Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
Bryan has the medical kit from the tractor trailer. He will probably need to open the guy up, so things are going to get interesting...
Bryan can sense the man slipping away, pretty soon he'll have more use for a priest than the doctor. He turns to the two in factory workers.
OK, unless we want to make more work for the Reverend here, I'm gonna need a few things. Get a knife, short blade but sharp; flame, lighter's preferable but anything will do in a pinch; and alcohol, stronger the better.
Turning to Father Salvatori:
No offense, Reverend, but I think you're hands are going to be more useful helping than praying. Hope you don't mind blood, cause there's going to be plenty in a little while.
Bryan turns to his patient, his hands shaking, he knows what to do, but he's never done it himself. He can only hope that the years of nightmares will help him now.

Shane A. MacIntyre |

"It's ok boy, it's ok", Shane said in the calmest voice he could muster, to the dog. "That's a good boy, that's a good dog, that's a good dog, it ok". He continued. He wish he had some of the homemade smoked vension jerky that was in a ziplock in his truck's glove compartment. His 2nd eldest brother, Jack, who had made it, gave him about 3 lbs of it, when he was home on leave two weeks ago. He had eaten all but about a half pound of it. He tried to see any sigh of any light from a lantern or candles coming through the curtain windows on the front of the house. Keeping one I eye on the dog, and the other on the front door. Holding his Badge up high in his left hand. He repeated what he had said before. "Hello, is anyone home. My name is Shane MacIntyre, I'm a Marine Law Enforcement Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. I am traveling through the area and had some car trouble. I was wondering if I could use your phone."? Adding "I mean no one any harm". Seeing the NRA sticker on the truck's back window and not seeing no sign of a Confederate Flag anywhere, sticker or otherwise. "I'm in the armed services, when I joined I swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. An I stand by that oath to this day. I'm also a NRA Card Holder, long live the Association's new President, Charlton Heston"! The thing about the card was true. He calmly waited for some sort of response. Thinking maybe he should add that he also use to like watching the old TV Series 'Daniel Boone' on TNT, when he was a kid. Which he had. Maybe that would earn him some 'Browne Points' in this neck of the woods.:)

Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
Bryan will try and locate the source of the bleeding while waiting for the two factory workers to return. Once they have, he will send them go out for a needle and thread to close the wound, unless he can find something better in the meantime. He will use alcohol and flame to sterilize the blade, then he will open the guy up and try to staunch the internal bleeding with gauze from the medical kit. If the guy is still conscious, that means getting some people to help hold him still.
Trying to find the source of the bleeding, using willpower.
Rolling: Dexterity + Medicine + Willpower (3+1+3) [Medkit won't help]
7d10 ⇒ (8, 1, 7, 2, 10, 5, 8) = 41
1d10 ⇒ 4
3 Successes
Performing surgery.
Rolling: Dexterity + Medicine (3+1+1) [Medkit + 1]
First Minute (1 Success so far)
5d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 8, 4) = 22
Second Minute (1 Success so far)
5d10 ⇒ (10, 6, 6, 6, 8) = 36
1d10 ⇒ 8
Third Minute (4 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (3, 7, 2, 1, 4) = 17
Fourth Minute (4 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (2, 3, 9, 7, 1) = 22
Fifth Minute (5 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (3, 7, 3, 6, 8) = 27
Sixth Minute (6 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 10, 2) = 19
1d10 ⇒ 1
Seventh Minute (7 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (1, 10, 5, 1, 4) = 21
1d10 ⇒ 2
Eighth Minute (8 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 6, 9) = 27
Ninth Minute (9 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (2, 8, 4, 6, 7) = 27
Tenth Minute (10 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 3, 3) = 16

Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
Performing more surgery.
(I split it up to avoid losing the whole post and ended up doing it anyway. I ended up getting 24 successes in 18 minutes then getting nothing until making <7 on the twentieth minute)
(Here we go again)
Rolling: Dexterity + Medicine (3+1+1) [Medkit + 1]
Eleventh Minute (10 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (6, 10, 4, 7, 6) = 33
1d10 ⇒ 10
1d10 ⇒ 1
Twelfth Minute (12 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 3, 2, 8) = 32
1d10 ⇒ 1
Thirteenth Minute (15 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (10, 6, 1, 7, 1) = 25
1d10 ⇒ 4
Fourteenth Minute (16 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (7, 1, 9, 5, 6) = 28
Fifteenth Minute (17 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (2, 2, 7, 6, 2) = 19
Sixteenth Minute (17 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (8, 5, 6, 7, 9) = 35
Seventeenth Minute (19 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (9, 5, 3, 6, 3) = 26
Eighteenth Minute (20 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (4, 2, 8, 1, 1) = 16
Nineteenth Minute (21 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (9, 5, 8, 5, 6) = 33
Twentieth Minute (23 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (4, 7, 1, 6, 5) = 23
Twenty First Minute (23 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (6, 7, 8, 3, 7) = 31
Twenty Second Minute (24 Successes so far)
5d10 ⇒ (5, 4, 7, 5, 10) = 31
1d10 ⇒ 6
Surgery ends in 21 minutes with 26 successes.

