Recruiting to refill empty spots for Earthdawn 3e PbP

Gamer Connection

If you played in the past, or were always interested, jump on in. The waters fine...well not in the Death's just Lava...And you might want to be careful in the Servos Jungle waters, and of course the T'skrang might get upset if you trespass on their rivers...better yet, just jump on!!!

The Airships are ready, watch out for the Crystal Raiders...

Scarab Sages

Which book(s) would I need to play?
I got rid of my 1e stuff awhile ago... but I picked up a Red Brick pdf last year. (Don't know if it's 3e or not... have only paged through it...)

The RedBrick is the 2nd edition "Classic"

The system is 90% the same, there are a few changes, mostly streamlining and adding additional character options.

Scarab Sages

Can you give me links to the current books then?
I'd pick them up if I can get into the game. :)

Any more room?

3e player's guide

Yes Xa...there's plenty of room.

Scarab Sages

How much time would I have to make a char?
If I order the book today it should get ot me by the weekend or early next week.

Just got my players guide, any guidlines on making characters?

Xabulba wrote:
Just got my players guide, any guidlines on making characters?

No guidelines per se, we have a Warrior and a Scout I believe.

fray wrote:

How much time would I have to make a char?

If I order the book today it should get ot me by the weekend or early next week.

I want to run it, I would like to have 4 players, so that's fine.

I thinking about a Windling Wizard or Illusionist or a T'skrang Swordmaster but then an Obsidimen Elementalist.

Scarab Sages

Ok, I"m in like Flynn. :)

Hey! How about me?

Izen, you hadn't posted in the game thread for a while, Please jump in!!!
[Jan 20th was the last day you posted...thought you disappeared...Also get your profile posted please Scranford.]

So yes, we also have a windling.

Obsidiman is a weaponsmith btw, had to double check.

Ok the windling idea is out.

Scarab Sages

Book ordered. :D

What's the class/race breakdown?

@Xabulba double windlings would be cool. :)

I don't want to wear the same dress to the game is all.

Human Scout
Windling Nethermancer
Obsidiman Weaponsmith.

Check out my profile for a character template and which optional rules from the player's guide we'll be using.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Is there room for one more? I've only got half the 3e books so far, but I have the 4 main RedBrick classic books.

Excellent news Txoro - well worth the re-recruit as it looks like some good interest!

I made a T'skrang Archer.

Yes, room for another Deinol/Sy

Decided on the windling wizard, working his stats now.

Here's what I got so far.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

So how do you want to work in the new players? Just pretend we were always a part of the expedition?

deinol wrote:
So how do you want to work in the new players? Just pretend we were always a part of the expedition?

Yes just re-read the starting info and jump on in, you can make a flashback post.

In my profile are the links to the Campaign Journal, the Discussion Thread and the Game Thread, jump on over there, soon as Fray is ready we can get moving again.

Scarab Sages

I can jump in when I finish. My book shipped, I should get it Thurs of Fri. :D
I don't want to hold you guys up if you want to jump on into the game.

Can't wait for this... :)

Scarab Sages

How do I find out my attribute step?
18 = ?
16 = ?

I read the pages about it but I don't understand how to get it. (p. 13, 14)

Scarab Sages

I'm making a troll swordmaster. :)

Scarab Sages

Ok, found it... pg 28. That should be in the Index or referenced in the Step text... #sigh.

I'll keep going... :)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
fray wrote:

Ok, found it... pg 28. That should be in the Index or referenced in the Step text... #sigh.

I'll keep going... :)

Sorry, I was at work so I couldn't look it up. As soon as I got home I was going to point you in the right direction.

When figuring out skills or talents you usually add the ranks in the skill or talent and add it to the step number from the attribute in question. Then you get a new set of dice to roll. Page 14 is the key to the whole system, but yeah the chart on 28 should be referenced there. It really is a nice system once you get the hang of it, but it is definitely designed way different than D&D.

deinol wrote:
fray wrote:

Ok, found it... pg 28. That should be in the Index or referenced in the Step text... #sigh.

I'll keep going... :)

Sorry, I was at work so I couldn't look it up. As soon as I got home I was going to point you in the right direction.

When figuring out skills or talents you usually add the ranks in the skill or talent and add it to the step number from the attribute in question. Then you get a new set of dice to roll. Page 14 is the key to the whole system, but yeah the chart on 28 should be referenced there. It really is a nice system once you get the hang of it, but it is definitely designed way different than D&D.

