Quitting the cancer stick, stories, advice, etc. welcome!

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The eighth anniversary of my last cigarette is in two weeks time.

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:
The eighth anniversary of my last cigarette is in two weeks time.

Good man!

Hmm, Where was this thread a week ago? Anyways, weaning myself off. Down to a couple a day or so. BT, How you doin'?

The Exchange

in the archives Solnes.

Solnes wrote:
Hmm, Where was this thread a week ago? Anyways, weaning myself off. Down to a couple a day or so. BT, How you doin'?

The e cig is helping. I haven't had any real smokes in a couple of days, but tonight is pool league so I'm sure I'll wind up having at least a couple.

I've weaned myself down to about a pack a week when I got the e cig, and I'm moving in the right direction.

I'm also doing a little aversion therapy. The partial pack that I have now are the cheapest nastiest reds I've ever smoked instead of my menthols. That seems to help also.

I hope you guys are doing well; when Diane and I tried to quit at the same time it didn't go very well. She was smart and switched to her e cig when I was working in Utah. She hasn't had a real smoke in about three months. She found the switch to the e cigs much easier than I am.

I just ran that application that processes cost. It turns out that since 2006, I've saved over $10,000 and not smoked over 25,000 cigarettes.

Evil Lincoln wrote:
I just ran that application that processes cost. It turns out that since 2006, I've saved over $10,000 and not smoked over 25,000 cigarettes.


Hang in there BT. I started using the e-cig and haven't had a real cigarette in almost 3 months. I'm using the disposable e-cigs (1 roughly equals a full pack), and they're lasting me quite a bit, roughly a week and a half or so. At this point I'm keeping one on me at all times in case I find myself hanging out with a smoker, so I can pull that out instead of bumming a real cigarette.

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cannon fodder wrote:
Hang in there BT. I started using the e-cig and haven't had a real cigarette in almost 3 months. I'm using the disposable e-cigs (1 roughly equals a full pack), and they're lasting me quite a bit, roughly a week and a half or so. At this point I'm keeping one on me at all times in case I find myself hanging out with a smoker, so I can pull that out instead of bumming a real cigarette.

Thanks man!

I think it's a pretty good crutch, and I'm confident that I'm going to beat this. It's just a matter of time and perseverance. I'm out of excuses, and I'm committed to following Diane's example of quitting. I'm going to get through this and win. It's just going to be a challenging process.

Your example of three months is encouraging. Keep up the good work!

EDIT: I think it also helps that I'm letting everyone know that I'm quitting. It helps to keep me accountable.

Liberty's Edge

I've said it before and I'll say it again...the patch was a lifesaver for me. I tried dipping and chewing instead of smoking for awhile (it worked, technically), then the gum (which was just replacing one addiction and oral fixation with another, and finally the patches. I think they helped the most because there wasn't really a period of serious cravings...with the gum, I felt that need just like I did when I smoked. With the patch, there was still the mental addiction, but the physical part wasn't there so it made it easier to cope.

IMO, YMMV, etc.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
I just ran that application that processes cost. It turns out that since 2006, I've saved over $10,000 and not smoked over 25,000 cigarettes.

First page in this thread.

One sec...

Callous Jack wrote:
Think of the saved Money!

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I've been free of cigarettes for 19 days, 4 hours, 30 minutes & 22 seconds as of this post. Vilest habit I ever picked up in life, and am thrilled to be done with it.

I know it gets hard, but it is worth it, and however you are doing it, whether it be by the patch, a pill, hypnosis, the support of friends, anger, poverty, or sheer determination....keep going, it is worth it.

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Grats to all who are quitting or attmepting to!

I quit cold turkey from 2 packs a day, in 2003. I changed my daily routine, and ate sunflower seeds to satisfy the 'oral fixation' that goes along with smoking. Hardest part was not smoking in the car. I kept a half pack of smokes in my car as a safety net, but never used them.