Tommy Butcher |

9th Minute
5d10 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 3, 9) = 20 Surgery (16-successes)
10th Minute
5d10 ⇒ (5, 7, 9, 10, 7) = 38 Surgery (18-successes)
1d10 ⇒ 6
11th Minute
5d10 ⇒ (8, 2, 6, 1, 3) = 20 Surgery (19-successes)
12th Minute
5d10 ⇒ (8, 7, 1, 8, 1) = 25 Surgery (21-successes)
Wiping sweat from his brow, Tommy turns, and removes the blood soaked gloves from his hands, "That's the best I can do he simply states".

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

As he approaches the house he still gets no sign of life, the dog is howling something awful and the rain mists over him as he stands at the door. He hears the unmistakable sound of a pump clicking rounds into a barrel to his left as he slowly turns he can make out a man about 40 or 45 salt and pepper hair in jeans, boots and a camouflage coat standing not 15 feet from him with the business end of a 12 gauge pump pointed right at him "Long way from your ship arn't ya son?"
The workers hold down the man as Bryan go to work, he is able to find the bleeding easily, and the man screams as Bryan cuts into him, the workers hold him down, he bits into ones arm as Bryan works. Bryan does worry about the dirt on there hands, the cold and rain, but he has little options, thankfully the main faints after 10 minutes and after twenty Bryan is sewing up the man. He is sure he wont die now, but he is not sure what will happen if he doesn't get him to an hospital soon.
He looks around seeing other people not as lucky as he had been, the rain's coming down harder now, a cold wind sweeps though the wreakage and dark clouds roll in. Looks like it's gonna rain all night, and be a cold one at that.
Tommy has a long hard road, The bleeding just will not stop, the baby is coming and there is little he cane do. 3 minutes in he delvers a baby girl, bloody but healthy looking if a bit small. He pours himself into saving the mother. It takes him nearly 14 minutes to stop the bleeding and get her stable. She'll need a hospital he grimly thinks as somewhere nearby the baby cries

Shane A. MacIntyre |

"As he approaches the house he still gets no sign of life, the dog is howling something awful and the rain mists over him as he stands at the door. He hears the unmistakable sound of a pump clicking rounds into a barrel to his left as he slowly turns he can make out a man about 40 or 45 salt and pepper hair in jeans, boots and a camouflage coat standing not 15 feet from him with the business end of a 12 gauge pump pointed right at him "Long way from your ship arn't ya son?"
Still holding his hands well away from him and showing his badge and ID in his lefthand, Shane turns toward the man. At the same time noting how many steps it will take to get to cover behind the pick-up truck that is there. Or the nearest window to jump head on into to get out of the immediate line of fire. He also thinking about how survivalable it would to be hit by Shotgun blast from that range, even if it was only bird shot. What he wouldn't he give to have on the kevlar body armor and helmet that he wore when boarding and inspecting vessels.
"Yes Sir, I am sir"! He continued. "As I said earlier, I am just traveling through the area because I am transfering between duty stations. From a Coast Guard Cutter based at Cleveland on Lake Eyrie, to one based at Key West Florida. I had stopped and saw a friend up the road a bit in Campton. So I was taking 15 to cut over to 77.
An like I said, since I was having car trouble, I wanted to see if I could use a phone to call my new command collect, an let them know that I wouldn't be reporting by 0700 hours tomorrow morning, because of it. An as I said before, I am a honorable and oath sworn man of the law, myself. I don't mean anyone any harm. An would be very thankful for any assistance you may beable to grant me, Sir"!

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Shane looks around as the man points the gun at him, the man is between him and the truck and he has a good 15 feet to the edge of the house, and closer to the dog.
The man nods when he gets done speaking "I don't take kindly to armed men at my door son." He says staring at you with cold eyes "Besides phones out, electric too. Town is your best bet I would say" He says never lowing the gun.

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Shane looks around as the man points the gun at him, the man is between him and the truck and he has a good 15 feet to the edge of the house, and closer to the dog.
The man nods when he gets done speaking "I don't take kindly to armed men at my door son." He says staring at you with cold eyes "Besides phones out, electric too. Town is your best bet I would say" He says never lowing the gun.
" I understand how you might feel Sir"! Shane said, continuing. "An I'll be out of your way in a minute. I just have one more question. I see you have antenna tower. Is that for short wave radio? My Daddy has one up at the homestead up in Pennsylvania. His handle is Allegany4972. You ever talked to anyone up in that neck of the woods, it may of been his? I figure if your phone is not working here, it's probably not working in town. I'm sure you have your system on a battery backup. Do you think you could try to get ahold of a Ham, down in the southern florida area that I could give my information to. An they can give 'em a call from there. It's worth a try. I can pay you for your time, and make it worth you effort. What do you say Sir, I don't want to be listed UA, Sir. I have a spotless Service Record Sir and this could be a black mark on it, if I don't let them know why I won't be reporting on time".

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

The man looks at ya and looks to the antenna tower "That old thing? Heh, son thats the old TV antenna from before we got land lines. I just never took it down" He lowers the gun "I'm guessing you are what you say you are. Best come in for a bit out of the cold." He says as he heads toward the back door
He leads you into the kitchen, a nice home it seems, with a modern kitchen and appliances, he hangs his coat, laying the gun up neat the door."Coyotes been busy here of late, had to shoot at one a few nights back" He says moving into the house"You see that queer light? he says as he sits at the table
-----Everyone else-------
OK the times is a bit off for some of you. At the bus your almost an hour after the event, At town it's closer to 2 hours after the emergencies have been handled as best you can so what now? Just what do each of you plan to do?

