Background music for LOF?

Legacy of Fire

Hey all, I'm gearing up to run Pathfinder this summer after our other campaign has ended.

I'm busy now building an iTunes playlist for background flavor and am wondering what others might have used to add some spice? Currently in the list: Secret Chiefs, Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerrard, Kronos Quartet / Mogwai...

Would love your thoughts.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

You MUST include some of Bernard Hermann's scores for the Harryhausen epics... particularly "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad."

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

The music from the game "Prince of Persia" is pretty good, and has a range of different feels.

If you want music with the sound of battle mixed in try here in the Paizo store.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
You MUST include some of Bernard Hermann's scores for the Harryhausen epics... particularly "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad."

Picked up the 2cd complete score a few months back and yeah, it fits. Excellent soundtrack if a little dated but considering the mod - a perfect fit.

Also might want to check out a few movies with scenes/settings in Arabia -
Gladiator (can't go wrong with Lisa Gerrard/DCD)
Kindgom of Heaven

I wouldn't use both soundtracks in total, just pick and choose certain tracks,
Damn, two Ridley Scott movies

The Road Warrior would also work for the first few mods in some of the outdoor battle scenes
Parts of the Indy movies, again much like any of these can be progmatic
Maybe a copy of Scheherazade - very mellow but good for nights and city scenes.

And since I am at work and cannot see my music library I can't add anymore.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I wouldn't call it dated at all! It's a lot more recognizable, iconic, and fun than most movie soundtracks, many of whom are only aping and copying Hermann's style anyway. :-)

Dark Archive

BTW the stealth (and not so stealth) tributes to Harryhausen are what keep my dollars coming here. The creatures are a huge boost.
For the longest time I thought I was the only one who grew up with these Saturday afternoon flicks as an influence on my game.

And while we are on it, I gotta say that while 7th voyage is a good score, my favorite of the Harryhausen Sinbad movies would be Golden Voyage - great characters, villain (Tom Baker, I mean, c'mon!), great monsters. Some good Vudra seed material in that one also.

Erdenstern is a German group creating soundtracks specifically for role-playing games, their album Into the gold is perfect for A legacy of fire.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was going to suggest tracks from Jesper Kyd's Assassin's Creed soundtrack - which is on I-tunes and Amazon if you're looking for it.

Several tracks are great for capturing the feel of Katapesh, or possibly add some tension to a combat (City of Jerusalem, Flight Through Jerusalem, City of Damascus). Some of songs might be good for when you enter the House of the Beast (Meditation of the Assassin)to add a dread feeling.

I just picked up Zoe Keating's new album "Into the trees". Not necessarily Middle East flavor, but a great way to bolster your soundtrack with some atmospheric pieces. Also just an amazing album period.

She works with a Cello and builds layers upon layers using a loop machine. AMAZING music!

As stated before "Into the Gold" is awesome for LoF. I'm also using Yo Yo Ma's Silk Road Journey.

Finally, I'm planning to use "Map Room: Dawn" from Raiders of the Lost Ark for the Crypt in HotCK. I usually try to avoid easily recognized pieces, but in this case I think that is going to work for me in helping to set the mood.


Peter Gabriel's Passion- the soundtrack for the Last Temptation of Christ is pretty deserty AND a little creepy. we used it for a haunted house for the kids once.

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