Rav's Dragon Adventures


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Ungorallin pops his head into the makeshift shelter he has made for the group.

"Looks like I missed all the fun, he he. We should be safe here, as long as you guys don't do anything...noisy." His gaze strays to Shaya for some reason, but then he says, "I will guard the rear, to make sure we aren't snuck up on."

He then turns to leave, finding a good vantage point of the west gates.

hi people!
i had hoped that i could post more over the easter break but it looks like that wont happen so lets take a break until monday 19th april
(if i get some time to post properly before that than i will)

the woman replies
“ my name is Ella thank you so much for saving my baby we are both ok thank you!
I will tell you anything you want to know”

Ella relates what has happened
the village of end is a tough border village and has fought off invaders before
but a dragon landing in the middle of the village was too much
the dragon had 5 oni, 10 ogres and 4 giants the village could do nothing and for the last 14 months it has been enslaved by the dragon who is called Pharus, the dragon has been looking for something in the north and is very annoyed that he cannot find it, recently he has started eating some of the villagers

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8

Shaya's face grows grim at this news and she glances to her brothers before her smile returns,

"Well, we'll just have to see about getting your town a few new trophies then?" She grins trying to bolster Ella's attitude.

Before he leaves to keep an eye on the village gate, he asks Ella, "Know how many of them are currently in the village now??"

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

"We will liberate your village and put an end to Pharus's tyranny!" Says Zarrosh with a fierce determination. "But we can't do it without your help. What we lack right now is information, especially on the dragon Pharus..."

- Is the stone structure he emerged from his lair?
- How often does he come out?
- What does he do when he's out?
- Any idea what he does inside?
- We have seen both oni & ogres, but where are the giants?

After binding the ogre prisoner then slapping him awake, Zarrosh speaks in draconic-accented Giant, "We can do this the easy way or the really painful way. Answer our questions!"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17

Zarrosh will ask him the same questions as he asked Ella, plus the ones below. Feel free to assist on my intimidation.

- Is the barn basically the minions' makeshift barrack?
- What are the disposition of the minions (ie. how many patrols outside, inside, and sits in the barn) during the day? Night?

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8
Zarroshduvar wrote:

- We have seen both oni & ogres, but where are the giants?

I think the giants were the ones we already met. That means we have only 3 onis, 8 ogres and the dragon left.

Approaching the Ogre, Heresuge quits his amiable demaenour and turns as cold as ice. When he places a hand on the bound Ogre, it starts freezing his clothes thanks amulet of mighty fists
"You heard my compagnon, speak or you will discover what freezing means"
Heresuge will assist the intimidation on the Ogres. 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23

the ogre replies

dont urt me i not don nofink!
i only do what i is told by der boss
he say do dis and i do it
please not kill me!
dere are (he thinks for a minute)10 of us ogres
and we look after der village, we are nice ogres we not
urt anybody!
den dere are der clever ogres, dey have magic!!!
sometimes dey guard der boss sometimes dey go away
i fink dere are 3 in der village

der giants are gone, dat is good because dey are not nice wid us, dey are bullies, dey are mean! dey push us around!!!!
wid dem are two of der magic ogres!
i not sure when der boss sleep, he is a big mean dragon, you dont wanna mess wid him! he will eat you up!!

Ella answers the questions to the best of her ability

there are 3 oni, 8 remainig ogres and the dragon

the dragon comes out at random times
i dont know what he does in his room
his room is the stone building
when he comes out he eats and bullies his minions
sometimes he flies off for a few hours
the minions are not very organised
they dont patrol, they just sit around
the oni guard the dragons room sometimes but sometimes they get bored and wander off
the ogres live in the barn
and the oni live in a sperate house
{on the map (the newer one) cu 28}

the giants and two oni come and go, they last left about 2months ago

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8

Shaya smiles reassuringly to Ella,

"You just relax with your little one."

"Okay, we need to figure out some things." She says turning to her 'companions'. "What sort of bit can we use to get the Oni away from their Boss?' She muses, "If we cut down on those smart, magical nasties the White should be a much easier thing to tackle." She looks around,

"Ideas? Suggestions?"

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

"If Pharus flies off, we can ambush the Oni. Once we kill them, the ogres won't give us much of a problem. We can even set up an ambush for Pharus when he comes back. The problem is, we don't know when Pharus will leave. Perhaps we can orchestrate his exit?" Muses Zarrosh.