Shane A. MacIntyre |

The man looks at ya and looks to the antenna tower "That old thing? Heh, son thats the old TV antenna from before we got land lines. I just never took it down" He lowers the gun "I'm guessing you are what you say you are. Best come in for a bit out of the cold." He says as he heads toward the back door
He leads you into the kitchen, a nice home it seems, with a modern kitchen and appliances, he hangs his coat, laying the gun up neat the door."Coyotes been busy here of late, had to shoot at one a few nights back" He says moving into the house"You see that queer light? he says as he sits at the table.
Putting his Shotgun next to where the homeowner had but his. Pulling back his hood, Shane took off his gloves and knit cap. Setting down at the table, he said. "You mean when everything went dead. I felt the damnedest seering pain run up and down my spine slamming into my skull like a whitelightning hangover, but worse'!
Just then the the dog began barking again. An we heard some yelling coming from the direction of the road. Coming from several voices. "Hey anybody home! Call 911! We need some help! There's been a big pile up about a mile up the road! We need to get every ambulance that they have out here! Please we need help!
As the yelling continued, Shane got up from the table. An walked to the front of the house and drawing a curtain aside, he looked out the front window and saw three people cutting across the field toward the house. Turning to the older man, Shane said. "Looks like it's just not your day, more Strangers coming on your property to bother you. By the way, have you checked to see if your truck still works"?

Tommy Butcher |

After things have settled down a bit Tommy looks for anyone in the immediate area, whom seems to have a bit of leadership in him. He calls that person and Shelia into the storage room for a bit.
"I'm going to see if I can find some help, and figure out what's going on". "I'm heading into town, and see if I can find...well you know he says looking at Shelia, and see if I can find a proper Doctor". "Everything should be OK with out patients now". "I also need to find some baby formula in case the woman we fixed isn't capable of feeding". "I'll take Greybeard, and a couple of people with me to bring back what I find".
"If I'm not back before dark, just lock everything down, and I'll get back with help when I can". "I think there are some emergency candles under the sink in the bathroom, if it starts to get dark".
With that Tommy turns, and headed outside picks up a couple of the more physically fit people to assist him. "Were going to head up the road towards town, and try to find some formula for that baby". "We worked so hard delivering the little tyke, I'll be damned if I'm going to let it die now". "Probably pick up some other baby stuff as well". "You two come with me, and when we find what we're looking for you're to hightail it back here with the supplies". "Got it"?
And with that Tommy whistles for Greybeard and heads into town.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Guys I am normally slow to update on weekends, just to let y'all know
The man shacks his head."Can't say I have, And yeah best go see what all the fuss is over." He says grabbing his, coat and as an after thought the keys to his truck.
He walkers over to the trucks and tries to crank it as a man makes his way up the drive "Well I'll be damned, deader then hell" He says as he makes his way down the drive to talk with the young guy making his way up it.
Shane Follows as the young guy points and explains to the older man about the bus and that all the cars where dead. "You mean all of em?" The guy nods. "Damn son, you best head toward town then, I have an old bike in the out building you can use that and get help" he says as him and the young guy head toward an old building behind the house. Digging though the building him and the other guy dig out an old bike, tires looking low but rideable.
Soon the boy is off down the drive toward town on the bike, peddling fast down the cold wet rode."Looks like your not the only one with car trouble" The man says.
Tommy finds a few other folks gathered to go with him, but the room is emptier then it was. Folks wondering off or home he guessed. Two men named Samson Smith and Jack mills who where just passing though toward pikeville accompany Tommy as he makes his way outside.
The weather had gotten colder and the rain/snow mix was still coming down, harder now. The streets looked almost deserted, as you make your way toward the towns more used streets, you see clumps of people here and there not many however. It's near 5 and almost dark with the heavy overcast sky.
Within twenty minutes you come to a small store, but it seems who ever was hear is gone as the place is dark and the door locked.
What do you plan to do or where do you plan to head? You can use the town map if ya like, I just need to know where you are heading