I was dating a gal at the time who had a 1 year old boy. I'm no longer with her, but at the time I thought it was for the long haul. I woke up one day and decided that kid wasn't gonna pick up smoking from me, and quit.

Evil Lincoln wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Think of the saved Money!


Xpltvdeleted wrote:

I've said it before and I'll say it again...the patch was a lifesaver for me. I tried dipping and chewing instead of smoking for awhile (it worked, technically), then the gum (which was just replacing one addiction and oral fixation with another, and finally the patches. I think they helped the most because there wasn't really a period of serious cravings...with the gum, I felt that need just like I did when I smoked. With the patch, there was still the mental addiction, but the physical part wasn't there so it made it easier to cope.

IMO, YMMV, etc.

I'll second this. Using the patch allowed me to separate breaking the physical habit of smoking from the chemical dependency on nicotine. That is, by the time I had weaned my way off the patch, I was more likely to get frustrated, but having a cigarette was no longer my go-to answer for that frustration.

And yeah, telling people you're quitting helps too.

Of course the simple truth is, however you manage to keep from smoking is the right way to quite smoking :)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

It hurts to stop. It has not lessened much for me, frustration is a daily thing. Every morning I wake up and the beast waits for me. Some days small, some not so much. But as yet, I have won the fight for every day. Set a target day, have a plan, break your smoking “routine”. Even something as simple as going for one at a different time can help break it.
Have no doubt, this is a beast you must to leash.
Ride prepared, plan well, or this thing will eat you.
For the folk who can simple walk away from it, Bravo!!!

Wanting to smoke in traffic will never leave you. I'm not meaning to be a bummer, but that's the reality.

Still worth it quitting. Totally worth it.

I haven't had any since Saturday, but I'm being very inconsistent.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I haven't had any since Saturday, but I'm being very inconsistent.

keep fighting, if ya can delay an hour or gnaw on a toothpick for a bit, its a victory, if only for the minute.

Scott Williams 16 wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I haven't had any since Saturday, but I'm being very inconsistent.

keep fighting, if ya can delay an hour or gnaw on a toothpick for a bit, its a victory, if only for the minute.


I'm getting more days between smokes so at least I'm consistently moving in the right direction.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Scott Williams 16 wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I haven't had any since Saturday, but I'm being very inconsistent.

keep fighting, if ya can delay an hour or gnaw on a toothpick for a bit, its a victory, if only for the minute.


I'm getting more days between smokes so at least I'm consistently moving in the right direction.

Excellent! I had to plan at the start of January for my target date in June. I smoked one less on the ride to work and one less on the trip back, after a bit, I was only having one instead of four. Then I started to wait longer and longer before I would have my one until I wasn’t having any until I was at work. It was the small steps that helped ready me for the bigger ones.

Keep at it, if you can cut your daily back by one, it’s a victory! Then you can cut back more. My coworkers call me termite or little Wayne behind my back for all the toothpicks and lollypops I munch on now, but they help!

Callous Jack wrote:
Think of the saved Money!

And if you don't want to just think about them - put a small sum, say $2 or something like that, in a can every day you haven't smoked and watch it grow.

I've never smoked - not one cigarette, but I'm currently trying to give up candy, and darn it, going cold turkey on sugar is not easy, but knowing that I'm pretty much financing a subscription to all of Paizo's book-lines except Planet Stories and the modules by doing it sure helps.

Scott Williams 16 wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Scott Williams 16 wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I haven't had any since Saturday, but I'm being very inconsistent.

keep fighting, if ya can delay an hour or gnaw on a toothpick for a bit, its a victory, if only for the minute.


I'm getting more days between smokes so at least I'm consistently moving in the right direction.

Excellent! I had to plan at the start of January for my target date in June. I smoked one less on the ride to work and one less on the trip back, after a bit, I was only having one instead of four. Then I started to wait longer and longer before I would have my one until I wasn’t having any until I was at work. It was the small steps that helped ready me for the bigger ones.

