Fist Worgbane |
HP 27/33, Surges 10/12, AP 0, Enc 1/1, Daily 0/1
Fist looks up to see Rivereye fleeing up the stairs along with several of the Resistance chasing after him.
"Why do these things always happen when you are looking for a privy?" he mumbles.
Fist looks to Arrika for what to do and sees her eyes direct him to get a move on and go do something.
"Fine, fine, I'll go fetch the rabbit," he says as he lumbers into motion.
Free Action - Font of Life - no change
Seeing the lightning discharge, Fist says, 'Pelor's Hairy butt this is going to hurt.'
Minor Action - Ready Maul
Move Action - Speed 6. G8 to G9, G9 to G10, G10 to H11 (2 squares), H11 to G11 (2 squares).
Standard Action - Charge Action - Modified by Half-Orc Swift Charge for +2 Speed and Powerful Charge for +2 to hit with either Attack or Bull Rush. Choosing Bull Rush at end of charge.
Charge Move with Speed 8 is G11 to F11 (2 Squares), Leaping with Athletics Roll to attempt to miss the Lightning (not sure this will work but Fist would try anyways) from F11 through E11 to D11 (4 Squares).
Leap (Long Jump - part of move action) - Running start from moving H11 to F11 so divide by 5 for squares of distance. Vertical is 1/4 of Horizontal distance.
Athletics +4 Str +4 Trained -1 Armour = +8 : 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
If Fist gets hit by the damage then do any rolls on his behalf and assign damage and he would still attempt to Bull Rush if consious and capable of movement.
Charge finish with Bull Rush against Rivereye (not attacking for damage as Fist still don't know that we don't need him alive).
Bull Rush Rivereye in D10 to E9 to push him off the stairway.
Bull Rush is Str Vs Fort +4 Str +2 Powerful Charge +0 Weapon : 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 2 = 18
No action allowed after Charge otherwise I would use a Free action to Mark Rivereye with Nature's Wrath
Arcesilaus |
I guess I did a bad job describing the lightning blast. The bolt is a momentary discharge that flies across the room ... it does not persist. Thus, there is no need to jump over it. On another note, when charging, you are required to stop in the first square from which you can attack (E11 in this case).
On a totally different topic ... I messed up the map and have to redraw it. It will take me a bit, so bear with me.
Arcesilaus |
Arcesilaus |
The "gnome" glares at the halberd's tip pointing at his chest, cowed but still glancing about for some sort of get-away route.
Torrent shouts to Fist, "Don't let him escape. We need the case!"
Before the echoes of her cry die down, there is a flash of light, and a small column of wispy flame appears in the room (E7). There is a vaguely humanoid shape to the column and a pair of brightly glowing eyes can be seen glaring at Fist. Indeed, a blast of radiant light flies from the wisp's eyes, striking Arrika in the head 5 points of radiant damage and Arrika is dazed (save ends).
Anyone trained in Arcana can make a monster knowledge check.
Flame Wisp
Audric <==
Rivereye (cursed, prone)
Arrika (dazed)
Audric is up.
Audric Dolet |
Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
"I trust you two can handle the gnome?", says Audric as he glides back down the aisle and fires a bolt of magic at the wisp.
Move to H7(trigger Shadow Walk), curse the wisp, then use Eldritch Blast(vs Reflex):1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 131d10 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + (5) + 4 = 10
Arcesilaus |
Audric moves between the lockers toward the wisp of flame. As he moves closer, the bright light cast from the column of flame makes him squint as he fires his eldritch blast, causing him to fire wide with the magical bolt the wisp's aura gives a -2 penalty to attack rolls and defenses.
Rivereye knocks Arrika's halberd from his chest and leaps to his feet, simultaneously drawing a rapier from beneath his robes. He slashes at Fist, but the floor's slant makes him miss.
Flame Wisp (cursed)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed, grants combat advantage)
Thom <==
Arrika (dazed)
Thom is up.