Shane A. MacIntyre |

QUOTE="Keeper of Forbidden Lore"] Guys I am normally slow to update on weekends, just to let y'all know
The man shacks his head."Can't say I have, And yeah best go see what all the fuss is over." He says grabbing his, coat and as an after thought the keys to his truck.
He walkers over to the trucks and tries to crank it as a man makes his way up the drive "Well I'll be damned, deader then hell" He says as he makes his way down the drive to talk with the young guy making his way up it.
Shane Follows as the young guy points and explains to the older man about the bus and that all the cars where dead. "You mean all of em?" The guy nods. "Damn son, you best head toward town then, I have an old bike in the out building you can use that and get help" he says as him and the young guy head toward an old building behind the house. Digging though the building him and the other guy dig out an old bike, tires looking low but rideable.
Soon the boy is off down the drive toward town on the bike, peddling fast down the cold wet rode."Looks like your not the only one with car trouble" The man says.
OOC: Thought I'd let you know that the only thing I know about life in Kentucky, is what I have seen on the FX Channel Show, "Justified". Have you ever watched that TV Show?
Shane, who had retrieved his Shotgun, before following his Host outside and saw that he was having the same kind of trouble with his truck, as he had had with his own. He waited until they say the boy is off down the drive toward town on the bike. Shane then turned to the homeowner and said. "Sir, I never did get your name". The older man answered, "McCoy". He answered, reaching out to shake hands.
"Jedediah McCoy". Shane grasped his hand, giving him a firm handshake. "Well, Mr. McCoy, putting 2 and 2 together here. I think it is highly likely that at least one or more Nuclear bombs have been detonated somewhere on the eastcoast. Most likely DC and or New York
City. Which might explain the phenomenon we all have been feeling. Which would be the effects of a highly charged electromagnetic pulse caused by their explostion. But wait a minute, what year is that old Ford pickup of yours"? The younger man asked? "Ole Betsy is a 1978 Ford F-250, why you ask"? McCoy replied. "Because that early of a model doesn't have a embedded chip system in it's engine system like newer models do". Shane said. "So something else besides a EMT is going on here. But right now we got more weighty matters to attend
to". Shane went on saying. We're losing daylight quickly now with the temprature falling with it I think it would be highly unlike that any help will he coming from town anytime soon. Might I suggest since your house is the closest to the accidents. That you open you home as a emergency station, where we can send the walking wounded to get warm out of the cold. I saw when you where getting that bike, that in your outbuilding you have a good sized wheelbarrow and some old lawn furniture cushions that could be placed in padding in it. So it could be used to transport someone who can't walk". McCoy thinking, slowly answer, "Of course, of course, what kind of Christian would I be if I turned those people away. Maybe it's the Rapture and I have been found lacking in the Lord's eyes, an I was left behind. The Lord knows I could of been a better man". Shane didn't know what to say since he didn't hold to the same beliefs as his host. Shane got the wheelbarrow and the cushions ready to go. An was going to bid Mr. McCoy good luck. When the older man return from the house with a collapsible wheelchair and three plaid blankets in his hands and put it in the wheelburrow. In way of explaination he said. "My Emma used it for a few months before the Cancer took her a year ago or so". He walked Shane around to the front and reached in under the front seat of the truck and grabbed a first aid kit and threw it in with the rest. Mr. McCoy then said. "You tell 'em to hurry down here. I'll get some hot water boiling on the woodstove. for them to make instant coffee and tea. I even think I have some packages of hot cocoa from when the grandkids visit. I'll also get a big pot of canned beef stew a cooking also. I apologize for that stuff earlier. I guess I have just gotten a little persnickety, since my Emma pasted. I hope you can forgive me". He finished, reaching out to shake Shane's hand again. Shane, setting the wheelbarrow down. He again shaked Mr. McCoy's hand again, saying. "Sir, I think your being a little hard on yourself. For all you know I could of been some lying serial killer or some such criminal. Best of Luck. Hopefully I'll be seeing you latter on this evening".Picking up the wheelburrow he started down the driveway toward the road. Looking over his shoulder he saw Mr. McCoy taking his dog off it's run and leading it towards the back of the house. Shane had only gone down the road fifty yards or so. Before he ran into a group walking toward town. He told them about Mr. McCoys place and gathered what information he could from them about what was happening up at the accident site.

Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
Bryan lets the rain wash the blood from his hands, red droplets falling from his fingers and pool into a puddle of acrid crimson. The cold has not yet gotten to him, but a shiver runs through him anyway. He knows that they cannot stay outside for much longer, they need to find better shelter than the twisted and smoking wreckage that litters the roadway. He looks around for a local, someone who can lead them somewhere dry, or at least drier.

Tommy Butcher |

"You guys stay here". "I'm going to go around back and see if there is a way in". "I think we really need supplies for the baby and mother". "I'll leave some money if we can get in".
Tommy goes around back, and seeks if he can open the back door. First he checks to make sure there is no sign of life from inside, and that nobody is watching as he attempts to jimmy the door.
I had hoped to never have to do this again, Tommy thinks to himself, as he attempts to use his swiss army knife to open the back door.
5d10 ⇒ (7, 8, 7, 10, 4) = 36 Larceny
1d10 ⇒ 10 Larceny
1d10 ⇒ 7 Larceny
three successes! I guess he hasn't lost his touch
Once inside Tommy will go to the front of the store and open things for the others. "The owners must have been in a hurry". "They left the back door unlocked". he then makes sure they see him leave 4-twenty dollar bills on the counter, before finding a couple of shopping carts and filling them up with baby formula, diapers, canned food, and any perishables that will probably be going bad anyway. He also looks for a cooler, to keep some of the stuff in. There shouldn't be any shortage of ice with this weather. He will also look around the place for any candles or lanterns, and any useful tools or things that could be used as a weapon...just in case. Just before leaving he also finds a school backpack, and fills is with some miscelaneous stuff, and a small bag of dried dog food for Greybeard.
"You two guys take these supplies back to the clinic". "I've got to go into town and look for someone". "I'll be back within a couple of hours". And with that Tommy takes a large knife he found on a back shelf, and an axe, and starts into town.
he will go looking for his woman to the college

