Faction Iconics?

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 2/5

Recently in discussion during our monthly gameday the topic of replays came up. During the discussion it was mentioned that everyone should have characters from at least three different factions. Just in case.

So the question I propose is...

"What would the iconic characters be for the different factions?"

Human cleric of Asmodeous for Cheliax?
Halfling rogue freedom fighter for Andoran?
Half-orc monk of Irori for Qadira?
Half-elf bard for Taldor?
Human wizard for Osirion?

Not sure if these would be correct for the faction iconics, but am hoping that you the PFS community could help me out in this endeavor. I guess what we are looking for is if we were to create an iconic for each faction, what would they look like? Race, Class, Stats, Feats, Traits, Skills, Weapons, Armor... the whole package. Kind of like a premade character.

If this has already been done, I apologize.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Well you might want to expand on your iconic classes to abe a bit more broad.

For Andorian iconics:
Alignment: NG
Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger

For Cheliax iconics:
Alignment: LE
Barbarian, Cleric, Rogue, Sorcerer

For Osirion iconics:
Alignment: LN
Bard, Monk, Rogue, Wizard

For Qadira iconics:
Alignment: N
Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Wizard

For Taldor Iconics
Alignment: N
Bard, Fighter, Rogue, Sorcerer

The list represents the over all faction alignment, though players can be anything that they want other than evil.

The class list is what the adventure builders try and use as to what the strengths of the characters in regards for faction goals.

So if you were going to make iconics, I'd start here.

I'd also not call them iconic so much as i would call them examples or exemplars.

I'll try and spit out some Andorian examples this weekend.

Herald wrote:

For Andorian iconics:

Andoran is the country.

People from Andoran are Andoren.

Andorians are from Star Trek. ;-)

Grand Lodge 3/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Herald wrote:

For Andorian iconics:

Andoran is the country.

People from Andoran are Andoren.

Andorians are from Star Trek. ;-)

Spell check will only catch so many things [/sigh]

I'm lucky if that's all I misspelled. :P

Nah, it's a common mispronunciation of the country. I hear it all over the world. :-)

Turns out, folks with our common interests likely watched Star Trek. ;-)

Scarab Sages 2/5

Now here's a question.

Is it (Andoran) pronounced an-DOOR-in, AN-door-ran, or some other way?

Personally, I pronounce it AN-door-ran for Andoran, and an-DOOR-in for Andoren, but I could be off.

Around the office, we pronounce it:


The Exchange 2/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

Around the office, we pronounce it:


And how do you pronounce the other factions?

We are also curious as to the correct pronunciation of Paizo?

Liberty's Edge

ShieldKnight wrote:

We are also curious as to the correct pronunciation of Paizo?


Is it Pie-zo, Pay-zo or Pa-ee-zo?

PIE-ZO rhymes with Pie Dough


TAL-DOOR rhymes with Shall Door.



Scarab Sages

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

Andoran is the country.
People from Andoran are Andoren.

Andorians are from Star Trek. ;-)

See ... it all just depends on what kind of geek one is. I always thought that Andorans were from Andor.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

You say "Paiz-ato" and I say "Paiz-ahto". Let's just call the whole thing off!

Scarab Sages

Shieldknight wrote:

So the question I propose is...

"What would the iconic characters be for the different factions?"

Well, quite some time ago, there were articles that were called "Meet the Iconics" ... and they gave little background and history on the PRPG pregens. In them for example one said,
Paizo wrote:
"Kyra, along with the rest of the first four iconics, makes her debut as a pregenerated character ..."

The emphasis is mine, but, along the same lines of the OP, the thing that I am curious about is whether there will ever be more. The post from James Jacobs above would certainly seem to indicate that there were plans for them.

All 12 of the existing iconics have received writeups, though Valeros, Seoni, and Merisiel's don't give as much info as the rest. When the six iconics for the upcoming Advanced Player's Guide are revealed, they too will get writeups.

Scarab Sages

yoda8myhead wrote:
All 12 of the existing iconics have received write ups

I didn't even know! Do you mean that they all had backgrounds written for them, o that they've all been given stats and character sheets? If there's stats for them, I would love to get to see them.

