellow public servants such as policemen and firemen, etc. They know that I have sworn the same Oath that they have. An am more likely to be a person of high integrity and honor, then your averge John Doe on the street. An thus far more unlikely to be a person of a nefarious character. Believe me, the fact that I'm a Coast Guard Marine Law Enforcement Officer, is just the tip of the iceberg, as far as my life story goes"!

Shane A. MacIntyre wrote:
Bryan Woods, Survivalist wrote:
"Why do you feel compelled to tell everyone your life story Shane"?
"Well Bryan, I can tell you have never served in the Armed Forces. See when you join anyone of the 5 Armed Forces and usually any law enforcement and firefighters unit with in the United States also. You swear an Oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies Foriegn and Domestic. Those who truely take that Oath to heart, no matter what uniform they are wearing, are a member of a long lived and honorable brotherhood that goes back to Valley Forge and before. Thus when I identify myself to fellow public servants such as policemen and firemen, etc. They know that I have sworn that Oath. An am more likely to be a person of high integrity and honor, then your averge John Doe on the street. An believe me, the fact that I'm a Coast Guard Marine Law Enforcement Officer, is just the tip of the iceberg, as far as my life story goes"!

Bryan gives you an icy look before turning away. He clenches and unclenches his fists for a few moments, if you didn't know better you could swear his hands are shaking.

Male Human

Bryan gives you an icy look before turning away. He clenches and unclenches his fists for a few moments, if you didn't know better you could swear his hands are shaking.

Seeing Bryan's reaction, Shane say's. "Like my Dad always said, 'Don't ask questions that your not going to like the answers to'!". He then glanced over at Officer Kyle O'Brady, and gives him a knowing look. "Civilians just don't understand do they? You can't know, what you haven't experienced, right"?

"Are you seriously trying to piss each other off? Don't you think we have enough to worry about with everything that's going on? We need to hold it together and keep it cool until we figure things out. chides Kyle, trying to assert some calm in the tense exchange.

Waiting to hear from GM about our location - best to travel to the farm or can we visit the Police station on the way?

Male Human

Shane says' "I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I gave the man the answer to the question he asked. Plain and simple! I can't help it if doesn't like what I have to say. If I would have to guess, I'd say the guy has a problem with authority figures. An who an heck does he think he is anyway, to question the way that I conduct myself"!

Male Human (Half Blood American Indian)

Tommy watches the escalating conflict with a shrug. He then whistles for Greybeard, and motions to Shelia, and Glenda. They begin to head for the farm, Glenda pushing the gurney, and Shclia carrying the baby...Hmm we need to name the poor kid.

Shane A. MacIntyre wrote:
Shane says' "I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I gave the man the answer to the question he asked. Plain and simple! I can't help it if doesn't like what I have to say. If I would have to guess, I'd say the guy has a problem with authority figures. An who an heck does he think he is anyway, to question the way that I conduct myself"!

"I don't believe anyone is calling anyone elses conduct into question. All I'm asking is to take a step back and let's defuse this tense situation."offers Kyle soothingly.

Trying to change the subject, Kyle asks, "What have you guys seen in town? Have you seen the cops or any other authority figures?"

Male Human
Bryan wrote:

"Why do you feel compelled to tell everyone your life story Shane? Name's Bryan by the way."

"Well apparently you weren't paying attention Officer. An take a step back from what? It's Bryan who seems to have problem, not me"! Shane says to O'Brady. "As far as seeing any of the city's civil servants, I saw some firemen doing a bucket brigade up there at the worst of the fires. But your the first we have seen of any law enforcement, either city or county. An we started out over at the Animal Clinic on the corner of Broadway and Highland".