Keep at it, if you can cut your daily back by one, it’s a victory! Then you can cut back more. My coworkers call me termite or little Wayne behind my back for all the toothpicks and lollypops I munch on now, but they help!

It's a process.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Scott Williams 16 wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Scott Williams 16 wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I haven't had any since Saturday, but I'm being very inconsistent.

keep fighting, if ya can delay an hour or gnaw on a toothpick for a bit, its a victory, if only for the minute.


I'm getting more days between smokes so at least I'm consistently moving in the right direction.

Excellent! I had to plan at the start of January for my target date in June. I smoked one less on the ride to work and one less on the trip back, after a bit, I was only having one instead of four. Then I started to wait longer and longer before I would have my one until I wasn’t having any until I was at work. It was the small steps that helped ready me for the bigger ones.

Keep at it, if you can cut your daily back by one, it’s a victory! Then you can cut back more. My coworkers call me termite or little Wayne behind my back for all the toothpicks and lollypops I munch on now, but they help!
It's a process.


5 months as of last Wednesday. Haven't touched the e-cig in about 2 weeks. I can finally do a kenpo class without feeling like my lungs are about to explode.

Hope you guys are doing well. Rootin' for ya!

Scarab Sages

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Bitter Thorn wrote:
I haven't had any since Saturday, but I'm being very inconsistent.

Go BT, go! You can do it!

Last Tuesday was 7 years for me. I did it the crazy way and just went cold turkey. At the time, I was in the position to work out and/or go running every day, which helped out big time.

Here are some more reasons to stop smoking

Day 2 here. Sucks and ready to punch faces, throats, and/or genitals.

Cool thread... I need to quit again :(

I had been doing ok, but started bumming off friends and co workers. That went on for far to long until I had a month off work. I thought id be able to kick the habit while off work with no one to bum off, but instead I gave into cravings after the first week and I've been buying ever since. Grrr! Thanks for some inspiration.

I have the exact opposite problem Kip. Work makes me want to punch faces. Quitting makes me want to punch faces. When Im off my resolve is strong. Work rage is like chocolate and quitting rage is like peanut butter, and together they make a deadly tobacco Reeses Cup. I need a smoke so bad right now, Im not making any sense. But Im going to bed instead.

Yeah, a bit of extra stress was all it took to push me over the edge.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
TheWhiteknife wrote:
Day 2 here. Sucks and ready to punch faces, throats, and/or genitals.

My one year was June1. The need for inflicting harm on others doesn't go away, but it does improve over time. Keeping a toothpick in my mouth or a pen in the "ready" position of the hand helped a lot for me. Also, I have been told my battle has helped several of my coworkers quit. That and the company ban on smoking in or on company property.

Well, the thread got bumped from May, so...

How are you guys holding up?

not so great

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Evil Lincoln wrote:

Well, the thread got bumped from May, so...

How are you guys holding up?

My last cigarette was Jan. 10, 2012. I still want one every time I go to a bar (and I spend more time than I should in bars), but haven't broken down yet. The cravings don't go away, but I'm finding it easier to resist them now than in the beginning. It helps that my best friend hangs out with me in said bars and talks me down when I start making noises about wanting a smoke. Having support makes it difficult but possible rather than unachievable.

Lindisty wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:

Well, the thread got bumped from May, so...

How are you guys holding up?

My last cigarette was Jan. 10, 2012. I still want one every time I go to a bar (and I spend more time than I should in bars), but haven't broken down yet. The cravings don't go away, but I'm finding it easier to resist them now than in the beginning. It helps that my best friend hangs out with me in said bars and talks me down when I start making noises about wanting a smoke. Having support makes it difficult but possible rather than unachievable.

You go girl!!!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

? How is every one holding up? Today sucked for me but no back sliding, but I must say my trailer has a new dent. Let us keep this up so that others may have hope!

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