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Shane makes his way down the road, already the cold has set on the air, the smell of snow hits him as he sloshes though the rain which is now starting to come down from the grey sky above. as he makes his way toward the crash he can't help but notices a few cars here and there one smashed solidly into the guard rail, both it's doors closed and at lest once he saw someone walking on the other side of the road but they did not reply when he yelled out heads down in the rain.
In about 15 minutes he can see the wreak, people work in the freezing rain as bodies lay on the road and a few people work on the injured in spit of the rain
As Bryan shiver in the rain he hears a sound of something rolling, a light sound but in the silence of the rain he can make it out. He had not noticed in years just how damned noisy everything was, even out here without any sound but the rain and the injured and dying it was a damning sound indeed.
Up the hill he sees a man pushing what looks to be a loaded wheelbarrow though the rain
Shane, meet Byran. Byran meet shane
Tommy manages to find candles and while it is not warm weather there are some Styrofoam coolers in back along with an ice machine. He is able to find a cheap tool set,just ratchets and screwdrivers and the store does have an fire ax, he is also able to get so cheap "army" knife they had at the counter and a lugranch but the place had little else that might work as weapons
After leaving the store Tommy starts on his way toward the collage, the place didn't have dorms but a good chance Glenda still being there, being that cars seem not to work. He makes his way down collage avenue which turns into state highway 2463. The streets seem eerie with deserted cars smacked into poles, building and each other. And while he sees a few people no one wants much to do with a man with an axe out in the cold rain.
The school is not all that far away but it's after 6 when he arrives, and dark out. The lot seems full of cars, yet he sees no one waiting around. He makes his way to the building and the lobby seems mostly empty with a few people here or there. The building is cold and dark, with no light and a few people huddled around fittingly enough a trash can with a fire in it. The look up as he comes in, and seeming him carrying the axe an thine fellow with a mullet asks "Umm, can we...umm..help you?" Frost clouding off his breath

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Shane makes his way down the road, already the cold has set on the air, the smell of snow hits him as he sloshes though the rain which is now starting to come down from the grey sky above. as he makes his way toward the crash he can't help but notices a few cars here and there one smashed solidly into the guard rail, both it's doors closed and at lest once he saw someone walking on the other side of the road but they did not reply when he yelled out heads down in the rain.
In about 15 minutes he can see the wreak, people work in the freezing rain as bodies lay on the road and a few people work on the injured in spit of the rain
As Bryan shiver in the rain he hears a sound of something rolling, a light sound but in the silence of the rain he can make it out. He had not noticed in years just how damned noisy everything was, even out here without any sound but the rain and the injured and dying it was a damning sound indeed.
Up the hill he sees a man pushing what looks to be a loaded wheelbarrow though the rain
Shane, meet Byran. Byran meet shane
As Shane approaches the Accident site, he yells out. "Hello, I got a First Aid Kit and some blankets. As well as a wheelchair that someone who can't walk could use. An I've rigged this wheelbarrow up with some padding, so it can be used to transport someone also. Most importantly, about a mile down the road, on the left hand side, there is a house that belongs to a Mr. McCoy. If your wondering, his electric, phone and vehicle aren't working. Just like with the rest of us. He has a woodstove. So things in there will be nice and warm. He'll have hot beverages and some Beef Stew waiting for anyone who wants some. An your welcome to stay there for the nignt. Though it may get a bit crowded. So who would like this stuff and how can I help"!

Tommy Butcher |

"I hope so friend". "I'm looking for a friend of mine". "I mean no harm". Tommy then steps closer dropping the axe to the ground at his feet, and reaching into his pocket to pull out his faded picture of Glenda.
"I'm looking for this girl". "Have you seen her"?

Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
A tall man in a dark green raincoat limps towards you, he seems to be shivering, but stops as he draws near. His gaze flickers over you and moves past you, as if focusing on something far away.
"Most of them are clustered around the bus, there." He says, pointing to the still smoking wreckage of a greyhound. "They'll need some help, but most of them should be fine, scrapes and bruises mainly. One needs a hospital though, won't last the night."
Bryan will try and get everyone to shelter, then take the man to the nearest hospital. He will try and leave the two factory workers in charge, they seem to be handling things better than the others.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