Thanks Deinol...

Yeah, the step system is a great system, better in my opinion than d20.

Who is completely unfamiliar with the system?

Scarab Sages

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
Who is completely unfamiliar with the system?


I used to have all the 1e books and read through most of them but *never* got to play. :( (Still good reads.)
Kind of remembering stuff as I am creating my charcter.

Scarab Sages

I get 8 points for Talents.
I get to choose from my First Circle talent to put points into Ranks.
I also get to choose one of my talent options to put points into, from my 8. Or do I get it automatically at 1 rank?
How important is the Karma Ritual talent?
(It seems like Karma makes the world go round and I should max Ranks into it. But then I only have 5 ranks for the other talents...)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
fray wrote:

I get 8 points for Talents.

I get to choose from my First Circle talent to put points into Ranks.
I also get to choose one of my talent options to put points into, from my 8. Or do I get it automatically at 1 rank?
How important is the Karma Ritual talent?
(It seems like Karma makes the world go round and I should max Ranks into it. But then I only have 5 ranks for the other talents...)

Certainly Karma Ritual is important, I put 2 in mine. You don't get the talent option free, you could choose not to put points into it, or put 3 ranks into it. Really just depends on how you want to specialize your character.

I think Karma Ritual is slightly more important for casters, so it just depends on what you are building really.

Scarab Sages

Is it possible to buy Talents that are not on your list?

Also can someone point me to a spot to help with troll names?
I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with a last name.

Opening recruiting again for Earthdawn, we just finished Misguided Ambitions, and the group found a mysterious star shaped magic item...

A trip to see Hiermon in Haven is coming up...Haven lies on the border of PArlainth.

Current Circle: 2.


Opening recruiting again for Earthdawn, we just finished Misguided Ambitions, and the group found a mysterious star shaped magic item...

A trip to see Hiermon in Haven is coming up...Haven lies on the border of PArlainth.

Current Circle: 2.

Still recruiting, ever thought of playing Earthdawn?

Played Earthdawn in the past? Well jump on in for one of the best games ever made, newly updated to 3rd edition...the new system clears up some old problems, gives more discipline options, and streamlines combat.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Oooh, I loved playing Earthdawn, I have the 2nd edition in the loft, I'll need to get it down. Is there anything special you want to fill out the group?

I was kinda put off by the 3rd edition bit, but if its not really changed much since 2nd, then count me really interested.

Deevor wrote:

Oooh, I loved playing Earthdawn, I have the 2nd edition in the loft, I'll need to get it down. Is there anything special you want to fill out the group?

I was kinda put off by the 3rd edition bit, but if its not really changed much since 2nd, then count me really interested.

Do you have the RedBrick Classic or the LRG second edition?

It's mostly intact...minor changes mostly, lots of stremalining like I said. Forexample, aggressive attack, you'd gain +3 to your result for your attack instead of boosting the step by 3. It's mostly to speed up combat, so you don't always have to recalculate your step.

The disciplines are mostly the same, but instead of everyone choosing the same talents based upon discipline, you have to take the normal 5, but each circle (incl 1) you can choose 1 from the Talent Options list.

As far as discplines, we lost the wizard. We have an Archer, Swordmaster and Elementalist far as I know, I keep getting confirmation everyone's playing, but the posting has been sparse, I'm trying to jumpstart it right now...

I'm going to inject a GMPC a human journeyman unless we get at least 1 more. [mostly as background...he'll be a guide to Haven for the moment.]

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

The LRG 2nd edition..

I'll have to reacquaint myself with the character creation stuff an that..

If the game is a bit iffy, I won't put much effort into creating a background story and stuff first, I'll just look at doing a basic stated up character
Thinking either an elven nethermancer or illusionist as a first try...maybe a wizrd. Just realizing how much I've forgotten...
Let me know of any preferences you might have, or restrictions.

Deevor wrote:

The LRG 2nd edition..

I'll have to reacquaint myself with the character creation stuff an that..

If the game is a bit iffy, I won't put much effort into creating a background story and stuff first, I'll just look at doing a basic stated up character
Thinking either an elven nethermancer or illusionist as a first try...maybe a wizrd. Just realizing how much I've forgotten...
Let me know of any preferences you might have, or restrictions.

OK...oh another character creation thing that changed...point buy, with eac race having its own starting stats.

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