[Wicked K Games] New Spell Cards - Development Cards

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Ready to supercharge your spellcaster? We are developing a set of spell cards to include both verbal and somatic components that can be printed from home onto 4x6 cards. The current design would include double sided printing (the back including the full description and the front including all other info). Each spell card will be marked to show class access (for all core classes including APG classes).

All 700+ spells in the SRD would be included in this project...

So now we begin! What featurs would you like to see in this? What layout ideas do you have? What would be a fair price point for this? We have a prototype created, but we're always all ofr improving our products for the community!

Lastly, if you just like this idea, a nod is always welcome! :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Any chance you can post up a image of your prototype of your idea? To give us a idea what you have so far and how you have it set up so far? I think that would help a lot. Then people can see it and post comments and make suggestions such as, switch this and that line or move that there, or add this etc.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Any chance you can post up a image of your prototype of your idea? To give us a idea what you have so far and how you have it set up so far? I think that would help a lot. Then people can see it and post comments and make suggestions such as, switch this and that line or move that there, or add this etc.

I'll see what I can do... perhaps I can put a sample up on the facebook page and link here...I'll be back later with a link for an image.

The prototype image can be found here...

The images of course are simply W, K, and G. I won't be filling the images by my artist until it's certain the somatic components are liked. The languages in are latin, icelandic, and gaelic. The backside will just have the full spell text decription as stated earlier. Enjoy... :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That's pretty detailed, nothing jumps to mind that is missing on it off the top of my head. I will think about it and see if I can think of something.

Wicked K Games wrote:

The prototype image can be found here...

The images of course are simply W, K, and G. I won't be filling the images by my artist until it's certain the somatic components are liked. The languages in are latin, icelandic, and gaelic. The backside will just have the full spell text decription as stated earlier. Enjoy... :D

Nicely done. Nothing really left out that comes to mind.,,

I'd consider adding blanks / fillable cards for homebrew / 3pp / other spells not in the SRD. That would add to the utility of the set.

Speaking of which, what are your thoughts on packaging them? All in one? By spell level? By class? By something else? Curious on that. All in one would be nice, but that's a bloody big project.

Wicked K Games wrote:

The prototype image can be found here...

The images of course are simply W, K, and G. I won't be filling the images by my artist until it's certain the somatic components are liked. The languages in are latin, icelandic, and gaelic. The backside will just have the full spell text decription as stated earlier. Enjoy... :D

Wait, so the somatic components are gonna be sign language?

I know a bit of sign language and have done something similar before. What's really great about it is that the DM I had also knew sign language so we would sign the spells and the rest of the players would have no idea (in game or out of game) what spell was cast (unless, of course, it was something like Meteor Swarm).

Love the idea and can speak from experience that it really adds a neat element if you are into roleplaying.

dark_mistress wrote:
That's pretty detailed, nothing jumps to mind that is missing on it off the top of my head. I will think about it and see if I can think of something.

Thanks for looking. :D

R_Chance wrote:

Nicely done. Nothing really left out that comes to mind.,,

I'd consider adding blanks / fillable cards for homebrew / 3pp / other spells not in the SRD. That would add to the utility of the set.

Speaking of which, what are your thoughts on packaging them? All in one? By spell level? By class? By something else? Curious on that. All in one would be nice, but that's a bloody big project.

Actually, I full planned on including blank fillable cards to allow users to make their own cards. The only drawback is that each extra spell would be in a single card pdf file... UNLESS I get some major help from my friend that does JavaScripting. I'm not even sure he knows how to set up a database that populates the fields as new content is added.

ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Wait, so the somatic components are gonna be sign language?

Yes and No. The example used sign language and I think hand gestures are great... however, actual real sign language will not be used. The idea is more like what you would see on Naruto with the hand jutsu moves. Just like the languages will not be the exact words in latin, but as close as possible while still sounding cool.

I am open to alternative ideas for the somatic components, but hand gestures seemed the most universally usable because of the tabletop nature of the game (I can imagine some people would be cramped around a table with limited space).