Arcesilaus |
Monster knowledge check, Arcana 1d20+9
Thom Verikal |
Thon yells out in a foreign language, In Primordial
After that, he looses a silvery bolt at the gnome. Cast Magic Missile at the gnome, 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 2 = 15, vs. Reflex, Damage 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 1) + 4 = 8
Arcesilaus |
Thom's silvery bolt of magic slams into the gnome, but he doesn't look hurt too badly.
A musical voice, ringing with soft chimes, floats from the column of flame, speaking common: "I cannot allow you to stand in Larion's way. His mission is paramount."
Flame Wisp (cursed)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed, grants combat advantage)
Fist <==
Arrika (dazed)
Fist is up.
Fist Worgbane |
Fist watched Arrika swing the halberd and threaten Rivereye. He was surprised that he didn't smell more urine leaking from the gnomes pants. He bet that Arrika could have gotten a dragon to hand over it's hoard with that threat.
Fist hears Torrent yell at him, "Don't let him escape. We need the case!"
Like he was planning on throwing the gnome a wedding feast, yeash.
Before Fist could do or say something a column of flame appeared and blasted Arrika.
Just like a Stubby Longnose to pull some backstabbing magic when cornered. They were as bad as badgers when cornered.
With Arrika dazed it was up to Fist to teach the Gnome some manners.
But how to do it without breaking him too badly. And who was Larion? Was he another of the Stubby's magical minions?
Free Action - Font of Life - no change
Free Action - Nature's Wrath - Mark Rivereye
"After hurting Arrika, I'd like nothing more than to thump you but Torrent says we need you so..."
Move Action - shift E11 to D11
Standard Action - Bull Rush on Rivereye attempting to push Rivereye to E9 and off the stairs.
Bull Rush Str vs For +4 Str +2 Combat Advantage +0 Weapon : 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 2 = 25
Minor Action - Insight Check +2 (Fist isn't the smartest card in the deck) to attempt to figure out what is going on. : 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Immediate Interupt (prepared aciton) - Will use Warden's Grasp (marked target) if Rivereye attempts to attack anyone that does not include Fist. Will work to Pull Rivereye towards Fist as long as it does not aid Rivereye in getting away from the combat.
Arcesilaus |
Fist can't shift up the ramp, since it's difficult terrain. That said, he doesn't need to do so to push Rivereye off the ramp.
Fist shoves the gnome and the little creature (which weighs more than a small gnome really should) goes flying off the ramp and lands on the ground below with a thud. 2d10 ⇒ (1, 1) = 2 damage to Rivereye.
Flame Wisp (cursed)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed, grants combat advantage, prone, marked)
Gomi <==
Arrika (dazed)
Gomi is up.
Gomi |
Gomi steps up to the whips and alters his face in an unusual why to distract the whip before stabing with his short sword.
Move to F8.
Use my changling trick on the flame wisp and the attack it with my torturous stike.
Changling Trick, bluff check vs targets pasive insight, if I win I gain combat advantage.
Bluff vs Pasive Isight = 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Attack vs ac, 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22, damage = 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (5, 5) + 5 = 15, if changling trick works add 1d8 ⇒ 8
Arcesilaus |
Gomi slides forward I put you in F6 to avoid having to squeeze into a square with a row of lockers. Using his ability to manipulate his shape, he briefly disorients the flame creature and then, despite the bright glare cast by the creature, slides his short sword into it. The flame screams inhumanly, but continues to fight.
Again, there is a crackle of ozone, a brief hum, and then another blast of electricity fires across the far side of the room (row C).
Flame Wisp (cursed)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed, grants combat advantage, prone, marked)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (dazed) <==
Arrika is up.
Arrika |
Yay for reach.
Staying where she is, Arrika smacks at Rivereye with her halberd.
One my action will be a standard. Furious Smash vs Rivereyes AC. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12. On hit: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 and any healing power I used before the EOMNT adds 3 extra HP. Should I hit and reduce him below zero, I knock him out.
