Scrolls: Help me see if I am about to cause my own downfall.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The Exchange

So under magic item creation it says that cheap scrolls can take as little as 2 hours to create but that ultimately "Regardless of the time needed for construction a caster can create no more than one magic item per day." (p. 549 PF Core)

Am I going to mess up my game if I let my wizard work no longer than 8 hours a day but craft as many scrolls as he can in those 8 hours. (So up to 4 cheap scrolls a day). Anyone see a problem there?

I don't see much of a problem. The kinds of scrolls he can create are going to be low-level spells. He might well have a mound of scrolls, but that just means he's either got a lot of utility magic handy or lots of stuff to use in battle for the first few levels. Eventually he'll realize he wants a few scrolls of spells that are nice to have but not needed all the time (e.g. knock, stone to flesh) but otherwise wants a wand or two instead.

I think what the SRD/Core Rulebook definition on making magic items, you'd only be able to make one such item a day, wether it was a cheap scroll or potion. It just means you dont need to spend more than 2 hours doing so...that being said, I dont see why you couldnt make more in an 8 hour period if you really wanted to, but based on the text of item creation, the black and white RAW says no, only one item per day, but logic would say you should be able to.

End of the day, the item creation rules are more like guidelines, as long as what you propose isnt unbalancing I dont see why your GM wouldnt allow it (I dont see any problem with it personally as a GM myself).

Don't forget that he can put more than one spell on a scroll. The random item tables for the DMG 3.5 could result in scrolls with up to 6 spells on them.

So we keep the limit to one scroll per day, but allow the crafter to put up to 6 spells on any individual scroll. That seems a reasonable limit. Otherwise, a crafter could theoretically make 40 1st lvl scrolls in a single 8 hour day, which does seem a bit much.

In either one of the Faerun books or in Complete arcane there was a feat that did exactly this for potions and scrolls. I've never seen a problem with it, and don't really see the problem with just allowing it without a feat either. It's never really comes up often though, maybe others have found trouble with these. The worst things I have heard of involving scrolls all involved Candle Casters, but those were so expensive they weren't common.

So how about up to 8 spell levels of scroll creation per day?

so one scroll of 8th level

or up to eight scrolls of 1st level.

Scarab Sages

Father Dale wrote:

Don't forget that he can put more than one spell on a scroll. The random item tables for the DMG 3.5 could result in scrolls with up to 6 spells on them.

So we keep the limit to one scroll per day, but allow the crafter to put up to 6 spells on any individual scroll. That seems a reasonable limit. Otherwise, a crafter could theoretically make 40 1st lvl scrolls in a single 8 hour day, which does seem a bit much.

While I would prefer the ability to scribe multiple spells on a scroll was indeed possible, it is not, unfortunately, by RAW.

PRPG wrote:

Scribing a scroll requires 1 day per 1,000 gp of the base price. Although an individual scroll might contain more than one spell, each spell must be scribed as a separate effort, meaning that no more than 1 spell can be scribed in a day.

GMs are, as always, free to house rule this for their own games.

Your God of Knowledge,

The Exchange

Well it says that the cheapest scroll takes as little as two hours so I am thinking there aren't more than 4 a day if I let up on the "one per day cap" and as Lathiira pointed out they are 1st and 2nd level spells and I am not super worried about that. It is potentially leading to about 40 scrolls in two weeks though (my players have two weeks of down time and he has 11 days where if I lifted the cap he could make 4 a day) and on one hand I am not that worried on the other hand it is 40 scrolls which seems like a lot of scrolls.

I am sometimes sensitive to the whole "wizards are better than everyone else" critique that emerges from players at time, but this player is being super group utility guy so most of these scrolls are to cast on the party so I don't see the other players being upset, and more importantly he has the cash to get the job done so I feel like I don't want to restrict him too much since it is benefiting all the players...I just also don't want to design a set of encounters and suddenly realize he hasn't even used his spells for the day after 4 fights...but if he spent all his money to do that it seems fairly balanced...see what I mean?

Edit: POC I AM the GM...that is why I am talking to you fine folks, to see if I am leading to the potential of unbalancing my game too much.

Nethys wrote:
Father Dale wrote:

Don't forget that he can put more than one spell on a scroll. The random item tables for the DMG 3.5 could result in scrolls with up to 6 spells on them.

So we keep the limit to one scroll per day, but allow the crafter to put up to 6 spells on any individual scroll. That seems a reasonable limit. Otherwise, a crafter could theoretically make 40 1st lvl scrolls in a single 8 hour day, which does seem a bit much.

While I would prefer the ability to scribe multiple spells on a scroll was indeed possible, it is not, unfortunately, by RAW.

PRPG wrote:

Scribing a scroll requires 1 day per 1,000 gp of the base price. Although an individual scroll might contain more than one spell, each spell must be scribed as a separate effort, meaning that no more than 1 spell can be scribed in a day.

GMs are, as always, free to house rule this for their own games.

Your God of Knowledge,

Ah thats been changed from 3.5 then, as there was no such restriction before.

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