Aboleths and Character Advancement


Is it possible to modify the psionic abilities of an aboleth, like save ECL can be used to modify the abilities and potential class skills of an illithid if the illithid were used as a player or even non-player character? I have an idea for two psionic aboleths I want to use as villains.

Grand Lodge

Adjusting the CHA score of the creature will adjust the save DCs of its psionic abilities. As you increase HD, it would not be out of line to add a power or two as you like to make it a unique creature.

Do you have access to Lords of Madness (WotC's 3.5 aberration book)? It has a whole chapter devoted to aboleth goodness ... er, evil.

The rules for the Aboleth Savant prestige class (for abloleths only, naturally) are on page 21 of Lords of Madness. On page 24 there is a sidebar on psionic aboleths and how to adapt the arcane spellcasting Aboleth Savant into a psionics-using class instead.

Bellona wrote:

Do you have access to Lords of Madness (WotC's 3.5 aberration book)? It has a whole chapter devoted to aboleth goodness ... er, evil.

The rules for the Aboleth Savant prestige class (for abloleths only, naturally) are on page 21 of Lords of Madness. On page 24 there is a sidebar on psionic aboleths and how to adapt the arcane spellcasting Aboleth Savant into a psionics-using class instead.

Ah, I forgot about the Lords of Madness. I'll need to check that one out again.

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