"Ogre, what is your name? Do you know how giants & oni correspond with Pharus? Maybe we can trick him into leaving the village?"

I propose divide & conquer. Normally I would have gone for guerrilla tactics, but something bad might happen to the villagers. Thoughts?

Also note that Pharus might wonder what happened to his two minions. We might not have much time.

Ungorralin is keeping a sharp eye on the west gate, and will let the rest of the group know if there is any activity.

5 minutes pass

I'll wait for 30 minutes, then return to the group.

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8

"I think they may send a searching party soon. We should get ready for that. If it's ogres, let's just fight with weapons and fists to conserve our strength. If it's Oni, we need to concentrate on them one per one and remember they are only killed by fire or acid and they regenerate. If it's the dragon, wwe should use fire as much as possible and for some of you, I will cast a few protection from energy(cold).

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8

Shaya nods at Herensuge's words, though she also frowns a little.

"I think a broader attack base than just fire. This White is smart enough to have underlings, it will be smart enough to know its own weaknesses and take measures to protect itself from the obvious." She grins happily,

"Loos like in the ranged attacks I have the advantage." There's a slightly proud/smirk-y tone to her voice.

Aurion says "i would really appreciate any protection from cold you could offer! I dont like the cold!!"

5mins more pass

can pcs tell me where they are using co-ordinates on the newer battle map

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8
Raven34 wrote:

Aurion says "i would really appreciate any protection from cold you could offer! I dont like the cold!!"

5mins more pass

can pcs tell me where they are using co-ordinates on the newer battle map

Herensuge will be on A31.

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

Do you mean the battle map from the surprise round? If so, Zarrosh will be at the same place. He will rush out and attack the enemies once they are in range. Since he will be raging, any AC increasing or damage reducing spells will be appreciated.

If we are using the same map, then I will hide in D62, in the corner again.

one oni and two ogre appear at the west gate, they head westwards, can i have stealth rolls from people please

Ungorallin watches the monsters leave and quietly thinks, Here comes the welcoming committee.

Stealth 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24

Female Bronze Dragon (Young) Druid 8

Stealth:1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

Sorry for being out of it, s#++ work schedules and all. Feel free to use the character as you will for the best advantage of the party. ^_^

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

OOC: Great, maybe I shouldn't stand that far into the front...

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8

stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

M Young Brass dragon Conjurer 8

stealth 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
"Nyrsildur can you distract them somehow?" he whisper to his tiny dragon familiar


Nyrsildur flies off, using greater invisibility on himself.
He becomes visible in front of them "Oh my, never have I laid my eyes upon such ugly beast as yourself" he says and quickly flies away from them, in the opposite direction of the party, becoming invisible as he flies behind a tree.


Raven how do you rule spell effects works when the target isn't aware it has been targeted by a spell? If i were to cast confusion from hiding and one of them saved, would it know it had been targeted by a spell?

Raven how do you rule spell effects works when the target isn't aware it has been targeted by a spell? If i were to cast confusion from hiding and one of them saved, would it know it had been targeted by a spell?

OOC if a person is forced to make a saving throw they will realise that something has happend although someone of below average INT or with limted contact with magic may not work out what has happend

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

Zarrosh holds his breath, intense for the fight to come...

Ungorralin waits for the group to pass, then silently sneaks out following the, awaiting for the righht time to strike. Stealth 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (14) + 19 = 33

it looks like that no-one will attack until the ogre and oni are 80ft (charge range)away from the party

at 100ft away
the Oni seems to see something (looking at zarrosh's direction!)
he yells danger and disappears

suprise has been ruined so we will go to iniative (i will send a battle map)


Ungorralin, 21
Gharzarana 20
Sherren 18


Zarroshduvar, 14
Herensuge, 13
Aurion 13

Ogres 9

ungorr, gharz and sherren can act in any order
then the oni acts
then the other pcs act in any order then the ogres

Ungorralin will stay in humanoid form for now, and he will take a stealth move to try to sneak up on the ogres. Stealth 1d20 + 19 - 10 ⇒ (4) + 19 - 10 = 13 He won't attack until the rest of the group engages them in melee, then he will aim for flanks whenever possible.

