DustinGebhardt |
If Martial Weapon Prof was removed from the ogre, what should be given back as a replacement or substitution?
I have a new player joining the group and of all of the options I have given him, he wants to play an ogre. The local clan of ogres are more savage and primal than the "normal" version, so I removed martial WP (although I've given proficiency with the greatclub). Going along the theme of the savage, primal ogre, what should I replace Martial WP with?
Benicio Del Espada |
Give him the throw anything feat. That should be good for some laughs!
Rocks, branches, tables, goblins...
"I don't need no stinkin' martial weapons!"
Free weapon focus (greatclub) might be a fair trade. If it's really all he uses, he should be pretty good with it.
Maybe improved crit with the club, too. Not a big range increase with a greatclub, but it's a little compensation for not having nicer weapons.