Male Human

"Well that's all I know, sorry I can't give you better Intel". Shane tells O'Brady. "Best of luck to you Officer. I made a solemn promise to someone that I got to see through. So right now my current duty and responsibility is headed down the road. But I'll be headed north again out of town when I get done. Maybe I'll run into you".
Taking off his backpack, he takes out of it the stainless steel hatchet in it's belt sheath and one of the bayonets he had gotten at the Pawn Shop.
"Here, my compliments, from one civil servant to another. You can make a spear, by using the hatchet to cut down a sapling and put the bayonet on the end, by putting the widdled down end of the sapling through the barrel hole on the hilt of the bayonet and use zip ties or tape to further secure it to the shaft. Got to go"!
Putting his backpack back on and checking to see that all of his gear and weapons are ship shape and within easy reach. Shane gave the Police Officer a salute. An turned his Mt. Bike and rode south down the road, catching up to and then passing the group traveling with the gurney. Taking the point position, scouting ahead for any signs of danger.


Ok folks You do not need to stick together just yet, I can always get ya together later. This is just day two. I'll be updating this and moving it along this evening or sunday night, depending on how many of yall get to post today

Shane A. MacIntyre wrote:

"Well that's all I know, sorry I can't give you better Intel". Shane tells O'Brady. "Best of luck to you Officer. I made a solemn promise to someone that I got to see through. So right now my current duty and responsibility is headed down the road. But I'll be headed north again out of town when I get done. Maybe I'll run into you".

Taking off his backpack, he takes out of it the stainless steel hatchet in it's belt sheath and one of the bayonets he had gotten at the Pawn Shop.
"Here, my compliments, from one civil servant to another. You can make a spear, by using the hatchet to cut down a sapling and put the bayonet on the end, by putting the widdled down end of the sapling through the barrel hole on the hilt of the bayonet and use zip ties or tape to further secure it to the shaft. Got to go"!
Putting his backpack back on and checking to see that all of his gear and weapons are ship shape and within easy reach. Shane gave the Police Officer a salute. An turned his Mt. Bike and rode south down the road, catching up to and then passing the group traveling with the gurney. Taking the point position, scouting ahead for any signs of danger.

To Shane, "Thanks for the information Shane. You're doing the right thing, you know. Glad to see someone else believes in duty. Sorry for the words but I've seen good people do some pretty bad things and for what? Stay safe."offers Kyle as an apology to the fellow officer. Kyle offers his hand to the Marine as well.

To Tommy, "The farm should be good. Keep everyone safe and tell the good doc I may be there soon. I have to check out the Police Station." Sampson barks as if saying good-bye to Tommy as well.

Male Human

OOC:Just to clarify to Officer Kyle O'Brady's Player. Shane is not a member of the Marine Corp. He is a Marine Law Enforcement Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. Marine, is a general term relating to the sea or ocean. Which means he is stationed on a Coast Guard Cutter and is a armed member of at away team that boards vessels for inspection and to check for smuggling of drugs and other contraband. The Coast Guard also performs these duties on the Great Lakes as well.

Shane A. MacIntyre wrote:
OOC:Just to clarify to Officer Kyle O'Brady's Player. Shane is not a member of the Marine Corp. He is a Marine Law Enforcement Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. Marine, is a general term relating to the sea or ocean. Which means he is stationed on a Coast Guard Cutter and is a armed member of at away team that boards vessels for inspection and to check for smuggling of drugs and other contraband. The Coast Guard also performs these duties on the Great Lakes as well.

Got it, thanks!




Kyle leaves Tommy s group and makes his way toward town, The smoke looms large and he can tell things are ablaze. He can make out a few fellow officers in the mass crowed trying to control this mess. Bill MacDonald sees hims and starts off on a jog toward Kyle.

He had know Deputy MacDonald for a while, slightly over weight and on the middle side of forty with thinning hair. 'Thank god ya showed up" He gasps out of breath, Soot and grim cover in sweat stained streaks. "The Hospitals gone, houses too." He says wiping his face, which only served to spread the soot across his brow.

