Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber


apologies if i've missed something obvious, but have any of the pathfinder bbegs been a dragon?

if not, one should be soon. :-)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I don't know about BBEG's but there have been dragons. There's 2-3 fights with a dragon in RotRL alone. These tend to be when the party is completely rested and can go all out. Usually they need to as well to survive ;)

ps. might want to clarify your title a bit.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

CotCT spoiler:

Kazavon might be resurrected at the end if the party is slow to react. Kazavon was an ancient blue dragon in life, I'd make him a dragon lich (since you can do that now) in death.

LoF spoiler:

The last encounter in Impossible Eye is the Grand Vizier's pet red dragon. That doesn't have to be a fight, though.

Other dragons pop up, like Razorhorn, the Blue in Xin Shalast, and the Red in Fortress of the Stone Giants, but those are the only two that are the final encounters in an AP volume.

I may just be stupid but what is a BBEG?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
bcpeery wrote:
I may just be stupid but what is a BBEG?

"big bad evil guy," meaning the final enemy in a campaign.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

In Second Darkness:

The "miniboss" was a green dragon with horn attack.

Paizo Employee CEO

The Pathfinder module Blood of Dragonscar is all about fighting a big, bad dragon in the end.


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