Urizen |

Urizen wrote:I know, but inspiration; she comes, she goes.Twin Agate Dragons wrote:You got all the time in the world. Not like anything else is keeping you extremely busy. ;)Urizen wrote:TAD, are you putting all of this into an organized PDF / .docx file?One file per Chapter for now. With the art I want to comission and professional looking maps I want done, the final PDF is gonna be huge.
If anyone knows anyone that does cartography comissions, please let me know, as the best I can do right now is crude hand drawn maps. I have CC3, but it has a huge learning curve and it could take me years to master it.
That whore.

Twin Agate Dragons |

Be on the lookout for new feats! They should be up fairly shortly.
Also of note is a new kind of feat; the Magic feat. By expending spell energy you can create cantrip like abilities and a few effects that are similar to jedi powers as well as watered down spells.
These feats are now live. Fighters that take appropriate feats become more like a Swordmage from 4E Forgotten Realms.

Michael Johnson 66 |

If anyone knows anyone that does cartography comissions, please let me know, as the best I can do right now is crude hand drawn maps. I have CC3, but it has a huge learning curve and it could take me years to master it.
Have you worked through the tutorial for CC3, TAD? I know it sounds like a tedious prospect (believe me, I kicked and squirmed before finally giving in and running through the CC2 tutorial), but you might be surprised at how quickly you can master the program. I don't have CC3, so I could be completely wrong, but if it isn't alot more complicated than CC2, I'd bet you could gain the CC3 Proficiency feat quicker than you might think! ;)

Twin Agate Dragons |

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:If anyone knows anyone that does cartography comissions, please let me know, as the best I can do right now is crude hand drawn maps. I have CC3, but it has a huge learning curve and it could take me years to master it.Have you worked through the tutorial for CC3, TAD? I know it sounds like a tedious prospect (believe me, I kicked and squirmed before finally giving in and running through the CC2 tutorial), but you might be surprised at how quickly you can master the program. I don't have CC3, so I could be completely wrong, but if it isn't alot more complicated than CC2, I'd bet you could gain the CC3 Proficiency feat quicker than you might think! ;)
Twice. And both times I failed epically. What it comes down to is this; a hand drawn map, then scanned, then colorized using Win7 MS Paint and finally importing the map into Word to add text. I've already started this process for Lasarnagliu (Sarunia's world-moon). Here's my progress so far.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Twin Agate Dragons wrote:If anyone knows anyone that does cartography comissions, please let me know, as the best I can do right now is crude hand drawn maps. I have CC3, but it has a huge learning curve and it could take me years to master it.Have you worked through the tutorial for CC3, TAD? I know it sounds like a tedious prospect (believe me, I kicked and squirmed before finally giving in and running through the CC2 tutorial), but you might be surprised at how quickly you can master the program. I don't have CC3, so I could be completely wrong, but if it isn't alot more complicated than CC2, I'd bet you could gain the CC3 Proficiency feat quicker than you might think! ;)Twice. And both times I failed epically. What it comes down to is this; a hand drawn map, then scanned, then colorized using Win7 MS Paint and finally importing the map into Word to add text. I've already started this process for Lasarnagliu (Sarunia's world-moon). Here's my progress so far.
Looks good, bud. The borders between land and sea obviously will need some touching up, which might be a laborious task, but that's pretty much what I had to do for my Eukay map. It's worth the effort to have a nice-looking map. MS Paint should even have text capabilities with a nice selection of fonts, so you won't have to import into Word to add the text.

Twin Agate Dragons |

So it seems my conceptual image of the Sarunia druid has split into not two, but three separate concepts. At some point my concept of the world based druid bifurcated into an animal based one. The third one is an elemental concept which needs just a little bit of a power up.

Freehold DM |

So why modify the classes and such so much?
I mean, seems you really don't like magic.
Don't get me wrong, you did an AMAZING job. I really love all your stuff.
May even use some of your feats for my games, that is if they're balanced for Core Pathfinder.
I don't know if I can speak for TAD, but from my point of view, homebrewers tend to want to put either a signature on a particular class or make some subtle alteration so that they work either as they feel they always should have or to fill a set role in their world. I'm going through that now with the Paladin, perhaps the most homebrewed/house ruled class ever next to the Wizard.

Twin Agate Dragons |

So why modify the classes and such so much? I mean, seems you really don't like magic.
The world is unlike most other standard fantasy worlds, where magic has passed it's prime. In the current state of affairs, Sarunia is at the height of arcane power. Spellcasters use spell energy to apply metamagic effects and peruse orisons/cantrips and this spell energy can be mainpulated by anyone that has the aptitude for it. Pathfinder core just doesn't take the rules for enough for campaigns with heightened magical might, so it is up to me to provide those rules and make the modifications necessary to provides that feel. As a side effect of these modifications, I've recently noticed that Sarunia has more of an oriental feel to than I originally set out for, but in all actuality I'm loving it and running with it.
Ah, okay, I have an itchy question though. I really desire to know why he modified toughness from 3->4 + 1->2
I made this change due the high mortality rate of low level characters. In addition to this change, 1st level characters start with an amount of HP equal to their CON score + max hd. A character with a 20 CON at 1st level could end up having 34-36 hp at 1st level.

Twin Agate Dragons |

The zealot class is now live on scribd, and should soon be up at the pathfinder database.

Twin Agate Dragons |

New material up at the Database.
General Feats
Academy Graduate
Destiny's Child
Fate's Embrace
Fortune's Favor
No Fate But What I Make
Secondary Study
Skill Expertise
Tertiary Study
Prestige Class

Twin Agate Dragons |

I can't believe that I forgot to mention that my Arcanum Avatar paragon path went live some time ago.

Twin Agate Dragons |

I've created a new Facebook group for Sarunia. If you want to be a member let me know, and I'll add you to it. Facebook groups require creators of them to add people to hem without invitation and I realize that may rub against the grain, thus this invitation.

Twin Agate Dragons |

The Wildling race, Unrestrained base class and Extra Quintessence feat are now live on the Pathfinder Database!

Twin Agate Dragons |

For anyone following my work I'd like to give notice that I have an open group on Facebook, various threads at The Piazza and even started a blog last night.

Twin Agate Dragons |

Fate Weavers are now live on the Pathfinder Database & on The Grand OGL Wiki. You can nab the PDF here.
Fate Weaver feats:
Arcana Feats
- Arcana Orison
- Arcana Sinkhole
- Distant Arcana
- Extra Minor Arcana
- Fascinating Arcana
- Frightening Arcana
- Greater Hex Arcana
- Hex Arcana
- Lasting Arcana
General Feats:
- Blind Seer
- Cheiromancy
- Perform A Reading
- Second Sight
- Shared Destiny

Twin Agate Dragons |

The animist base class is now live on the Pathfinder Database and the PDF is now up on Scribd.

Twin Agate Dragons |

The astereman, a half-minotaur player race, is now live of the Pathfinder Database and Scribd.