Old Guy GM's RotRL Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Pietro's sheet is almost completed, will be up shortly! I apologize for the delay.

1d2 ⇒ 2 stat bonus

Nuts and bolts of Pietro's sheet are up now for your review, Old Guy. Please let me know if you see anything that looks goofy. Personality and Description will go up later, but you already know that basics anyhow. Again, sorry to be late with this.

Cry Havoc! wrote:
Nuts and bolts of Pietro's sheet are up now for your review, Old Guy. Please let me know if you see anything that looks goofy. Personality and Description will go up later, but you already know that basics anyhow. Again, sorry to be late with this.

Looks good. No worries, glad you are in.

And away we go!!!

Ok guys some thoughts:

1) Sorry if I "wasted" everyone's surprise round, but the thought of a lone goblin jumping out nowhere to get pummeled by the instinctive reaction of a band of adventurers was too good to miss. I will do that for the story's sake every once and awhile, not in a way to put the PCs in great jeopardy, though.

2) I will try to organize init each round, but it would be helpful if someone else helps keep it, maybe post it to keep it on the same page we are on.

3) I will have maps up, using photobucket. Has everyone seen the images I've put up so far?

4) Bear with me, new to PBP combat. This will be my test case.

Old Guy GM wrote:

Ok guys some thoughts:

1) Sorry if I "wasted" everyone's surprise round, but the thought of a lone goblin jumping out nowhere to get pummeled by the instinctive reaction of a band of adventurers was too good to miss. I will do that for the story's sake every once and awhile, not in a way to put the PCs in great jeopardy, though.

2) I will try to organize init each round, but it would be helpful if someone else helps keep it, maybe post it to keep it on the same page we are on.

3) I will have maps up, using photobucket. Has everyone seen the images I've put up so far?

4) Bear with me, new to PBP combat. This will be my test case.

Looking good so far!!

Torillan did roll a 14 for initiative, not a 4... :)

Otherwise, I like it! Gimble's notes going aflight was a great image!

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I dropped by the IC thread. Old guy, You are right on top of it! The PCs look great too. Best o' luck with the game.

therealthom wrote:
I dropped by the IC thread. Old guy, You are right on top of it! The PCs look great too. Best o' luck with the game.

Thank you trTh.

Will wait a bit more for Pietro, then will move forward based on his last post, to get flanking.

I apologize for my absence, but I have taken sick. I expect to be able to return to the boards soon. Please NPC Pietro in the meantime.

Thank you.

I 'sploded a goblin!!!

Cry Havoc! wrote:

I apologize for my absence, but I have taken sick. I expect to be able to return to the boards soon. Please NPC Pietro in the meantime.

Thank you.

No worries. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

Hey guys. Sorry for the delay in Round two, but my post is up. I work in a Pediatric ED overnights (shift 3 of 4 down!!)and we've been a little busy. I plan on taking Benadryl to sleep today, but I hope to be able to post something once I get to work tonight.

Hopefully I can get all my crappy rolls out the way early in the game!! ;-)

Grand Lodge

Hi Old Guy I am enjoying your pbp very much I to am starting my first pbp. I was wondering what scale you are using on your map. are those default 5 or a different # per square?
Thanks Dorgar

Sorry for the interruption everyone make those gobbos pay :)

Dorgar wrote:

Hi Old Guy I am enjoying your pbp very much I to am starting my first pbp. I was wondering what scale you are using on your map. are those default 5 or a different # per square?

Thanks Dorgar

Sorry for the interruption everyone make those gobbos pay :)

Thanks for the compliment Dor. As for the scale, I am using the default number. Am new to RPTools as well as PBP, so just getting the feel for it.

Old Guy GM wrote:
Dorgar wrote:
Thanks for the compliment Dor. As for the scale, I am using the default number. Am new to RPTools as well as PBP, so just getting the feel for it.

I've recently discovered the joys of RPTools, too. I've been messing about with it some, and I only hope I can make nice maps like yours, Mr. GM, Sir!! <insert grovelling posture here>

Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag 2
Yelena Shukhov wrote:

I don't see where you have your spells listed Rogar. Am I just not seeing them? If you have stabilize prepared then you can just cast the orison to stop her from dying.

If you can't tell I'm new to the whold PBP thing. I've udpated my character sheet now with spells for the cleric. If you see anything else I may be doing wrong or not handling correctly let me know so I can fix that also. Thanks!!

By the way, that was the fastest, most well-coordinated pbp combat EVER, amazing start to the campaign! Good work everyone, and props also to Cry Havoc/Pietro for being prompt in telling Old Guy he couldn't post.

I feel really glad to be playing with you guys, Cheers!!

Go mile mile maith agat,

Nice work all. More yet to come...