W. Kristoph Nolen wrote:
yoda8myhead wrote:
All 12 of the existing iconics have received write ups
I didn't even know! Do you mean that they all had backgrounds written for them, o that they've all been given stats and character sheets? If there's stats for them, I would love to get to see them.

All 12 iconics have appeared in the Adventure Paths as pregen characters. To date, only 4 have appeared as official PFS pregens. Additionally, all 12 iconics received a sample statblock in the months leading up to the release of the PFRPG in August of last year in which Jason previewed some of the features of each of the classes. Their backstories each appear on the post which debuted their Wayne Reynolds artwork in 2007 and 2008 or you can find them all here.

The Exchange 2/5

Alright, here's my first shot at a faction iconic. I used 16,14,13,12,10,10 for ability array. I guess I'm trying to go for playable characters, so ability scores could be tweaked for munchkiny goodness.

Male human rogue 1
N Medium humanoid
Init +10; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee rapier +2 (1d6+2/18-20)
Ranged dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20)
Special Attacks sneack attack +1d6
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Attack +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Traits Cliff Jumper, Reactionary
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +5, Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +8, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +5, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common
SQ trapfinding
Combat Gear acid, alchemist fire (2), thunderstone; Other Gear backpack, rapier, dagger (6), leather armor, grappling hook, silken rope, thieves tools

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Shieldknight wrote:

Alright, here's my first shot at a faction iconic. I used 16,14,13,12,10,10 for ability array. I guess I'm trying to go for playable characters, so ability scores could be tweaked for munchkiny goodness.

Traits Cliff Jumper, Reactionary

IIRC, PFS Iconcs never get traits. Only PCs get the fun of traits.

The Exchange 2/5

MisterSlanky wrote:
Shieldknight wrote:

Traits Cliff Jumper, Reactionary
IIRC, PFS Iconcs never get traits. Only PCs get the fun of traits.

I understand that, but this character was made for a friend who asked for playable/pregenerated characters for play.

If he's looking for playable pregenerated characters for Pathfinder Society OP play then he need look no further than here.

Those are the only legally allowed pregens currently.

The Exchange 2/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

If he's looking for playable pregenerated characters for Pathfinder Society OP play then he need look no further than here.

Those are the only legally allowed pregens currently.

I know there are the pregens. My bad, I wasn't to clear in what I wrote. He asked me to help him with some character possibilities for each faction, so he could have additional characters to play when he replayed a scenario. He currently has only one character. Especially since we seem to be heavy on Cheliax, Andoran, and Qadira but light on Osirion and Taldor characters. Of course the first one I came up with was Cheliax. :P

So to restate, I'm looking for playable characters that would best represent a character from each faction. For example, so far from my experience with faction missions with my Cheliax character I would recommend a rogue for Cheliax. These don't have to be fully stat'd out like I did. Class, race, character concept, with traits and feats would be the primary things I'm looking for in this experiment.

Sorry for the confusion.

Shieldknight wrote:
... so he could have additional characters to play when he replayed a scenario.

I just want to make sure we're both 100% on the same page here.

Replay is only to make legal table.

Grand Lodge

Shieldknight wrote:

Recently in discussion during our monthly gameday the topic of replays came up. During the discussion it was mentioned that everyone should have characters from at least three different factions. Just in case.

So the question I propose is...

"What would the iconic characters be for the different factions?"

Human cleric of Asmodeous for Cheliax?
Halfling rogue freedom fighter for Andoran?
Half-orc monk of Irori for Qadira?
Half-elf bard for Taldor?
Human wizard for Osirion?

mmmmm I think I like this better!

Elven cleric of Asmodeus for Cheliax
Dwarven rogue freedom fighter of Andoran
Dwarven cleric of Torag for Qadira
Dwarven fighter for Taldor
Dwarven wizard for Osirion

yeah I like that a LOT better!


For me, I'd probably go:

Human female infernal sorcerer--Cheliax
Human male wizard--Osirion
Human male fighter--Andoran
Human male bard--Taldor
Human female rogue--Qadira

The Exchange 2/5

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Shieldknight wrote:
... so he could have additional characters to play when he replayed a scenario.

I just want to make sure we're both 100% on the same page here.

Replay is only to make legal table.


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