Gauging interest emberverse game with Wod rules

Gamer Connection

Ok I am still on the fence if I want to try this, but it has been in my head over a year now. So I opened this thread to see if there was enough interest in the game premises to put the work into running this

So for those of you who may not know the emberverse is the setting of S.M strilings most excellent post apoc books. The first of which is called 'dies the fire"

The basic concept is on march 19th 1998 the world as you know it came to an end. In a flash of light at 3:19 PM est technology stopped working, plans fell from the sky's electricity, gunpowder, steam engines and everything you know just stopped. In that bright painful white flash that even the blind saw the world changed. Everywhere people struggled to survive with out transportation, food, lacking everything we depend on. Cities become wastelands of the starving, everywhere people try to get out to find a place to hold up , to settle to lk out a living and some turn to the only food source readily available. People. eater, neo savages and the desperate all try to live in a changed world.

I was thinking a game just a few days after the event, maybe starting the day of the event. With the party coming to gather and going from there, will they live? will they die? will they found city's nations or kingdoms in the new world that is to rise from the death of the old?

Anyhow like I said I am Gauging interest before I put to much work into it. So if this is something that might interest a few of ya, let me know

This will be new world of darkness rules mortals only, I just like the rule set and it seems suited for this.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Let's see if you're talking New World of Darkness - My favorite rules set (I'm running a Hellfrost conversion in real life right now) Check.

Post Apocalyptic - My favorite Genre check.

so count me as very interested.

Oh by the way have read all the novels but the last one and love them as well.

Yes, New world of darkness, core rules mortals only , will edit to show that

Dark Archive

You know, this is my favorite sf series right now. I'm dying to read the novela in GRRM's "Warriors" and I would very much like to join the game. The only problem is that I don't know the rules and I don't have a lot of time to learn them, so my character creation would go very slowly.

nightflier wrote:
You know, this is my favorite sf series right now. I'm dying to read the novela in GRRM's "Warriors" and I would very much like to join the game. The only problem is that I don't know the rules and I don't have a lot of time to learn them, so my character creation would go very slowly.

Well, the core rules only cost $12.50 right now.

Anyway, since four games I'm in just died, I think I'll give this a shot. Haven't read the books, but the concept seems interesting enough on it's own.

In that case, count me as interested as well, though I won't pick up that pdf unless this game is a go.

Liberty's Edge

I'd love to join in.

World of Darkness happens to be my favorite system, and haven't been able to swing a real life game in a while. So I am definitely interested.

Dark Archive

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
nightflier wrote:
You know, this is my favorite sf series right now. I'm dying to read the novela in GRRM's "Warriors" and I would very much like to join the game. The only problem is that I don't know the rules and I don't have a lot of time to learn them, so my character creation would go very slowly.

Well, the core rules only cost $12.50 right now.

Anyway, since four games I'm in just died, I think I'll give this a shot. Haven't read the books, but the concept seems interesting enough on it's own.

Oh, I have the books. Just haven't read them.

Ok, it seems I have some interest. So here is what I was thinking. I was not gonna use the area's covered in the main books. I was thinking of using the main setting "the change" but placing it elsewhere and allowing players to explore , survive and pretty much do their own thing

I was thinking Arkansas, west Virginia/Kentucky or one of the Dakota's or maybe \e northern Texas or the like and play though getting the hell out

Anyhow just my thoughts

Dark Archive

I am not that familiar with USA geography, but that's what internet is for. Although I would prefer for the game to set between first trilogy and the later series of books, I'll go with whatever you decide. If I have enough time to familiarize myself with the rules, that is. When would the game start?

Kinda what this thread was for, to see where the interest was. As it involves a good chunk of work to do something like this I wanted some feelers out to see if 1: There was interest and 2: to see just where that interest lays in type of game before I put tons of work into it and then it not be what folks where interested in.

As I said I have been kicking around Ideals for a while but have nothing nailed down so am more then willing to hear some input from interested folks

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

In order the places I'd like to see it set:

West Virginia/Kentucky
Northern Texas

Got a lot of cool concepts, as when I was reading the novels, I was thinking and making notes of characters I would play if I was making a game of this (I know...It's sad...I do this with a lot of good novels / movies, but it does fuel my games)

Dark Archive

Well, Seeker, I think it would be more rewarding if the game is set some time after Protector's War but before Sword of the Lady. We have examples of viking, wiccan, tolkienesque and other cultures, so it would be interesting if players got the chance to something like that on their own, based on some other fantasy series. On the other hand, I think that it would be more interesting for the GM as well.