-----Shane and Byran[i]------
It takes almost an hour for you the get every to the house, Mr.McCoy helps get everyone inside, finding room for the 17 people that pour into his home which is chilly as only the wood-stove is heating now.
'I'm afraid that is as warm as she'll get. The stove was for emergency and was never meant to heat the whole house. Emma always said I should throw it out.".
He hands out old clothing and blankets before Walking over to Byran. "Shane here says you tend to take that man to the hospital. Lord knows he seems to need it. St. John Numaans clinic is right as ya get into town, but it'll be dark before you get there." He thinks "I may have some stuff in the shed to make a make shift litter. And I think I have an old lantern up stairs as well. It seems what ever the lord has worked this day the flashlight don't work. You plan to go with him Shane? Seems like town might have a phone or at lest a better ideal of whats going on."
If you guys plan to make a litter give me a craft roll or an Int roll if you do not have craft. You can add +1 to that roll for tools
As you work in the shed McCoy comes back out "I have a lantern, it's only half full but might work. Emma did love them so." He says wistfully "I got a sleeping bag, I used while hunting may keep that fella dry. It's only about 2 miles to the clinic but it's wet and by god it'll be cold. If I could ask, I have family in town. If possible do you think you might be able to check in? My daughter runs the wakeland animal clinic and I have a grand daughter over at the collage. With the phones out I would be in your dept if ya could check on em for me.
The guy shacks his head, but one of the girls says "Oh, Glenda? umm she should be in one of the rooms back there. " she says point down the hall.
As Tommy walks down the hall, he is meet with the sound of his footfalls echoing into the darkness, he hears a few voices in some rooms but as he looks in he just finds two or thee people huddled together for warmth. As he turns to one of the other halls he hears Glends calling his name "Tommy! Tommy!" she shouts as she runs toward him, almost knocking him down as she latches on. He can see worry in her eyes "What happened, The cars wont start, the lights are out, some one said it had to be nuke!" she says almost sobbing "Have you seen mom! Do you know where she is? Or dad, have you seen anyone?" she says with a hint of panic in her voice

Shane A. MacIntyre |

-----[i]Shane and Byran[i]------
It takes almost an hour for you the get every to the house, Mr.McCoy helps get everyone inside, finding room for the 17 people that pour into his home which is chilly as only the wood-stove is heating now.
'I'm afraid that is as warm as she'll get. The stove was for emergency and was never meant to heat the whole house. Emma always said I should throw it out.".He hands out old clothing and blankets before Walking over to Byran. "Shane here says you tend to take that man to the hospital. Lord knows he seems to need it. St. John Numaans clinic is right as ya get into town, but it'll be dark before you get there." He thinks "I may have some stuff in the shed to make a make shift litter. And I think I have an old lantern up stairs as well. It seems what ever the lord has worked this day the flashlight don't work. You plan to go with him Shane? Seems like town might have a phone or at lest a better ideal of whats going on."
If you guys plan to make a litter give me a craft roll or an Int roll if you do not have craft. You can add +1 to that roll for tools
As you work in the shed McCoy comes back out "I have a lantern, it's only half full but might work. Emma did love them so." He says wistfully "I got a sleeping bag, I used while hunting may keep that fella dry. It's only about 2 miles to the clinic but it's wet and by god it'll be cold. If I could ask, I have family in town. If possible do you think you might be able to check in? My daughter runs the wakeland animal clinic and I have a grand daughter over at the collage. With the phones out I would be in your dept if ya could check on em for me.
Tying the emergency glow stick that he had started several hours ago, to the pull string on his jackets hood. Thus freeing his hands. Shane helps Brian start putting a litter together. When an idea popped into his head.
"I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but I got a Mt. Bike and lots of bungie cords under the tarp in the back of my Truck that's up the road. I'll run and get them. Then we can can bugie cord the litter to rest on the handle bars and seat. An also our patient losely to the litter. Let me go get that stuff. It sure will make the trip far easier on us. An much more stable for our patient".
As Shane was getting ready to go to his truck. Mr. McCoy came out with the lantern. He tells him and Brian about his Daughter and Granddaughter. Excusing himself, Shane runs back up the highway to the overgrow road that his vehicle was on. To lessen the chance of a passer by on the main road spotting his rig. He removed the stones he had used to block his front wheels. He got in the truck and released the emergency break and put it in neutral and let gravity take him another 40 feet or so down the overgrown road. Away from Hwy 15. Before he again throws the emergency brake and gets out and blocked the wheels again with some large rocks. He grabbed a few more Chemical Handwarmers and another emergency glow stick. Still armed with his pistol and Shotgun. Shane had of course informed everone that was up at the Accident site of his active duty Military status. To make them feel more comfortable about him being around them with firearms. He closed and locked the truck up again. Got his Mt. Bike and more then a dozen bungie cords, both long and short in a plastic bag. Out of the roped and bungie corded tarp covered bulge in the bed of his pick-up. Snuggley replacing the tarps, so things would stay as dry as possible under there. Buckling on his Mt. Biking Helmet, Shane walked the Mt. Bike up the slight grade to the Highway. An awkwardly got on the Mt. Bike and began to ride towards Mr. McCoy. It took him only a second or two to adjust his balance, because of having his shotgun on his right shoulder. He arrived back, he wondered how Brian was doing with the litter. Seeing Mr. McCoy first, Shane said. "Sir, I know you told me before when you came out with the lantern. But would you tell me what your Daughter's and Granddaughter's names are again? It slipped my mind as I was excited about my bicycle litter idea".

Tommy Butcher |

Tommy takes advantage of Glenda's worry and excitement to get a free feel of her shapely figure, then struggling to put those thoughts aside beckons her to a couple of chairs gathered around one of the desks. Don't know if this old cop-a-feel is enough to envoke my vice. I guess that's according to if she notices or not
"I don't know what happened, but it seems to be city wide". "Shelia is taking care of some people back at the clinic, and I thought we might head out tomorrow to find your parents, if things aren't back to normal by then".
"I don't think it's a nuke...at least radio's or something would work if that was the case, and nothing seems to be working". "Do you want to wait here with your classmates, or should we work our way back to the clinic". "There is a bit of food and drink there, and maybe your folks will make their way to the Clinic, if something's wrong".
He then looks away and pats Greybeard on the head, "You'll never believe what I had to do today". "I had to deliver a baby from an injured mother"! "And though the mother is still not out of the woods, I think I saved them both". "I was very lucky, and the spirits were working through my hands".
"It's only a short walk back to the clinic". "If you ask me I think we should spend the night there". "If your folks come into town, that's the first place they'll think to look". "It's not getting any warmer, do you want to leave now"?

