Cavalier's Challenge + Sprited Charge + Improved Vital Strike

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Lantern Lodge

Is my math correct for a 11th level cavalier with a size S lance:

10th level challenge = 4d6
Spirited Charge = 3d6 + dam. mod. x3
Improved Vital Strike = 2d6

TOTAL = 9d6 + dam. mod. x3

Since a lance is a x3 crit. weapon, would a confirmed critcal hit be 11d6 + dam. mod. x5 ?

Scarab Sages

Erich L wrote:

Is my math correct for a 11th level cavalier with a size S lance:

10th level challenge = 4d6
Spirited Charge = 3d6 + dam. mod. x3
Improved Vital Strike = 2d6

TOTAL = 9d6 + dam. mod. x3

Since a lance is a x3 crit. weapon, would a confirmed critcal hit be 11d6 + dam. mod. x5 ?

they changed Cavalier's challange to be +1 dam per Cavalier level, so you should be looking at +10 from that.

and yes from my understanding on a crit with a lance charging it would scale the multiplier by 2 because of the 3x on the lance

so I believe your looking at 5d6 + (dam mod x3) +30

or with a crit 7d6 + (dam mod x5) +50

Silver Crusade

Yeah, you can't use vital strike when you charge, or when you super charge, as is the case here. Even if you do, you don't mult the V. Strike damage into the crit. Yeah, it would be cool though...

Scarab Sages

N. Jolly wrote:
Yeah, you can't use vital strike when you charge, or when you super charge, as is the case here. Even if you do, you don't mult the V. Strike damage into the crit. Yeah, it would be cool though...

I thought you could use vital strike when you charge cause you can use it during an attack action, figured the use of charge action had an attack action inside of it and was simply a combo of the attack and move actions.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Telrathel wrote:
I thought you could use vital strike when you charge cause you can use it during an attack action, figured the use of charge action had an attack action inside of it and was simply a combo of the attack and move actions.

Nope. A charge is a special kind of full-round action. VS, IVS, & GVS all require an "attack action" which, it has been stated by Jason, is a type of standard action. Since you can't use a full-round action in the same round you use a standard action, you can't use a charge with a VS.


Scarab Sages

Skeld wrote:
Telrathel wrote:
I thought you could use vital strike when you charge cause you can use it during an attack action, figured the use of charge action had an attack action inside of it and was simply a combo of the attack and move actions.

Nope. A charge is a special kind of full-round action. VS, IVS, & GVS all require an "attack action" which, it has been stated by Jason, is a type of standard action. Since you can't use a full-round action in the same round you use a standard action, you can't use a charge with a VS.


oh well, vital strike really wasn't adding all that much anyway so meh.

Skeld wrote:
Telrathel wrote:
I thought you could use vital strike when you charge cause you can use it during an attack action, figured the use of charge action had an attack action inside of it and was simply a combo of the attack and move actions.

Nope. A charge is a special kind of full-round action. VS, IVS, & GVS all require an "attack action" which, it has been stated by Jason, is a type of standard action. Since you can't use a full-round action in the same round you use a standard action, you can't use a charge with a VS.


This opens up a bizarre scenario where if you are staggered, you can charge and use Vital Strike.

"If you are able to take only a standard action on your turn, you can still charge, but you are only allowed to move up to your speed (instead of up to double your speed) and you cannot draw a weapon unless you possess the Quick Draw feat. You can't use this option unless you are restricted to taking only a standard action on your turn."

When someone concludes that a charge is not an "attack action", that's probably a good sign that things need to be re-evaluated, IMHO.

Though would VS work if you were on foot doing a charge if so then its possible to then add another 2d6 if you have Rhino Hide magic armor on.

ok I need to corect myself.

Rhino Hide
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot armor; Price 5,165 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
This +2 hide armor is made from rhinoceros hide. In addition
to granting a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, it has a –1 armor
check penalty and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on
any successful charge attack made by the wearer, including a
mounted charge.

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