How to Pronounce Aaqa?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

What is the proper pronunciation of the word, Aaqa? As in, the Wind Dukes of Aaqa...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ogrork the Mighty wrote:
What is the proper pronunciation of the word, Aaqa? As in, the Wind Dukes of Aaqa...

Around Paizo, we pronounce it: "uh-CAW."

The pronunciation guide in Dragon #93 suggests A-ka (both As pronounced like the A in "far").

Strange word very close to latin: Aqua; more so for air creatures....

I often pronounce it "A-aw-KAY," the first syllable being a long "A" sound.

I also catch myself pronuncing it "aw-KAY." That's how some of my players pronounce it.

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