Minorelementalx wrote:

I know a bit of sign language and have done something similar before. What's really great about it is that the DM I had also knew sign language so we would sign the spells and the rest of the players would have no idea (in game or out of game) what spell was cast (unless, of course, it was something like Meteor Swarm).

Love the idea and can speak from experience that it really adds a neat element if you are into roleplaying.

Thanks! We used nintendo dual screens in the pictochat or with homebrew AIM clients to pass notes to the DM silently in the same way. It was a lot of fun, especially when it came to dopplegangers!

On the somatics, I got the idea from a friend of mine that was playing a ninja character and had index cards he drew the mystic hand gestures on from a ninjetsu book he used to add depth to his character. It was pretty neat and I always liked fleshing out spells to something more then just saying the name.

Wicked K Games wrote:
The idea is more like what you would see on Naruto with the hand jutsu moves.

Sorry, but I avoid crappy anime, so I have no idea what you're talking about. The reason I asked is because simple hand gestures like sign language don't seem to fit with the concept that armor would actually prevent you from casting the spell then (arcane spell failure). I always envisioned the somatic components to be much larger, similar to sped up versions of tai chi hand movements.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that you plan on illustrating the somatic components, don't drop it. I just don't think finger positioning represents arcane motions well enough.

Oh, and just for future reference, if you care to know, the mystic ninjutsu hand gestures are called kuji-kiri if I remember correctly. I've got a friend that studies ninjutsu.

I actually did this for a character in a past game. I had a Binder that was my spell book. All my spells were on their own page. They had relevant verbal components in Ancient Greek or Latin, and mapped out hand gestures for each spell. There was also a full block for the spell description ofcourse.

Edit: Hmmm i dont think i've ever encountered that before, only half my post was cut off. Maybe I'm just losing my mind.

Anyway. I'll look at the prototype later tonight, but I definately like the idea. I like having spell cards on hand, and the flavor of having set verbal and somatic components is something that appeals to me. Nothing helps you roleplay casting a spell like magic words and hand gestures.

I think something i'd like to see is if possible to have non-english looking letters/runes/what have you on the front of the card as the actual 'words' with a smaller print of what the player is to say. Having the actual 'words' as they might appear in the game world could be a really useful visual tool for the DM.

Sovereign Court

...not bad.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ok after thinking about it, the only thing i can think of so far is this. The class boxes at the bottom. I think you need to include some blank box's with no text above them. So if people want to add a 3pp class to their game they can add it to the cards.

ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Sorry, but I avoid crappy anime, so I have no idea what you're talking about. The reason I asked is because simple hand gestures like sign language don't seem to fit with the concept that armor would actually prevent you from casting the spell then (arcane spell failure). I always envisioned the somatic components to be much larger, similar to sped up versions of tai chi hand movements.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that you plan on illustrating the somatic components, don't drop it. I just don't think finger positioning represents arcane motions well enough.

Oh, and just for future reference, if you care to know, the mystic ninjutsu hand gestures are called kuji-kiri if I remember correctly. I've got a friend that studies ninjutsu.

Ah yes! Kuji-kiri is exactly what I was trying to convey. The original idea was to have single handed movements as per RAW (on empty hand needed). If everyone wants it larger, it shall be done. Thoughts?

Kolokotroni wrote:

I actually did this for a character in a past game. I had a Binder that was my spell book. All my spells were on their own page. They had relevant verbal components in Ancient Greek or Latin, and mapped out hand gestures for each spell. There was also a full block for the spell description ofcourse.

Edit: Hmmm i dont think i've ever encountered that before, only half my post was cut off. Maybe I'm just losing my mind.

Anyway. I'll look at the prototype later tonight, but I definately like the idea. I like having spell cards on hand, and the flavor of having set verbal and somatic components is something that appeals to me. Nothing helps you roleplay casting a spell like magic words and hand gestures.