"Not sure what started it, but some trailers went up and took the whole line out, a few homes burned people trying to heat em last night, mostly trailers or older shacks more then anything, but God it spread." He pointed toward the milling crowds "We got some folks helping, to keep busy, but some are looting. Damned bastards. They beat mike Lower near to death, his gun misfired or something. He's in bad shape and without the hospital.." He said trailing off looking at the bellowing cloud



You leave the officer and the little man on the pink bike behind as you start down parkway road toward the farm. Tommy and Glenda know it's about 11 miles and on foot, with a baby and loaded down they are not sure the group can make it before dark.

As you walked along parkway road, Evidence of the event surrounded you. Abandoned cars and light less homes. Just how quite the world was without all the man made noise so common. And then the people, like you walking somewhere, toward town or hoes of god alone knows where. Some wold talk , and ask what happened. They knew nothing more then yourself and all just as lost and confused.

Shane would scout ahead most of the day, but he saw little of danger except a deer crossing the road and people as lost himself. And the walk was a slow one, Tommy and Glenda had less trouble but Sheila was not used to such things and was limping at five miles out of town. and as the sun set over the hills you had made it to Marie Roberts road. Being so close to home and with the temperature starting to dive the group moved forward with Sheila leaning heavily on Tommy as they walked.

The gravel road was dangerous in the dark to an unknown rider so Shane walked his back staying near the others. Somewhere a coyote howled and dogs bayed. It took was deep into night when The Wakelands road came into sight. The farm was not really viable but you could make out a glow from the windows.

As you approach the house ya can see it's and older house with a cobblestone pouch and smoke raises from an old chimney. The dogs are still baying and you hear a click as you approach 'That be far enough" A rough voice says "Day!" Glenda says and soon an older man in his forties comes out of the bush with a shotgun

"Glenda! Tommy , happy as hell ta see ya " He says coming out of the bush. 'whos that with ya?, No matter come in out ol the cold, Sara got in this morn been worried sick about you two."

He says leading the small group into the house. He was a tall bear of a man with a bit of a gut and graying hair. The house was an older home but well cared for and expanded it seemed with a wide living room and a warm fireplace. Lanterns hung in the window and a glow can be seen from the kitchen. 'Sara!Glenda home!' He yelled as a middle aged woman with short blond hair soon comes into the living room. wrapping her daughter up in her arms. Seeing Sheila and the baby she gives a questioning look but puts it off to go fetch her first aid kit.

'better get the wee one taken care of Glenda" John wakeland says and Glenda takes the babe as Sara works on sheilas swollen feet.

'well !" John says [/b]" What the hells going on in Jackson and who is he?"[/b]

I make my way to the Police Station to see what I can find out.

Male Human

'well !" John says [/b]" What the hells going on in Jackson and who is he?"[/b

Not waiting for any of the others to answer, Shane says. "Good Evening Mr. Wakeland, Sir, my name is Shane MacIntyre, I'm a Marine Law Enforcement Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. Or at least I was, not sure what is going to happen with that now, if things stays the way they are. I'm already AWOL, as of 0700 this morning".
Continueing. "Yesterday afternoon, I was driving through the area, on the way to Florida. When everything went cattywampus haywire, me and my vehicle ended up on the side of the road, not far from your father-in-law, Mr. McCoy's Place. After a bit of a rough start, we made a nice acquaintanceship. There was a big Greyhound bus and other automobles crashed just north of where I stopped. We got most of the injuried to his place. An I and another, ended up taking the most injuried gentleman, via a bicycle litter we rigged up, into the Medical Clinic on the north end of town. Before I left Mr. McCoy's, he asked me if I would make sure his Daughter, Sara and Granddaughter, Glenda got home safe and sound. I promised him I would. An now it seems that they have".
"As far as things in town. We spent last night at your Animal Hospital and this morning went to the hospital. On the north end of town, fire had broken out. An people were doing some looting. I talked a few moments to a Fire Department Superviser who had his men fighting fires with a Bucket Brigade. After we went to the hospital and a Pawn Shop, by the way firearms don't seem to work anymore, if you didn't already know that. We ran into a Police Officer, named O'Brady, a K-9 doghandler and his dog. He seemed to know Tommy and your Daughter. Maybe he had brought his dog into the Animal Hospital for something, I don't know. Anyway we made it here safe and sound. I would appreciate it if I could get a meal and somewhere warm to sleep for the night. Then I'll be out of your hair in the morning. I going to be headed back north through town, and eventually all the way up to Campton, where a Lady Love of mine lives. I'll be stopping by to say "Hi" to Mr. McCoy on the way. So if your wife, Sara would like me to take a letter or anything else to him, I would be happy to"!