HP: 20/25
Surges: 6/8
AP: 0/1
Arcesilaus |
Arrika's halberd swings over Rivereye's prone body, just missing him. Arrika should make a saving throw to recover from being dazed.
Torrent strides around the end of the row of lockers, brandishing her battleaxe. She swings with fury but misses the flame wisp, tearing a notch in the lockers beside her.
The wisp of flame floats away from Gomi and Torrent and fires a blast of radiant energy at Fist on the ramp, but the ray smacks against the side of the ramp harmlessly.
Flame Wisp (cursed)
Audric (concealed) <==
Rivereye (cursed, prone, marked)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (dazed)
Audric is up.
Audric Dolet |
"A lovely voice you have. We'll make beautiful music together.", says Auric as he dashes past the wisp and fires another bolt of arcane energy at it.
Move to D4(would provoke an OA from the wisp, but the +2 from Shadow Walk kicking in should cancel out the -2 to defenses), then use Eldritch Blast on it(vs Reflex): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 71d10 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Arcesilaus |
Audric dashes forward, dodging past the flame wisp. The creature raises a lash of fire to strike him as he moves past but then hesitates and doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to attack. Audric's blast in return flies wide of the column of flame.
Rivereye takes advantage of the distraction created by the flame wisp and leaps to his feet. He scampers to the door to the north, which appears to have been propped open a bit to allow for an easy escape. Once out the door, he disappears from view.
Flame Wisp (cursed)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed, marked)
Thom <==
Fist (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Gomi (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Torrent (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Thom is up.
Thom Verikal |
HP: 23 currently 18; Bloodied: 12
Surges: 5/7
Surge Value: 5
Thom dashes up the ramp after the 'gnome' as quickly as his feet will carry him, and through the north door.
Take double move to the door and through it, if he sees the gnome, use AP to cast Phantom Bolt, at him. Attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 vs. Will, damage 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 psychic, and slide him 1 square closer to me.
Arrika |
Audric dashes forward, dodging past the flame wisp. The creature raises a lash of fire to strike him as he moves past but then hesitates and doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to attack. Audric's blast in return flies wide of the column of flame.
Rivereye takes advantage of the distraction created by the flame wisp and leaps to his feet. He scampers to the door to the north, which appears to have been propped open a bit to allow for an easy escape. Once out the door, he disappears from view.
Flame Wisp (cursed)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed, marked)
Thom <==
Fist (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Gomi (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Torrent (-2 to attacks and defenses)Thom is up.
Shouldn't I get on OA if he flees? He's leaving a square I threaten with more than a shift. Just in case the answer is yes, I'll resolve it here. 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19. On hit: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7.
Arcesilaus |
HP: 23 currently 18; Bloodied: 12
Surges: 5/7
Surge Value: 5
Thom dashes up the ramp after the 'gnome' as quickly as his feet will carry him, and through the north door.
Take double move to the door and through it, if he sees the gnome, use AP to cast Phantom Bolt, at him. Attack 1d20+4 vs. Will, damage 1d8+4 psychic, and slide him 1 square closer to me.
The ramp heads up to the third floor, not to the door that Rivereye dashed through. Running to follow the gnome will result in an OA from the flame wisp. Do you still want to go that route?
Arcesilaus |
Shouldn't I get on OA if he flees? He's leaving a square I threaten with more than a shift. Just in case the answer is yes, I'll resolve it here. 1d20+5. On hit: 1d10+3.
No. You may only make OAs against targets that are adjacent to you.
Reach: With a reach weapon, you can attack enemies that are 2 squares away from you as well as adjacent enemies, with no attack penalty. You can still make opportunity attacks only against adjacent enemies. Likewise, you can flank only an adjacent enemy.