I think something i'd like to see is if possible to have non-english looking letters/runes/what have you on the front of the card as the actual 'words' with a smaller print of what the player is to say. Having the actual 'words' as they might appear in the game world could be a really useful visual tool for the DM.

Awesome! I tried to use greek before icelandic, but it seemed too close to latin. As far as the runes go, I could do this, if you could elaborate... :D

If I understand correctly though, you'd like the runic letters for the spells as well as the 3 english words? Something that works with the spell 'read magic' perhaps?

Pax Veritas wrote:
...not bad.

What could make it better in your opinion?

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Ok after thinking about it, the only thing i can think of so far is this. The class boxes at the bottom. I think you need to include some blank box's with no text above them. So if people want to add a 3pp class to their game they can add it to the cards.

Done! Is three extra slots enough?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would say how ever many you can comfortable fit. I mean we know there will be some new PrC's from pathfinder which may or may not have their own spell lists not to count all the 3pp stuff. So if 3 is it no then that still helps.

Wicked K Games wrote:
ChrisRevocateur wrote:

Sorry, but I avoid crappy anime, so I have no idea what you're talking about. The reason I asked is because simple hand gestures like sign language don't seem to fit with the concept that armor would actually prevent you from casting the spell then (arcane spell failure). I always envisioned the somatic components to be much larger, similar to sped up versions of tai chi hand movements.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that you plan on illustrating the somatic components, don't drop it. I just don't think finger positioning represents arcane motions well enough.

Oh, and just for future reference, if you care to know, the mystic ninjutsu hand gestures are called kuji-kiri if I remember correctly. I've got a friend that studies ninjutsu.

Ah yes! Kuji-kiri is exactly what I was trying to convey. The original idea was to have single handed movements as per RAW (on empty hand needed). If everyone wants it larger, it shall be done. Thoughts?

Definitely keep it single handed, just bigger motions then finger positioning is all I'm saying. Wave that hand around!

Looks really good so far. I know I have several players looking for spell cards and this would be right up their alley!

Existing products haven't satisfied them yet.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
I would say how ever many you can comfortable fit. I mean we know there will be some new PrC's from pathfinder which may or may not have their own spell lists not to count all the 3pp stuff. So if 3 is it no then that still helps.

I could fit more if I went from 3 letter abbreviations to 2 letter, or if I could find a different place for the copyright information. Hmmm... I'll see what can be done. As far as future updates, like all products I would like to keep this going. I was thinking as new spells come out (APG and other open content sources) of adding them by having a seperate file each update in addition to the latest file with the newest isolated so that the newest cards canbe printined and added to one's collection.

ChrisRevocatuer wrote:
Definitely keep it single handed, just bigger motions then finger positioning is all I'm saying. Wave that hand around!

I will definitely convey these sentiments to my artist, thanks! :D

drkfther1 wrote:

Looks really good so far. I know I have several players looking for spell cards and this would be right up their alley!

Existing products haven't satisfied them yet.

Awesome! While I don't dislike anything currently on the market as this is the designer's takes on these things, with all my products I do them to the standards and ideas I would want to see/use myself. I've been wanting to do these things for a while, it is VERY time consuming, even for someone with past professional data-entry experience like myself.

Honestly if I could tackle a bit more javascripting, I could release a couple other porjects as well that I've been working on/talking about:

  • Summon Cards
  • Inventory Cards

  • Summon Cards could be cool. It would save time scribbling down stats on the fly.

    drkfathr1 wrote:

    Summon Cards could be cool. It would save time scribbling down stats on the fly.

    I agree! They're in development now... I've been working on the concept, it's just a matter of finding a layout I like... :D The javascripting I needed I've gotten, but I still have a good bit of work to do on it... I have a summoner in my sunday games that has been prodding me to finish.