Which was one of the reasons I was thinking start from day 1 really. It would allow the PC's a chance to not only survive but create and grow there own community. If ya recall in the books most of those came together though randomness and happenstance more then real planning

And yeah scarnford I know what ya mean. I do live in southeast ky and thought often of how screwed I would be lol but also of how communitys would develop and pop up in such areas. So I have put some thought into it. I can totally see hollows coming together and such.

Interesting - I'm a big fan of post apoc fiction, but am completely unfamiliar with these books. As for your game, you're not talking about Monte Cook's D20 version, right? I find the WoD setting interesting, but don't know squat about the system.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I actually worry too much of this happening in real life when the oil runs out to want to play this out in fiction.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber


I am still here Scranford and thinking. If I do go ahead with this it will be from day one, not set later As I run two other pbp's I just do not have the time to build a whole of a setting set near 20 years after the change. I might but right now I am not sure I do

Also Billzabub it would be New world of darkness rules not the d20 ones. I have this issue with d20 and any type of modern setting and just do not think d20 captures the gritty feel of the setting to be honest

So let me ask the interested folks just where would you find it interesting to set? Or at the very lest start from. I really have no plans to restrict your actions if this gets off the group, so if for instance ya wanted to start in LA headed to folks out in Main, I wouldn't say no.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Since you're writing this from scratch, and have other games, I would suggest you just set it in the area you're most familiar with. That way you don't have to spend as much time with research.

And I'm all for going from day one. Actually makes it easier, because it todays fast instant access world it's easy to have any background of character be in wherever you decide.

Right, just go with wherever you know best. (In this case, probably Kentucky) I say we start at day 1 too. If nothing else, it would be easier to start the game then.

Glad to see there is some interest. To be honest I am not sure how well I can GM this but it's been in my head for some time. And I have read the wod ruleset but never ran it. It is however a rule set I find fits the style of game well.

I like to be honest and upfront about that stuff. Glad to see your interested Davi after the last game I ran ya was in :)

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I have ran it fairly often, so can probably help some with the rules questions. Also have the Precinct 13 book which details police, and law enforcement units, and the "Dogs of War" book which details the Military, which might be useful for this game. {Have most of the other books as well, so if you're looking for something just ask)

Thanks man. I have not got to run it, but knew as soon as I read it I wanted to use it for the emberverse.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

It should transfer very well to PbP. We figure how many dice we have to roll, and you just do your best to take dice away. One roll for everything.

I am reading back over the rules now. But I don't see combat being an issue, my two active pathfinder games have groups of 6 {one with 2 pets as well} and combats do not bog down to bad...well for a pbp anyhow

Ok guys my will save blows. So I am gonna try this. Anyone intrested go here Appalachian Emberverse

This game will not be starting very soon maybe in a week or two, Giving me enough time to get some stuff down and ready. I do want some input and a bit of feedback.

So if ya really want to give it a shot , drop by the thread

Ok bumping this. I am Looking to see if anyone is interested in this style of game. I have two active players now and they are on day two of the event.

So if anyone is interested let me know

Kalderaan you deleted your post from the other thread but if you want in your in.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Come on everybody. Sign up...this is a fun game...

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Kalderaan you deleted your post from the other thread but if you want in your in.

I wanted to but pullled it due to time constraints. I see the game is already running. I would be interested in joining up but need help with a character. I've played WoD but only once and only for an opening session.

I would like to play a law-enforcement officer. Perhaps a self-defense teacher or a K-9 officer.

What do you think?

Here is Kalderaan's submission of a character:

Officer Kyle O'Brady.

Do you have family? Yes, but they are in Boston. I left to a quiet piece of real estate after the PTSD became an issue in a big city.

If so where are they? See above.

Are you dating? No. I spend most of my time in the gym or with my K-9 companion.

Do you have a hobby? Self-defense and now training K-9 dogs.

Where did you grow up? Kyle grew up in Boston.

Where are you living? In a small apartment.

Do you have friends that might make interesting NPC's? Father is a cop but not in the area. Tough-as-nails, no-nonsense sort. Thinks I can snap out of my post-traumatic stress like it's a choice.

Seems like an interesting game, but WoD is a whole new set of rules for me. If you were doing d20Modern I'd be all over it.

Unless someone can help along a brother new to the system, that is...

You don't want me to tell you my feelings on d20 Modern. If ya want to play your not the only newbie to the system in the game. I am kinda new to the system myself so I'll be happy to help ya along if you like.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
You don't want me to tell you my feelings on d20 Modern. If ya want to play your not the only newbie to the system in the game. I am kinda new to the system myself so I'll be happy to help ya along if you like.