Arcesilaus |
Thom dashes past the flame wisp, and it lashes out with a whip of flame, catching Thom across the shoulders as he shields his eyes from the glare 9 damage to Thom. Thom, hurt but still standing, continues across the room and out the door. Once there, Thom looks around the balcony and is met with an awesome and stunning view of the battle at the city’s western gate, about a mile and a half away. Fire lights up the western sky, the result of wyvern-bombing and of trebuchets hurling flaming balls of pitch into the city. A squadron of Gate Pass griffon riders swoops over the nearby city rooftops, heading to join the struggle, battle horns blaring. As Thom tilts his head back to watch the griffons pass, he spots Rivereye clambering his way up the wall of the depository, headed for the balcony of the third floor above. Thom raises a finger and fires an illusionary bolt, which causes the gnome to halt his progress and slide a bit down the surface of the wall.
Flame Wisp (cursed)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed, marked)
Thom (bloodied)
Fist (-2 to attacks and defenses) <==
Gomi (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Torrent (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Fist is up.
Smerg |
"...over you go."
Fist watches the runty get up and run out the door with Thom in pursuit. For a runty it was awful heavy like a dwarf.
The Flaming thing tried to dazzle him and hurt Thom. It was time to get serious on this problem.
Fist stomped down the ramp saying, "Okay Flame, it looks like you got the Fist's attention. Prepare to be extinguished."
Free Action - Font of Life - I'm good.
Move Action - Move 6 - E11 to F11 (2 squares), F11 to G11 (2 squares), G11 to F10, F10 to E9
Free Action - Nature's Wrath - Mark Wisp. haha, see how the Wisp likes a -2 to attack people other than Fist. Mark on Rivereye expires at end of turn.
Free Action - Choose Wisp as preferred enemey for encounter giving +2 damage as wisp has hurt someone this encounter.
Standard Action - Strength of Stone - Warden At-Will Attack 1 against Wisp. If successful on attack then use Half-Orc Furious Assault Racial for +1W damage (time to do some pain)
Attack Melee Str vs AC - Hit 1W+Str and gain Temp Con HP
Strength of Stone d20+ 4 Str +2 Maul -2 Wisp : 1d20 + 4 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 2 - 2 = 17
Damage on hit is 1(2d6) + 4 Str + 2 Preferred Enemey + 1(2d6) Furious Assault : 2d6 + 4 + 2 + 2d6d6 - 1d6 + 0d6d20 + 0 ⇒ (1, 1) + 4 + 2 + (3, 2, 3) - (3) + (-) + 0 = 13
Ready with Warden's Fury if the Wisp stays beside me and attacks another person and Warden's Grasp if it tries to run after someone to attck them.
edit: It looks like the dice roller had problems with my damage expression. I suppose that I should have just gone 4d6 with modifiers instead of the {2d6 + 4 + 2 + 2d6}. The first 2d6 appear to have rolled 1,1 and the second set appear to have rolled 3,2 since the 3,2,3 - 3 leaves 5 as the amount. It is wierd to look at but I think it worked. I'll leave it up to the GM to keep 13 as the damage or reroll as he thinks best.
Arcesilaus |
Fist dashes down the ramp and leaps toward the wisp of flame, swinging his maul over his head. The wisp shudders slightly in the air and the blinding light it gives off is just enough to throw off Fist's aim, sending the maul arcing to its side, barely missing.
Flame Wisp (cursed, marked, preferred enemy)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed)
Thom (bloodied)
Fist (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Gomi (-2 to attacks and defenses) <==
Lightning Trap
Arrika (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Torrent (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Gomi is up.
Arcesilaus |
Move to C7 to flank with Fist.
Attack with Clever strike.
Attack vs ac, 1d20+8+2, damage = 1d6+5+1d8
"Die firefly, burn no more."Edit: Crit damage is 13HP.
one more is better than nothing.
Actually, your sneak attack damage should also be maxed on a crit. So, your damage is actually 19 HP.
Gomi |
Gomi wrote:Also, I'm not seeing a path to C7 without an Opportunity Attack. Do you still want to go?Move to C7 to flank with Fist.
Attack with Clever strike.
Attack vs ac, 1d20+8+2, damage = 1d6+5+1d8
"Die firefly, burn no more."Edit: Crit damage is 13HP.
one more is better than nothing.