    Suggested changes... recently I received an email response with a few suggestions, and I would love ot hear any feedback for these:

  • List spell levels instead of check boxes along the bottom
  • Add a marker to denote if cost is over 25 GP (Eschew or Spell Comp Pouch)
  • Cut back the saves boxes to one line instead of individual boxes
  • Scale back the verbal components to one set of words

    This would be to make room for some additional features or expanding current ones. In the case of the first two they'll probably be done just to improve the cards usefulness.

    Furthermore, I will be sticking to the Core Rulebook for spells since after much debate, I feel like taking spells from Paizo's Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Chronicles may take away from others wanting to buy these things, and as a firm supporter of Paizo, I wouldn't want to cause undo harm. I still plan on utilizing open content from the AGP and Gamemaster's Guide as these will have ample content from what I understand to draw their audiences.

    Back to the cards... another question: Do you like the verbal components and somatic or does this seem like something you'd never use? Thanks in advance!

  • Wicked K Games wrote:

    Suggested changes... recently I received an email response with a few suggestions, and I would love ot hear any feedback for these:

  • List spell levels instead of check boxes along the bottom
  • Add a marker to denote if cost is over 25 GP (Eschew or Spell Comp Pouch)
  • Cut back the saves boxes to one line instead of individual boxes
  • Scale back the verbal components to one set of words

    This would be to make room for some additional features or expanding current ones. In the case of the first two they'll probably be done just to improve the cards usefulness.

    Furthermore, I will be sticking to the Core Rulebook for spells since after much debate, I feel like taking spells from Paizo's Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Chronicles may take away from others wanting to buy these things, and as a firm supporter of Paizo, I wouldn't want to cause undo harm. I still plan on utilizing open content from the AGP and Gamemaster's Guide as these will have ample content from what I understand to draw their audiences.

    Back to the cards... another question: Do you like the verbal components and somatic or does this seem like something you'd never use? Thanks in advance!

  • I agree with those changes, especially the first one. Many spells are different levels for different classes. That cant be easily represented with the current card format.

    This image is the second draft... Kolokotroni, I added the numbers on the sample. Dark_Mistress, you will be pleased to know I sqeezed in 7 slots at the bottom! Also, a few other small changes, I tossed the wild line and added a common one instead. Check box for spells not covered by the Spell Component Pouch, Dismissal on the spell duration, used "special" in sample, and a small clarification on ACD...

    Click here to see the newer card...

    Let me know any thoughts on these changes, thanks!

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    Very cool and yeah the numbers in the box is a lot more useful than just the check.

    Dark_Mistress wrote:
    Very cool and yeah the numbers in the box is a lot more useful than just the check.

    Thanks! Useful is what I'm going for. I'll have a crunchy version of the full text on back. This is what I'm thinking would be great for the "Brief Spell Description" up front. Two examples:

    Spell Brief in book:
    Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round + 1 round/three levels.

    First sentence of description:
    An arrow of acid springs from your hand and speeds to its target.

    My take on them together:
    An arrow of acid springs from your hand and speeds to its target. Ranged touch atk; 2d4 dmg for 1 rd + (1 rd/3 lvls).


    Spell Brief in book:
    Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can grapple foes and impair movement.

    First two sentence of description:
    Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands. These strands trap those caught in them.

    My take on them together:
    Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands that trap those caught in them. 20-ft.-radius spread spiderwebs grappling foes and impairing movement.

    In some cases the first sentence is just better anyways IMHO... Dispel Magic for example:
    You can use dispel magic to end one ongoing spell that has been cast on a creature or object, to temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or to counter another spellcaster’s spell.

    Good or superfluous?

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    Well I would say as get as much of the info as you can on the back while keeping the text clean and large enough to easily read. Only need enough fluff to explain what the spell does and then of course all the crunch, duration, dmg etc.

    I think you best bet would be if you can do a few different kinds of spells back boxes and post them up as examples. Just to get the best feedback. Plus it helps show people what they will be like and if people like them should help with sales.

    Dark_Mistress wrote:

    Well I would say as get as much of the info as you can on the back while keeping the text clean and large enough to easily read. Only need enough fluff to explain what the spell does and then of course all the crunch, duration, dmg etc.

