Tea and Coffee parties both suXxOrs

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The Exchange

In light of the current movement amongst Americans to join grassroots politcal movements. I have come to the conclusion that both tea and coffee are pitiful weak excuses of beverages and underserving of my respect. These choices obviously reflect the weakness of those who have joined them. But for REAL MEN who eat meat and like their furniture made from leather. Enjoy driving vehicles with 350 hp or more I submit to you the manly choice of political affiliations one that such American heros like George Washington, Stonewall Jackson, Davey Crockett, or John Wayne would be proud to join. I present to you the BEER PARTY! As founder of the BEER PARTY movement I encourage all of you with great testicular fortitude to join my cause and voice your support here.

Sovereign Court

Ison wrote:
...such American heros like George Washington, Stonewall Jackson, Davey Crockett, or John Wayne...

Hehe, I would like to know the thought process that pulled those four random guys together...

Sovereign Court

And there's a coffee party?

The Exchange

Yeah I just finished reading a thread about the new coffee party movement on a diffrent board. Its a suppose to be a group founded by a liberal mindset of people to be the counter of the tea party people.

The Exchange

Callous Jack wrote:
And there's a coffee party?

I would also like to add Dale Earnhardt Sr. to that list

Sovereign Court

Ison wrote:
Yeah I just finished reading a thread about the new coffee party movement on a diffrent board. Its a suppose to be a group founded by a liberal mindset of people to be the counter of the tea party people.


The Exchange

But we here at the BEER PARTY will crush the other upstart movements under the heel of our steel-toe work boots and spit tobacco in their eyes as they grovel for mercy. Unless they present peace offerings of high quality brew in large quanities to us, juicy cuts of fresh beef cooked over open fires will be accepted too.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Can you bring whiskey to the beer party? What about tequila?

Dark Archive

Charlie Bell wrote:
Can you bring whiskey to the beer party? What about tequila?

I think the Beer Party should be a 'big tent' and include all sorts of alcoholic beverages.

The Exchange

As the founder of the beer party I promote both of you to co-founders and hereby decree that we will follow the BIG TENT philosophy suggested by Charlie Bell

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

::celebrates with a boilermaker::

Does this party have beer wenches? If so, count me in.

I just hope a crack party doesn't spring up...

The Exchange

This just in. Now takeing applications for beer wenches!!!

The Intravenously Fed 151 party laughs at your limp wristed displays of political strength. A slurred sound meant to be heard as laughing anyway.

The Exchange

The Jade wrote:
The Intravenously Fed 151 party laughs at your limp wristed displays of political strength. A slurred sound meant to be heard as laughing anyway.

Is that similar to Bacardi 151?

The problem with the big tent Beer Party is that it's already been hijacked by the heroin special-interest extemists.

Ison wrote:
The Jade wrote:
The Intravenously Fed 151 party laughs at your limp wristed displays of political strength. A slurred sound meant to be heard as laughing anyway.
Is that similar to Bacardi 151?

Oh that's exactly what it is. And the 151 platform is...

::sinks into a sudden stuporous slumber and dreams of alliterations::

Scarab Sages

The Jade wrote:
... and dreams of alliterations ...

You really need to get out more.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
The Jade wrote:
... and dreams of alliterations ...
You really need to get out more.

I don't think the world is ready for more me.

Scarab Sages


Your beer party is passe and does not appeal to the key demographic - gamers. Thus, I now found the Mt. Dew party! It's extreme!!!

Scarab Sages

the Stick wrote:

Your beer party is passe and does not appeal to the key demographic - gamers. Thus, I now found the Mt. Dew party! It's extreme!!!

Except that we can make our own beer. Can you make you own Mt. Dew?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Aberzombie wrote:
Can you make you own Mt. Dew?

If you drink enough of it.

The Exchange

As founder of the BEER PARTY I promote Aberzombie to the position of Chiefe Brewer

Scarab Sages


I drink beer and I vote!

Sign me up.

The Exchange

Mulban wrote:

I drink beer and I vote!

Sign me up.

Excellent Mulban welcome to the BEER PARTY! Get your mug out and fill it up at the keg.

Sovereign Court

Charlie Bell wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Can you make you own Mt. Dew?
If you drink enough of it.

So very, very wrong...

Aberzombie wrote:
Except that we can make our own beer. Can you make you own Mt. Dew?

One does not make Mt. Dew. One simply accepts the gift of nectar of the gods. And that is what separates Mt. Dew from your plebian "beer". Mortals can make beer, but only the gods can grace us with Mt. Dew.

the Stick wrote:
...only the gods can grace us with Mt. Dew.