Ok, cool, thanks. So a few questions:

Has the game already started? The other thread makes it seem like it hasn't, but people here seem to mention that it has. Am I missing a link or something?

How much technology loss are we talking? You mention gunpowder being nill...which is a chemical reaction. Does that mean I can't, say, play a chemistry teacher who uses primal resources from around us to make things go boom? Not even Mentos and Diet Coke?! THE POOR CHILDREN!! (Sorry, It thought that was hilarious in my head.) What about a mechanical engineer who can design and build a trebuchet from the ground up? I'm not saying these are my choices of yet, I want to know where my limitations are so that I don't cross the line when designing a character concept. I've never read these books, so I'm at a loss. Steam engines don't work? You mean the pressure from the buildup of water vapor doesn't make the turbines turn (a loss of the very ground rules of physics), or it doesn't matter how much those bloody turbines move you're not getting electricity from it? (This makes a pretty big difference...if I played said mechanical engineer I could, theoretically, throw together some serious mid 1800's technology with enough time and effort. An old-fashioned riverboat, for example, is powered by coal burning in fire, which creates heat, heat boils water, water vapor creates pressure, which turns a simple turbine, which moves the paddles directly (instead of creating electricity), and there it goes. At least, that's with me thinking about it for a minute and being too lazy to look up on wikipedia or anything.

Ok, seriously, now I have to play an engineer...

The game has started but the group is on day two of the event in game. so far all they know is cars, electricity, gunpowder and some chemicals do not work. Fire still burns but stuff does not go boom. Some of the town is on fire, folks trying to heat with items in places not meant to be used as such mostly. As it is still winter.

And yep steam engines do not work right, they work but the pressure is much, much, much lower meaning they are useless. The trebuchet would work however {On an unrelated note the locale high school built one, kinda simple and effective}

One of the key points in the books is finding out what does not work and trying to understand why. An engineer would come in very handy but you would need to get inventive is all.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

The game has started but the group is on day two of the event in game. so far all they know is cars, electricity, gunpowder and some chemicals do not work. Fire still burns but stuff does not go boom. Some of the town is on fire, folks trying to heat with items in places not meant to be used as such mostly. As it is still winter.

And yep steam engines do not work right, they work but the pressure is much, much, much lower meaning they are useless. The trebuchet would work however {On an unrelated note the locale high school built one, kinda simple and effective}

One of the key points in the books is finding out what does not work and trying to understand why. An engineer would come in very handy but you would need to get inventive is all.

Well, if crossbows and trebuchets work, spring-action power is still accessible. Still enough reason to think "brains over brawn" character would be nice.

I'm designing a criminal character. I like the morality system of the game, and would enjoy the opportunity to play someone in the gray.

I'm thinking a con man who's extremely well versed in knowledge, probably dropped out of school where he was studying engineering to be a professional criminal when he realized he was a lot better at talking people out of their money than earning it.

I'm going through character creation, but the merits/equipment chapter lost me. Do we have starting exp? Cause it explains how to do attributes/skills, but it says you spend exp to get merits and equipment, but I don't know how much to spend.

You gain no xp however you have 7 points to buy merits, with the 5th dot in any merit as always costing 2 points, wealth is covered in the resources merit.

Are you using the new world of darkness rules{blue book} or the old ones?

you can email me with any questions at

seekerofshadowlight at

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

You gain no xp however you have 7 points to buy merits, with the 5th dot in any merit as always costing 2 points, wealth is covered in the resources merit.

Are you using the new world of darkness rules{blue book} or the old ones?

you can email me with any questions at** spoiler omitted **

I think it's the new one. Copyright 2004. I've got a character idea rolling through now, I'll post it in the discussion page when he's ready. I started making a backstory and engineering went out the door and con man started rolling right in. Too much time necessary to do that other idea, and without chemical reactions, etc, meh...not as fun.

heh, well we have a cop, ex con and a coast guard in the group so far. You should fit in. The early days there will be much shades of grey as ya know food and resources will be short or gone.

Character creation often goes like that, ideas change. If ya need to ask anything feel free to email me or ask here. And yeah o4 and blue it would be the right book

seekerofshadowlight wrote:

heh, well we have a cop, ex con and a coast guard in the group so far. You should fit in. The early days there will be much shades of grey as ya know food and resources will be short or gone.

Character creation often goes like that, ideas change. If ya need to ask anything feel free to email me or ask here. And yeah o4 and blue it would be the right book

Am I reading this right? I need resources 3 to buy one measly set of lockpicks? That's a bit...backwards.

EDIT - updated character in the discussion thread

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