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8

When you say disappear, has he cast a spell ? If so spellcraft to find out what spell he used. 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

By the way, we all have blindsense do we not ? So those close enough will be able to locate the Oni if he is invisble

M Young Brass dragon Conjurer 8
Raven34 wrote:

it looks like that no-one will attack until the ogre and oni are 80ft (charge range)away from the party

at 100ft away
the Oni seems to see something (looking at zarrosh's direction!)
he yells danger and disappears

suprise has been ruined so we will go to iniative (i will send a battle map)

Nyrsildur tried to create a diversion and get them to follow him into the woods. Didn't they react to that?

Herensuge wrote:

When you say disappear, has he cast a spell ? If so spellcraft to find out what spell he used. 1d20+13

By the way, we all have blindsense do we not ? So those close enough will be able to locate the Oni if he is invisble

OOC he did not use a spell (just an innate ability) and i think you need to be within 60ft to use blindsense, at the moment none of you are within 60ft

Gharzarana wrote:
Raven34 wrote:

it looks like that no-one will attack until the ogre and oni are 80ft (charge range)away from the party

at 100ft away
the Oni seems to see something (looking at zarrosh's direction!)
he yells danger and disappears

suprise has been ruined so we will go to iniative (i will send a battle map)

Nyrsildur tried to create a diversion and get them to follow him into the woods. Didn't they react to that?

OOC sorry i did post something, then it got lost!

the ogres seemed to want to follow Nyr but the oni kept them in order and told them to continue with him (you could work this out from seeing an ogre starting after nyr and then being yelled at by the oni)

M Young Brass dragon Conjurer 8

Gharzarana cast web in the area he last saw all three of them

Gharzarana wrote:
Gharzarana cast web in the area he last saw all three of them

OOC sorry to be a pain but a web wont work because your webs "must be anchored to two or more solid and diametrically opposed points or else the web collapses upon itself and disappears".

you can do something else

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

OOC: I think Shaya said, a few post up, to DMPC her?

Zarroshduvar wrote:
OOC: I think Shaya said, a few post up, to DMPC her?

Correct, but we are waiting on Gharza to go.

i will leave shaya and Gharz to post when they can (they are on delay until the end of the round at which point i will choose an action for them)

the pcs in the woods blindsense kicks in when the oni moves to within 60ft you sense him stop

the other pc's are up
the oni is
L33 L34
M33 M34

(if you attack please include a 50percent miss chance unless you cast a see invis or something like that)

Male Sliver Dragon Silver Dragon/Cleric lvl 8

Herensuge cast invisibility purge. Within 40 foot of him, all invisibility is negated for the next 8 minutes. So that would make the Oni visible.

Ungorralin wrote:
Ungorralin will stay in humanoid form for now, and he will take a stealth move to try to sneak up on the ogres. Stealth 1d20+19-10 He won't attack until the rest of the group engages them in melee, then he will aim for flanks whenever possible.

Ungorallin starts to move towards the group...

M Gold Dragon Barbarian 8

With a roar Zarrosh charges out of the tree line, his golden mane billowing in the wind as he closes in on the suddenly visible Oni. He tightens muscles and brings his great sword down at the monster before it has a chance to react.

Atk & dmg: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 352d6 + 15 + 1 ⇒ (1, 1) + 15 + 1 = 18

M Young Brass dragon Conjurer 8

my computer godt picked up for service, so i can only post from work. You can dmpc Gharz if i slow the action down

Nyrsildur cast sleep on the group, while Gharz starts chanting casting protection from evil on Aurion

Nyrsildur puts ogre 1 to sleep
Aurion is prot eviled
Zarrosh hits the oni
the oni gets an AOO on Zarosh doing 23 damage
Aurion charges the oni also hitting it, but it is still standing
the oni AOO aurion too but misses him (thanks to prot evil!)

sherren starts casting summon nat ally 4

ogre 2 starts running back to the village!

round 2 please look at the map and decide action

iniative (they have changed due to delay actions)

Ungorralin, 21


Zarroshduvar, 14
Herensuge, 13
Aurion 13
Gharzarana 12
Sherren 12

Ogres 9

so it ungorr then the oni, then the rest of the pc's in any order
then ogres

Ungorallin, seeing the ogre running to the village for help, alter his course and breaks into a run to intercept the ogre. Run to directly in front of the ogre Cell AV34, if possible.

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