Martial Weapon Proficiency substitution?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

If Martial Weapon Prof was removed from the ogre, what should be given back as a replacement or substitution?

I have a new player joining the group and of all of the options I have given him, he wants to play an ogre. The local clan of ogres are more savage and primal than the "normal" version, so I removed martial WP (although I've given proficiency with the greatclub). Going along the theme of the savage, primal ogre, what should I replace Martial WP with?

Give him the throw anything feat. That should be good for some laughs!
Rocks, branches, tables, goblins...

"I don't need no stinkin' martial weapons!"

Free weapon focus (greatclub) might be a fair trade. If it's really all he uses, he should be pretty good with it.

Maybe improved crit with the club, too. Not a big range increase with a greatclub, but it's a little compensation for not having nicer weapons.

I'd advise moving greatclub into the simple weapon category (Don't worry it's not broken) and just remove the implied Martial Weapon: Great Club proficiency.

That way giant humanoids can get access to big clubs without needing to provide them implied martial weapon feats as in the Ogre.

I like the Weapon Focus (greatclub) idea. Flavor-wise, it makes sense if you consider all of the time NOT spent training with the wide variety of martial weapons and instead focus on one single weapon.

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