And no, I am not espousing Pepsi-Co as a god, though they indirectly act as the gods' agents in this matter. I remember when Mt. Dew cam e in green bottles, adorned with the holy icon of a barefoot, rifle-toting moutnain man, blessed with the sun's kiss on the morning dewdrops... *tear*

Ison wrote:
Get your mug out and fill it up at the keg.

Passes around bottles of a nice English Stout.

The Exchange

Still searching for an official beer wench. Perhaps I can tempt one with free beer?

Liberty's Edge

Mulban wrote:

I drink beer and I vote!

In that order?

I still say the manliest drink is a Chuck Norris sweat. If it doesn't kill you you'll grow at least five pounds of hair... not necessarily on your head.

Liberty's Edge

Ison wrote:
Still searching for an official beer wench. Perhaps I can tempt one with free beer?

Consider this my application. I am a hot gypsy chick. Just look at my avatar.

JollyRoger wrote:
Ison wrote:
Still searching for an official beer wench. Perhaps I can tempt one with free beer?
Consider this my application. I am a hot gypsy chick. Just look at my avatar.

Perfect for a jolly rogering!

Passes around some bottles of a nice Belgian Wheat.

Passes around bottles of a nice Hefe Weizen.

The Exchange

I heard there was a job opening?

The Exchange

Simulacrum for Sale wrote:
I heard there was a job opening?

Yay Beer wenches!!! Simulacum and JollyRoger! You are both hired.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Belgian Wheat and Hefewiessen? BOO

Give me a Guinness and a double Bushmills today!!

Liberty's Edge


You all sadden me

Tea is way forward

of course, Americans* can't make a decent cup of tea, so you can be forgiven for not knowing this

*America doesn't make the worst tea in the world, the french make HORRIBLE tea

Loztastic wrote:

You all sadden me

Tea is way forward

of course, Americans* can't make a decent cup of tea, so you can be forgiven for not knowing this

*America doesn't make the worst tea in the world, the french make HORRIBLE tea

Is "decent cup of tea" even a thing?

Dark Archive

The Jade wrote:
Is "decent cup of tea" even a thing?

Hot cup of water that smells interesting but tastes blech? Yeah, it's a thing.

Not a drinkable thing, but a thing that one could use to, say, dip a cloth into and wash oneself with while out camping, since it's better than smelling like sweaty armpit.

Searching around the net, I found a Mojito Party, but they seem snobbish about getting their mojitos just right.

Set wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Is "decent cup of tea" even a thing?

Hot cup of water that smells interesting but tastes blech? Yeah, it's a thing.

Not a drinkable thing, but a thing that one could use to, say, dip a cloth into and wash oneself with while out camping, since it's better than smelling like sweaty armpit.

Searching around the net, I found a Mojito Party, but they seem snobbish about getting their mojitos just right.

Any mojito flame wars worth peeking in on?

Set wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Is "decent cup of tea" even a thing?

Hot cup of water that smells interesting but tastes blech? Yeah, it's a thing.

Not a drinkable thing, but a thing that one could use to, say, dip a cloth into and wash oneself with while out camping, since it's better than smelling like sweaty armpit.

I hear it's good for staining rope to look old too.

Scarab Sages Owner - Game Knight

I live in a state which prohibits the sale of alcohol on election day. Will the Beer Party work to help me regain my right to go to the polls snockered?

Liberty's Edge

The Jade wrote:
Loztastic wrote:

You all sadden me

Tea is way forward

of course, Americans* can't make a decent cup of tea, so you can be forgiven for not knowing this

*America doesn't make the worst tea in the world, the french make HORRIBLE tea

Is "decent cup of tea" even a thing?

Start by heating up water in a kettle. Get out tea bags and a tea cup. Throw away tea bags. Proceed to make Hot Chocolate instead.

Best tea ever.

Studpuffin wrote:
The Jade wrote:
Loztastic wrote:

You all sadden me

Tea is way forward

of course, Americans* can't make a decent cup of tea, so you can be forgiven for not knowing this

*America doesn't make the worst tea in the world, the french make HORRIBLE tea

Is "decent cup of tea" even a thing?

Start by heating up water in a kettle. Get out tea bags and a tea cup. Throw away tea bags. Proceed to make Hot Chocolate instead.

Best tea ever.

I tried it and you're right, you machismo sopped waterfowl! Who knew tea tasted better untasted! That is wild.

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