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I am working on my concept for my character. He is a freed slave in Qadira tht was freed by raiders. He was young enough to be taken in and 'trained' as a barbarian. Then he was found by a 'Missionary' of sorts and tutored on other ways of self-enlightment. I am starting as NN and first level being Barbarian. At second level, I would be converted to LN and begin his trek in Monk levels.
I am making sure that this path I want to take is within the reules of society play.

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I am working on my concept for my character. He is a freed slave in Qadira tht was freed by raiders. He was young enough to be taken in and 'trained' as a barbarian. Then he was found by a 'Missionary' of sorts and tutored on other ways of self-enlightment. I am starting as NN and first level being Barbarian. At second level, I would be converted to LN and begin his trek in Monk levels.
I am making sure that this path I want to take is within the reules of society play.
There is nothing about what you plan to do that is currently illegal according to the organized play rules.
Might I suggest the name Jubna Panir?

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uncleden wrote:Maybe, if I knew the translation. But I am going for Li Kiu 'The Black Whirlwind' from the 1500's chinese folktale of a raging hero :)
Might I suggest the name Jubna Panir?
To fit the Qadiran background the name is Cheese Cheese in Arabic and then Persian according to google. :)

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Barbarian Alignment: any non-lawful
Monk Alignment: any lawful
Are you allowed to change alignments between levels (for the purpose of a multiclass combo)? If so, what affect (if any) does being lawful have on previous Barbarian abilities?
There must be a reason for these alignment restrictions, quite possibly to deliberately keep these classes apart, either for roleplaying reasons (Barbarians represent chaotic fury, Monks represent inner self-control), or to prevent things like Barbarian Rage from stacking with Flurry of Blows or some other power-combo?
Would a Barbarian/Monk character be Pathfinder Society legal? I'm inclined to think not :-/

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Pathfinder RPG Reference Document wrote:Barbarian Alignment: any non-lawful
Monk Alignment: any lawfulAre you allowed to change alignments between levels (for the purpose of a multiclass combo)? If so, what affect (if any) does being lawful have on previous Barbarian abilities?
There must be a reason for these alignment restrictions, quite possibly to deliberately keep these classes apart, either for roleplaying reasons (Barbarians represent chaotic fury, Monks represent inner self-control), or to prevent things like Barbarian Rage from stacking with Flurry of Blows or some other power-combo?
Would a Barbarian/Monk character be Pathfinder Society legal? I'm inclined to think not :-/
I believe, based on comments by Josh (Don't quote me on this if I'm wrong) that changing alignment in the Society is allowed, but it requires the full-price version of Atonement, same as if you're a Paladin or Cleric who screwed up and annoyed your god. So Barbarian/Monk is perfectly legal, but quite expensive and it's probably not going to be possible before you've hit third level.

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There must be a reason for these alignment restrictions, quite possibly to deliberately keep these classes apart, either for roleplaying reasons (Barbarians represent chaotic fury, Monks represent inner self-control), or to prevent things like Barbarian Rage from stacking with Flurry of Blows or some other power-combo?
You know, I also vaguely recall someone discussing that during the development of 3rd Edition, the concept of multi-classing any class with any other class and everything stacks, was kind of new and somewhat untested, which is one reason the alignment restrictions exist to keep Barbarian and Monk apart. But in hindsight, Barbarian/Monks wouldn't break the game, as the combo isn't that overpowering compared to other combat builds, and there are other means of combining the equivalent of Rage with Flurry of Blows (feats, spells, items etc). So to sum it up, they were being overly cautious.
Now, I can't remember where I heard this opinion, whether it was here on the Paizo boards or someone's blog, though it might have been discussions with Jason about the newly released Pathfinder RPG at GenConOz, particularly as my most-played class at the time was a Monk, and I had made the mistake of trying a Barbarian/Monk build myself in Living Greyhawk and was pulled up and corrected for exactly this reason. If it was Jason, I think he said they considered relaxing/removing the alignment restrictions in Pathfinder RPG, but decided to retain them for class flavour (chaotic fury vs inner self-control) mentioned previously. I hope my memory serves me correctly, as it wouldn't be the first time I've misquoted Jason ...