    I think you best bet would be if you can do a few different kinds of spells back boxes and post them up as examples. Just to get the best feedback. Plus it helps show people what they will be like and if people like them should help with sales.

    The post monster ate my last post, but here is the gist of it...

    Style 1 - Wide Decorative
    Style 2 - Tall Decorative
    Style 3 - Wide Simple
    Style 4 - Tall Simple

    Although I want to use this font and this size, I'm going to have to grapple with the fact that many spells are pretty long (Binding, Gate, Wish) and I will not be able to include all the information without trimming or shrinking the font. At this point I'm looking for you all (the community) to tell me which style you like best. Although the decorative uses more ink slightly, it does hold a little bit more space. I'm up for suggestions!

    My vote is for 1: Wide Decorative.

    Wide Decorative as well.

    The Exchange

    Wide decorative as well.

    In general, I believe I read once that the human eye prefers less jumping around, and the narrow/tall format makes more line breaks and requires more eye movement. The less of that the better.

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    ditto wide decorative looks the best.

    In agreement with everyone else. Wide Decorative.

    drkfathr1 wrote:
    My vote is for 1: Wide Decorative.

    Same with me.

    I also prefer the wide decorative

    Awesome! Thank you all for your comments... Wide Decorative it is! I'm pleased you all like the decorative one (my favorite too)!

    As previously shown in the sample, I want to keep as much content RAW on the backs of the cards as possible. Every spell has fit EXCEPT the following (thus far). The following list of spells are those with text simple too large to fit:

    Antimagic Field, Astral Projection, Atonement, Beast Shape IV, Binding, Contact Other Plane, Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Detect Magic, Dispel Magic, Dispel Magic [Greater], Earthquake, Gate, Glyph of Warding, Guards and Wards, Helping Hands, Magic Circle Against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Magic Jar, Permanency, Planar Ally [Lesser], Planar Binding [Lesser], Polymorph Any Object, Prismatic Wall, Reincarnate, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Walk, Spiritual Weapon, Telekenesis, Wish...

    I'll have to find a way to make these fit. In the case of permanency, I'll have to have it refer to the book (sorry all, it just has TOO many tables). I'm looking for thoughts on what you WOULD want to see done here (under the circumstances) and what you WOULDN'T be happy about. I appreciate the feedback that has been given so far, and I'll be putting up every modified spell before it is finalized.

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    I would say fit as much information as you can reasonably and then have a page number and reference to the rest. Like for Planar Ally I would post the first part of the fluff and duration info and then a page number for details about how the bargin is done. But maybe someone else has a better idea.

    Dark_Mistress wrote:
    I would say fit as much information as you can reasonably and then have a page number and reference to the rest. Like for Planar Ally I would post the first part of the fluff and duration info and then a page number for details about how the bargin is done. But maybe someone else has a better idea.

    Awesome! Planar Ally seems a good place to start... the page numbers are still on front, and perhaps I can put tthe type on front as [called creature type] or something similar.

    The main mods there are clipping "Tasks might range from the simple to the complex." and "Note: When you use a calling spell that calls an air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water creature, it is a spell of that type."

    Here's Planar Ally as it would be:

    By casting this spell, you request your deity to send you an outsider (of 12 HD or less, or two creatures of the same kind whose HD total no more than 12) of the deity's choice. If you serve no particular deity, the spell is a general plea answered by the creature/s sharing your philosophical alignment. If you know an individual creature's name, you may request that individual by speaking the name during the spell (though you might get a different creature anyway). You may ask the creature/s to perform one task in exchange for a payment from you. You must be able to communicate with the creature called in order to bargain for its services. This payment can take a variety of forms, from donating gold or magic items to an allied temple, to a gift given directly to the creature, to some other action on your part that matches the creatures' alignment and goals. Regardless, this payment must be made before the creature/s agree to perform any services and request your return payment together. The bargaining takes at least 1 round, so any actions by the creature/s begin in the round after it arrives. A task taking up to 1 minute per caster level requires a payment of 100 gp per HD of the creature called. For a task taking up to 1 hour per caster level, the creature requires a payment of 500 gp per HD. A long-term task, one requiring up to 1 day per caster level, requires a payment of 1,000 gp per HD. A nonhazardous task requires only half the indicated payment, while an especially hazardous task might require a greater gift. Few if any creatures will accept a task that seems suicidal (remember, a called creature actually dies when it is killed, unlike a summoned creature). However, if the task is strongly aligned with the creature's or creatures' ethos, it may halve or even waive the payment. At the end of its task, or when the duration bargained for expires, the creature/s returns to its home plane (after reporting back to you, if appropriate and possible).