We need a quick decision on combat-round posting. We can post in 1 of 2 ways:

1. In order of initiative. This might be a bit slower, I would think. We have a good post rate now, so I don't think it would be too bad.

2. Out of order, but with rolls in spoilers. Right now, everyone can see that Khalad rolled a 12, and a 17 for damage. If you are paying attention, (and you all are) then you know whether he may have missed or hit, killed or wounded his target, then can act accordingly. This gives the person(s) in front of Khal in the order a chance to alter their actions. Not so critical against these goblins, but may be later on.

I am leaning toward number 2. If it carries, then you may need to either post an if-then action, or when critical, wait for your turn to post. I can pretty much gather intent from solid if-then statements, so long as you make yourself clear. Maps and coords go a long way to help that.

Post your opinion, please.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag 2

I think as long as the post rate keeps up I like number 1.

I'm all for no.2 myself, maybe I'm just impatient, but I've seen the no.1 method take forever!

That said this PbP has a great rate of contribution.

Another note: Keep track of the xp on your profile sheets. I have 100 xp out there. I didn't see it on anyone's profile.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag 2

Khalad makes a lot of sense....maybe no. 2 is the best scenario. Either way is fine for me.

Human Psychomancer

Most of the games I have played encouraged players to (a) craft contingencies in their stated actions or (b) keep them vague so details can be levied by the DM. I personally like the contingency plan, but I'm up for anything.

Option 2 seems most reasonable, from a DM perspective, anyway.

Option 2 it is then. Carry on, good stuff so far.

For those that didn't catch it in the IC thread, I'll repeat it here. We are using the fast xp track.

Something to consider: running around with loaded crossbows in "holsters" or on belts is not only unwise, its near impossible. There are no practical safeties, and no real way to keep the bolt on the bow.

While not a stickler for most tiny details, this one is a peeve of mine as a bow/firearms instructor.


No big deal, just keep it in mind as we go through combat. Yelena is okay on this round as I'll assume you loaded it as you got close.

Going forward, help me out by stating those kinds of things i.e. I ready my sword, load my crossbow, prepare to beg for mercy, that sort of thing... ;)


Duly noted!

Old Guy GM wrote:
Going forward, help me out by stating those kinds of things i.e. ...prepare to beg for mercy, that sort of thing... ;)

I'm always prepared to beg for mercy!

Gimble Boddynock wrote:
Old Guy GM wrote:
Going forward, help me out by stating those kinds of things i.e. ...prepare to beg for mercy, that sort of thing... ;)
I'm always prepared to beg for mercy!

<scribbling notes furiously...>

...Gimble casts spells from one knee so as to switch from cast-mode to beg-mode as a free action...

Combat ended. Not a single goblin rolled higher than a 10. <sigh>

Nice work. I decided to stop the rounds here because you may or may not want to continue with your stated actions on hypnotized goblins. Especially Gimble. Everyone who was after Yelena in the init order (except Torillan) can take back their action.

Do we roll for health?

If so;

1d12 ⇒ 12

Khalad Orlon wrote:

Do we roll for health?

If so;


Yes, please post hp rolls on this thread.

Gimble's roll for hit points:

1d6 ⇒ 4

Torillan's HP roll:

1d10 ⇒ 6

HP Roll

1d6 ⇒ 3

Male Human Gunslinger (Pistolero) 1/Rogue 1

Hey guys, been reading your posts, good stuff. Love the maps especially, DM. Anyway, keep it up and if you've lost your rogue, keep me in mind, would love to join the group. Later!

Luc Dantés wrote:
Hey guys, been reading your posts, good stuff. Love the maps especially, DM. Anyway, keep it up and if you've lost your rogue, keep me in mind, would love to join the group. Later!

Stay tuned Luc. Don't know what happened to Cry Havoc/Pietro, but I know he said he was sick. He runs 2 other PBPs here and both of them have halted as well.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag 2

HP Roll:
1d8 ⇒ 8

Make with the levelling people. Update those sheets or the gods will be displeased!

I did it as soon as I'd rolled health, so Khalad is all levelled up.

Gimble is set as well.

Mine should be leveled up as well.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Torag 2

Ditto for Rogar!

Great work so far. Make sure that you let me know what you want to do in the "downtime" periods so we can account for it. Currently, Yelena and Rogar have plans for the day before dinner at the Hagfish. Need input from the others.

Ok guys. Its been a month since we've heard from Pietro / Cry Havoc. I know he said he was sick, so I've given him quite a bit more time than I would normally. I certainly hope he is ok, all of his PBP campaigns are halted as well.

My thought is maybe to recruit another rogue. If Pietro comes back, it won't kill me to get him back in, and have the extra player, but I'd like to get the party balance back and move on for now.

What say you?

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