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An ex-monk loses none of his class abilities upon becoming non-lawful. The Core Rulebook doesn't mention anything about ex-barbarians, though. Whether they keep their class abilities after becoming lawful could be debated, but I would say no based on the concept of the class. Furthermore, the Rage class ability could not stack with Flurry of Blows because it prevents the barbarian from performing any action which requires concentration or patience, which is pretty much all monk abilities.

Joshua J. Frost |

In the RAW, the barbarian no longer has an ex-barbarian entry. I do have some concerns about folks (specifically in an org play environment) just willy-nilly changing their alignment, but I'm not sure if those concerns warrant me doing anything about them.
I will warn the OP, however, that the line in the rage that says you can't use any ability that requires patience or concentration is open to interpretation by any GM you sit down with. So you could eventually be a Barbarian 1/Monk 7 who needs to use wholeness of body while raging to survive and the GM could feasibly say, "You can't use wholeness of body while raging." which could necessarily mean character death. I'm not going to go through the entire core classes section and list every ability that, in my opinion, requires patience and concentration, but keep in mind you're leaving your entire concept pretty much open to interpretation by any GM you play with.

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Case in point to Josh's argument is that I don't fully agree with Yoda... but both are RAW answers. If you're doing this for flavor reasons more power to you, but I do believe some DMs will question how much concentration some of the monk abilities require.
P.S. I'd allow Flurry, but I think alot of the other abilities like Wholeness of Body, any of the SP, Stunning Fist, etc. require concentration in my opinion.

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Alizor wrote:Case in point to Josh's argument is that I don't fully agree with Yoda... but both are RAW answers.Yeah, but my answer is right.
How so? Does his body suddenly lose the musculature and training needed to move faster than others? The awareness needed to dodge and absorb blows that would fell others? You might have a case on Rage, but there's more to a Barbarian than just that. Furthermore, the RAW has nothing to say about barbarian alignment beyond the fact that you can't be Lawful to take a level in the class. In a home game I would probably agree with you and houserule that the barbarian loses their Rage abilities, but that's not what the book says.

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yoda8myhead wrote:How so?Alizor wrote:Case in point to Josh's argument is that I don't fully agree with Yoda... but both are RAW answers.Yeah, but my answer is right.
Er... because? I don't think my answer is right. I was kidding. Stupid internet and its lack of translation of tone of voice over long wires through an infinite series of ones and zeroes. When is Al Gore inventing Sending Stones already?

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Chris Kenney wrote:Er... because? I don't think my answer is right. I was kidding. Stupid internet and its lack of translation of tone of voice over long wires through an infinite series of ones and zeroes. When is Al Gore inventing Sending Stones already?yoda8myhead wrote:How so?Alizor wrote:Case in point to Josh's argument is that I don't fully agree with Yoda... but both are RAW answers.Yeah, but my answer is right.
Al Gore is an ancient? Dude, that explains everything!

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Just for clarification, this is mostly for roleplaying flavor. If you read my story (not yet complete) it tells the tale of a child abducted and made a slave and pack mule in the desert. He was saved by raiders and learned to channel his inner rage and thus became a Barbarian.
I am also placing more backstory into him finding a monk that sees an inner spark in him (thus I took the sacred touch trait, but not going to fully use it till second level) and have his conversion be throughout his first level of Barbarian.
My rationalization of this is him working through his inner rage and learning even more focus. Granted I did think about Raging Flurry of Blows (I would have called it my Iron Whirlwind Technique), and if it wasn't allowed I would use a feat slot in a home game as a 'technique' for the flavor, but since I can no longer rise in Barb levels, that is 5 rounds of Rage per day, that is it. No powers, no other special abilities. and a +2 to hit/damage for 5 rounds, well, its not really all that earth-shaking.
It looks like there will be no 'Official' word on this, as its left to the GMs discression, I will make sure to discuss my concept and classes before each game, dont want unecesary surprises. :) And with that, I think this forumn is done.
Unless of course you want to add a feat for monks to use Barb..... ahhh forget it :)
PS: thanks for the comments
PPS: its not about min/maxing the Barbarian and Monk together... as a real life martial artist, this one is more about ROLE play, even though I did mix/max with stats a bit :) this actually will lead to another post ...