Adam Fletcher |

A man wearing a jacket over a dress shirt and slacks leans into the room. "Hey, just reminding everyone to go over to one of the fires if they plan on staying here any longer. Don't want anyone freezing to death." He pauses and looks at Tommy. "Wait, you don't look like one of the students. Mind if I ask why you're here?"

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

McCoy Nods 'my Daughter is Sara wakeland, she runs a clinic down on Broadway. You just take Parkway till ya get to Washington avenue, take a left on mine , the Collage is down on highway 2562. Humm right past the 2462 there is an outpatient surgery pace, that fella may need to go there. Anyone at the end of main street your find Broadway, ya can't miss the clinic. I f ya can find Glenda at the school I would be thankful. I do not know the Lords plan, but it's trying. Maybe he is testing man again." He looks like a man who had the ground knocked out from under him, and you have to wonder if it really hadn't.
Also I still need at lest one success for the littler. Int+ craft+ 1 for tools
not sure If thats enough, let me check though. However couping a feel is classic:)
"A baby? really?" she says her panic momentarily forgotten, Then Mr.Fletcher peeks in startling her, she hugs Tommy closer"He is my boyfriend." She says pushing closer.

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Shane took out the small USCG note book and pen that he aways kept with his Badge and ID. An wrote down the information that Mr. McCoy. had told him about his daughter and granddaughter. He didn't trust his memory enough in the state of mind he was in, to remember it later. He then took the Mt. Bike and bungie cords back to where Brian was working on the litter inside the outbuilding. It was basically done, they would use duct tape to secure those outdoor furnitue cushions to pad it and attemp to affix it a top the Mt Bike's handle bars and seat with bugie cords.
Int2+ craft2+ 1 for tools 5d10 ⇒ (8, 1, 8, 6, 8) = 31
As he and Brian rigged it up. It seemed to work as he had invisioned it. The would use the spare bugie cords to securely hold the patient in a sleeping bag firmly on the two wheeled litter. Which would sure make the trip into town far easier then the alternative. As well as being far more steady and stable for the patient.

Tommy Butcher |

"Hi". "Tommy Butcher", Tommy says reluctently stepping away from Glenda's warm embrace and extending his hand. "Pleased to make you acquaintance.
Tommy realizes then what Glenda said, and momentarily pays absolutely no attention to what Mr. Fletcher is saying. He had only dreamed that she might have feelings for him as well.
After a pregnant pause then Tommy explains that they are getting ready to head back to the clinic, to see if Glenda's parents have arrived, and to check on his patient.

Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
"Do you have a map? I would rather not get lost."
Bryan lets Shane work on the litter and take care of his business. He makes sure everyone is settled and then returns to the crash site to make sure the injured man is still stable.
If I recall, the injured man was with his wife, so we should probably bring her along as well.

Shane A. MacIntyre |

"Do you have a map? I would rather not get lost."
Bryan lets Shane work on the litter and take care of his business. He makes sure everyone is settled and then returns to the crash site to make sure the injured man is still stable.
If I recall, the injured man was with his wife, so we should probably bring her along as well.
OOC: To Bryan Woods, Survivalist's Player. I believed we got everyone to Mr. McCoy's House. We moved the most critcally injured man via the outdoor furniture cushions padded wheelbarrow. Then we were going to take him the rest of the way into town with the Bicycle Litter, if I'm not mistaken. Keeper of Forbidden Lore could you confirm?
Mr. McCoy's House is right on the main road between were the Bus Accident was and the town of Jackson. It is placemarked on the Game Map.
Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
That wasn't explicitly stated, so I was operating under the assumption that we only moved the people who were still conscious. Bryan doesn't want to move the man any more than he has to, and would have objected to that idea.
Also Shane, could you please put OOC text in BBCode ooc tags and put your regular text outside of the quote boxes. I sometimes have a hard time reading through your posts because of this.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Sorry guys, I got killer busy Thursday and just have not been online enough to update. Ok on the injured man, yep I jumped the gun a bit there as I had you guys move him as well, We can say Bryan protested but really the options seem to be leave him here in the 45 degree rain or take him somewhere he has a shot at living. His wife would have voted to get him out of the rain. And yes if you guys make toward the town shes going, not sure if you could make her stay. So in the end it does not matter if he stayed or went because moving him to town is the only chance he has of making it though the night and Bryan will know this.
McCoy makes a rough map on some note paper along with names and address of his family as Shane manages to rig what he thinks will hold the litter, he wont be fast but it'll be easier then dragging him by hand. The mans wife looks worried and McCoy finds her an old winter coat from somewhere"I don't recoken Emma would mind you using that" He says with a smile.
The woman who had introduced herself as Patrica Briggs and her husband as David Briggs looked a bit worried. The tempter seemed to have dropped and the rain had started coming down harder. "Do you think he'll be ok?" she asks as you look at the darking sky.
-----Adam /Tommy---------
What the plan here guys?