Arcesilaus |
Gomi dashes across the room, losing sight of the column of flame, which takes advantage of the opportunity and lashes him across the shoulders 10 damage to Gomi.
Fist gets an opportunity to use Nature's Fury on the wisp.
Gomi then stabs the flame wisp in the heart of its flickering fire. The wisp gives an inhuman scream but continues to burn and crackle, glaring at Gomi.
Another pop and hum and a bolt of lightning fires again across the bottom section of the room. Row H fills with lightning momentarily.
Flame Wisp (cursed, marked, preferred enemy, bloodied)
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed)
Thom (bloodied)
Fist (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Gomi (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (-2 to attacks and defenses) <==
Torrent (-2 to attacks and defenses)
Arrika is up.
Smerg |
Nature's Fury on the Wisp - choose Warden's Fury and since Fist has yet to connect with a hit will choose to use Furious Assault Half-Orc Racial (trigger is a hit) if he does connect. Wisp is still preferred enemey of Fist and with Gomi, Fist has Flank for Combat Advantage.
Warden's Fury is Str vs Fort with Weapon. Hit does 1W+Str damage and grants Combat Advantage to Fist and allies until the end of Fist's next turn.
Warden's Fury +4 Str +2 Maul -2 Aura +2 Combat Advantage = d20 +6 : 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Damage 1x(2d6) + 4 Str + 2 Preferred + 1x(2d6) Furious = 4d6+6 : 4d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 2, 4, 5) + 6 = 23
Arcesilaus |
Taking advantage of the Wisp's momentary distraction, Fist lets out a wild roar as he strikes with his maul, smashing the column of flame into the ground. It gutters once and then goes out with a fading scream.
This triggers Audric's pact boon. Map is unchanged, except that the wisp is gone.
Audric (concealed)
Rivereye (cursed)
Thom (bloodied)
Lightning Trap
Arrika <==
Arrika is up.
Arcesilaus |
Oops, almost forgot ...
As Fist's maul smashes into the ground, the wisp's final scream begins to echo throughout the room and its remnants explode in a powerful flash of light searing the eyes of all in the room.
Audric, Arrika, Torrent, and Gomi each take 17 radiant damage and are blinded (save ends).
Audric (concealed, blind)
Rivereye (cursed)
Thom (bloodied)
Gomi (blind)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (blind) <==
Torrent (blind, bloodied)
Arrika is up.
Arrika |
Ouch, that drops me to 3, need to heal myself this round.
Arrika curses a little under her breath as she tries to get her eyesight back.
Inspiring Word, for surge plus 1d6 ⇒ 4 +3 on me. No move. No standard. Save vs Blind: 1d20 ⇒ 4
HP: 16/25
Surges: 5/8
AP: 0/1
Status: Blinded, 1/2 Inspiring Word.
Arcesilaus |
Torrent raises her holy symbol blindly and mutters a prayer to Melora. A wash of water rains down on her, washing the blood from her eyes.
Healing word on herself. Save 1d20 ⇒ 12.
Audric (concealed, blind) <==
Rivereye (cursed)
Thom (bloodied)
Gomi (blind)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (blind)
Torrent (bloodied)
Arrika is up.
Arrika |
Torrent raises her holy symbol blindly and mutters a prayer to Melora. A wash of water rains down on her, washing the blood from her eyes.
Healing word on herself. Save 1d20.
Audric (concealed, blind) <==
Rivereye (cursed)
Thom (bloodied)
Gomi (blind)
Lightning Trap
Arrika (blind)
Torrent (bloodied)Arrika is up.
Shouldn't Rivereye be up?
Arcesilaus |
I think the confusion stems from the fact that the Flame Wisp's explosion triggered when he hit 0 hp, which happened when Fist killed it as an Immediate Reaction to its opportunity attack against Gomi as it moved past it. So, it was technically Gomi's turn in the initiative order when all that went down, and he should have made a death saving throw at the end of that turn.