    Here's Planar Ally [Lesser] in Original RAW:

    This spell functions like lesser planar ally, except you may call a single creature of 12 HD or less, or two creatures of the same kind whose HD total no more than 12. The creatures agree to help you and request your return payment together.

    Here's Planar Ally [Lesser] in Original RAW:

    By casting this spell, you request your deity to send you an outsider (of 6 HD or less) of the deity's choice. If you serve no particular deity, the spell is a general plea answered by a creature sharing your philosophical alignment. If you know an individual creature's name, you may request that individual by speaking the name during the spell (though you might get a different creature anyway). You may ask the creature to perform one task in exchange for a payment from you. Tasks might range from the simple to the complex. You must be able to communicate with the creature called in order to bargain for its services. The creature called requires a payment for its services. This payment can take a variety of forms, from donating gold or magic items to an allied temple, to a gift given directly to the creature, to some other action on your part that matches the creature's alignment and goals. Regardless, this payment must be made before the creature agrees to perform any services. The bargaining takes at least 1 round, so any actions by the creature begin in the round after it arrives. A task taking up to 1 minute per caster level requires a payment of 100 gp per HD of the creature called. For a task taking up to 1 hour per caster level, the creature requires a payment of 500 gp per HD. A long-term task, one requiring up to 1 day per caster level, requires a payment of 1,000 gp per HD. A nonhazardous task requires only half the indicated payment, while an especially hazardous task might require a greater gift. Few if any creatures will accept a task that seems suicidal (remember, a called creature actually dies when it is killed, unlike a summoned creature). However, if the task is strongly aligned with the creature's ethos, it may halve or even waive the payment. At the end of its task, or when the duration bargained for expires, the creature returns to its home plane (after reporting back to you, if appropriate and possible). Note: When you use a calling spell that calls an air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water creature, it is a spell of that type.

    Just got back from a vacation to visit family memebers, while away, I thought of something... I'm probably going to include the an alternative set of cards for spells spanning 2 backs for those purists that want to have straight out RAW listings of the longer spells. Something like part 1 & part 2. Does this sound good to anyone?

    More examples: Agreed / Disagreed?

    MASS CHARM MONSTER: (before)

    This spell functions like charm monster, except that mass charm monster affects a number of creatures whose combined HD do not exceed twice your level, or at least one creature regardless of HD. If there are more potential targets than you can affect, you choose them one at a time until you must choose a creature with too many HD to affect.

    CHARM MONSTER: (before)

    This spell functions like charm person, except that the effect is not restricted by creature type or size.

    CHARM PERSON: (before)

    This charm makes a humanoid creature regard you as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target's attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw. The spell does not enable you to control the charmed person as if it were an automaton, but it perceives your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An affected creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the spell. You must speak the person's language to communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.



    This spell affects a number of creatures whose combined HD do not exceed twice your level, or at least one creature regardless of HD. If there are more potential targets than you can affect, you choose them one at a time until you must choose a creature with too many HD to affect. This charm makes a creature or creatures regard you as their trusted friend and ally (treat the target's attitude as friendly). If the creature or creatures are currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies, however, they receives a +5 bonus on its saving throw. The spell does not enable you to control the charmed creature or creatures as if they were an automatons, but they perceive your words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give the subject or subjects orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) The affected creature or creatures never obey suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but they might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the charmed creature or creatures breaks the spell. You must speak the creature's language to communicate your commands, or else be good at pantomiming.