John just nods as Sara works on Sheila's feet. "That's a mouthful and sure ya can stay as long as ya like. Sounds like the town has started to fall about not that I blame em any mind ya" He says moving toward the kitchen, coming back in with some foil wrapped potatoes and a cast iron skillet. He places the potatos in the fire and some lard in the skilit placeing it over the fire as well.

"Cooked a lot a camping guess it's gonna come in handy " He says with a wink.

A short time later your feed and sitting around the living room with the fire providing the lighting, John and Sara sit next to each other as do Tommy and Glenda, leaving both Shane and Bryan in chairs around the room.

"I'll write a letter to my farther in the morning for you to give him if you don't mind Shane was it?" Sara says "I would like him to come out here till this mess works out, but we'll have to drag him out of that house" She says with a grin.

"If it stops" John says with a snort "I don't see all this just going back, Guns just don't stop. Lord knows whats going on and when and if It'll go back." He looks a Shane in the dim light " Campton up in wolfe country right? Thats not all that far, bout 30 miles from here. Nothing to bad. If ya don't have anywhere else to go your welcome to come back here. The old barns got rooms as well."

Ok anyone left :} what is the plan? Whos doing what, staying going? got plans for anything or what?

Male Human (Half Blood American Indian)

I'm still all in. Maybe if we advertise for new players again we need to make it clear that this is a slow posting game. I'd like to see it go faster, but I've got other games, so can live with the slow updates

"It might be dangerous to go alone". "I know we kind of got off on the wrong foot and all, but I understand a man wanting to find his woman". Tommy looks at Glenda and smiles.

"I guess I'm kind of curious about how far this whole mess has extended, so I'd be willing to go along with you if you want", Tommy says turning to Shane.


It is slow, not sure why just yet, some was me which RL does impose limits and all. I am gonna wait on getting more folks in till after we stabilize a bit. Meaning I get the story moving past week 1 and we get into a posting rhythm of some type :). We'll see how it goes

"Well" Sara starts " If Shane and Bryan here can ride we do have horses, I am sure Shane can make good time on his bike, but unless you find more Horse a top speed for now" She says with a grin

"I've never ridden a horse before, how hard is it?"

Male Human (Half Blood American Indian)

Tommy smiles at Bryan, now more at ease since he knows Glenda and her family are safe for now.

"Well that depends on whether the horse likes you or not", Tommy replies with a teasing smile.


" Shouldn't be too hard long as ya go easy. We have a few geldings . Amos and Carrot are gentle enough for children to ride. " Sara says

John nods"Yeah had the Patterson twins on em a few days ago, They would do fine for what ya need, more pack animals then riding horses but still gentle and obedient. We can get them saddled up in the morning if you like"

Male Human

"Wow, thank's for your concern for my safety and well being and all". Says Shane. "But Tommy, don't you and Bryan have Kith and Kin nearby that you have your own concerns about? It would be selfish of me to drag you all the way up to Campton, when I don't even know if I'll be coming back this way. Beside I thought riding shodded horses on pavement wasn't the best thing in the world to do. For both the horses or the riders.
A single man on a Mt. Bike, is alot more quiter then the lip clop of horses hooves on pavement. An alot less threatening to anyone they might come across. Perhaps you can accompany me as far as Mr. McCoy's and help him make his way back to his family here".

"OK, that sounds good, what should we do until then?"

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