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Shane pushes the bicycle litter up to the front door of Mr. McCoy house. Knocking on it. When Mr. McCoy answers. Shane says. "Where as ready as were going to be to take Mr. Briggs into town. Will anyone beside Mrs. Briggs going to be coming with us"? Shane will hand his already hot chemical handwarmer to Mrs. Briggs when she comes out. An open and hands one to Bryan. An opens one for himself also. "The best place to put that is on the back of your neck, secured there with a little first aid tape. It really regulates your body temprature very well".

Tommy Butcher |

As stated above, Tommy will take Glenda back to the Clinic for the night, then if nothing changes, plans on heading out to the farm first light tomorrow.

Bryan Woods, Survivalist |
Bryan lights the lantern in and holds it against the growing gloom. He turns to Mr. McCoy.
"Thank you for your help, take care."
His voice has lost its previous authority, and he sounds tired. He holds the lantern high and turns, beckoning Shane and Patricia into the storm. He holds out his hand to take his share of the load, shaking ever so slightly as he does.

Adam Fletcher |

"Hi". "Tommy Butcher", Tommy says reluctently stepping away from Glenda's warm embrace and extending his hand. "Pleased to make you acquaintance.
Tommy realizes then what Glenda said, and momentarily pays absolutely no attention to what Mr. Fletcher is saying. He had only dreamed that she might have feelings for him as well.
After a pregnant pause then Tommy explains that they are getting ready to head back to the clinic, to see if Glenda's parents have arrived, and to check on his patient.
"Good to meet you. Adam Fletcher." He shakes his hand.
"That's on Highland and Broadway, isn't it? Mind if I tag along? My house is on the way, I'm just planning on picking a few things up."
Is his house on the way? Let's say it is.

Tommy Butcher |

Tommy Butcher wrote:"Hi". "Tommy Butcher", Tommy says reluctently stepping away from Glenda's warm embrace and extending his hand. "Pleased to make you acquaintance.
Tommy realizes then what Glenda said, and momentarily pays absolutely no attention to what Mr. Fletcher is saying. He had only dreamed that she might have feelings for him as well.
After a pregnant pause then Tommy explains that they are getting ready to head back to the clinic, to see if Glenda's parents have arrived, and to check on his patient.
"Good to meet you. Adam Fletcher." He shakes his hand.
"That's on Highland and Broadway, isn't it? Mind if I tag along? My house is on the way, I'm just planning on picking a few things up."
Is his house on the way? Let's say it is.
Tommy looks at Glenda, and at her confirming nod, turns to Adam and quickly agrees. "Sure". "No Problem". "Let's go".

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

On the hand warmers, Yeah I am gonna say they do not work, Sorry I overlooked that. I was in a rash and just didn't think about it
Mrs. Briggs looks at you holder out the hand warmer. "This does not seem to be working" As Bryan opens his, he sees it also does not seem to be warm. Even with that oddity you have little option but to go on and you start down the highway toward Jackson. You cover the mile in less then an hour even with Mr. Briggs on a litter. The road is slick with rain and ice. More then once you slip and Patrica does fall as well, bruising herself but nothing major.
You see a few cars along the road, and one smashed into a pole not far from town, it's driver past help. As you make it to the clinic, you can see the place is slammed, it's growing dark , cars line the road, some in crashed angles and people seem to be packing the small building as you approach.
The three of you make your way toward Adams apartment along the way, you see few people out, raining and cold as it is they must be huddling inside. Close to his Apartment however, four men step from the shadows 'Well what do we have here?" One of the men say, a lanky man with stubble on his face and a worn jacket. You can see something in one of em's hands. On of the men looks vaguely familiar to Adam.
Intell+ comp to recall him

Adam Fletcher |

"Just another group of people trying to survive the apocalypse. Same as everyone else." Adam stands back and spreads his arms, attempting to look as calm as possible.
Let's see if Presence+Persuasion can get him to back down by appealing to his higher nature. 5d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 1, 4, 1) = 25 Three successes.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Hi guys, if ya have not checked out the ooc thread I'll tell ya I have had family issues of late. I should be back up to speed now and able to update at lest once a day again
You make your way toward the clinic but can tell the place is swamped, dozens of folks wait outside in the dark with no light from anywhere, but a few glows of what might be candles. You push you way though the crowed into a darkened waiting room, A few candles burn in here and you see injured people everywhere.
Someone in scrubs makes his way toward you."How bad is he hurt? " the man says holding up a candle, he looks tired and his scrubs are spotted with blood.
The men listen to Adams words and seeing the axe in Tommys rather large hands and Greygard starting the growl at his feet nod. 'Yeah, us too" He says with a laugh "You should be careful out here, all kinds of unsavory types ya know" He says and nods as he and the other walk back down the ally, out of sight.
You arrive at Adams apartment with no other trouble and make your way inside, The temperature has started to drop and you see no one on the streets but a few flicking lights in mostly darkened windows. The apartment is only a little warmer then the outside, about 50 or so and dark, but at lest it is dry.