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    You mean two cards with the spell info for one spell on them because it all won't fit on one card? Is that what you are asking? just to be clear.

    Dark_Mistress wrote:
    You mean two cards with the spell info for one spell on them because it all won't fit on one card? Is that what you are asking? just to be clear.

    Correct, what I mean (to be clearer) is that I still will have condensed cards (I like these myself), but for the people that don't mind having 2 cards (for the rest) I was thinking of including the full RAW description as well for those who want it. :D

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
    Wicked K Games wrote:
    Dark_Mistress wrote:
    You mean two cards with the spell info for one spell on them because it all won't fit on one card? Is that what you are asking? just to be clear.
    Correct, what I mean (to be clearer) is that I still will have condensed cards (I like these myself), but for the people that don't mind having 2 cards (for the rest) I was thinking of including the full RAW description as well for those who want it. :D

    Well if you are going to included both single card and dual card. Then i don't see a problem with it. I mean more work for you but should appeal to more people.

    That's probably the best solution. I can't think of anyone finding fault with that. It still saves them the trouble of looking it up in the book, and not every spellcaster is going to have all of those spells.

    I think 2 cards to cover the long descriptions is fine!

    looked at some of your samples and they look like they are going in a good direction to me, but how are you planing on making this available to us?

    Second, i'm understanding your making two complete sets: raw and condensed?


    dark_mistress wrote:
    Well if you are going to included both single card and dual card. Then i don't see a problem with it. I mean more work for you but should appeal to more people.
    drkfathr1 wrote:

    That's probably the best solution. I can't think of anyone finding fault with that. It still saves them the trouble of looking it up in the book, and not every spellcaster is going to have all of those spells.

    I think 2 cards to cover the long descriptions is fine!

    Well then it's decided... the set will include both!

    lawful neutral wrote:

    looked at some of your samples and they look like they are going in a good direction to me, but how are you planing on making this available to us?

    Second, i'm understanding your making two complete sets: raw and condensed?


    Well, as per my contract with my publisher it'll be available on RPGnow.com. It'll actually be one set with an alternative for longer cards. The only thing I plan on not offering via RAW is spells that HAVE to have other spells, when it's easier to include the pieces. Example:

    (Before Cure Serious Wounds)
    This spell functions like cure light wounds, except that it cures 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +15).

    (Before: Cure Light Wounds)
    When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.

    (After: Cure Serious Wounds)
    When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 3d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +15). Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.

    Example 2:

    (Before: Bull Strength, Mass)
    This spell functions like bull’s strength, except that it affects multiple creatures.

    (Before: Bull Strength)
    The subject becomes stronger. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier.

    (After: Bull Strength, Mass)
    The subjects becomes stronger. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier.

    In the first case it makes you look up something needlessly... in the second case it's simple pluralization. If anyone objects to this I would love to know. Any single back condensed card will have a "*". If it is too long the RAW card will say "WISH part I" and "WISH part II".

    One more crazy announcement! I'm thinking of adding the summoning cards (creature stats) to the bundle. IS this too much and should it be seperate? You decide...

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    Summoning cards? You mean cards with the summon monster stats on them? I think it would depend on cost. But I imagine most that buy one would buy the other anyways so doubt it would effect sales one way or the other.

    Or you could offer it is 3 sets. 1 for just the spell cards, 1 for just the summon cards and the last one combined for both.

    Dark_Mistress wrote:

    Summoning cards? You mean cards with the summon monster stats on them? I think it would depend on cost. But I imagine most that buy one would buy the other anyways so doubt it would effect sales one way or the other.

    Or you could offer it is 3 sets. 1 for just the spell cards, 1 for just the summon cards and the last one combined for both.

    That sounds like the best idea... more flexibility for all. :D

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